Full server counterattack

Chapter 535 How about you come to play too

Chapter 535 How about you come to play too
Both are people with artifacts.

At present, Shen An'an's blood bar is much higher than that of Yingxiao Kyushu.

The current situation is that Eagle Roar Kyushu has been attacking.It must have been red-eyed.Get tough.

But it seems that this ruthlessness is of little use.

Because Shen An'an's movement speed is more than one or two grades higher than that of Ying Xiao Jiuzhou, his hands are as fast as lightning, and he taps on the keyboard, but since there are only two people, the way Shen An'an has adopted is to hide all the time. There is no frontal attack on Eagle Howling Kyushu.

At the beginning, Lu Xici was still puzzled, why didn't he just beat him to death?Later, she gradually saw the way.Is this Shen An'an trying to test the strength and methods of Yingxiao Kyushu?

Once she is familiar with it, she will launch an attack immediately.

At this moment, she is preparing for the next counterattack.

It was quite exciting to see Luxi Temple!
The counterattack is about to begin.

At the last moment, Shen An'an said to Lu Xici beside her.

"You look at the screen for a while, how did I kill Yingxiao Jiuzhou without losing more than half of my blood?"

Lu Xici stared at the screen in front of her and didn't dare to blink her eyes, for fear that she would miss a very exciting scene in the blink of an eye.

Shen An'an ran to a position that was conducive to his counterattack.

Seeing that Yingxiao Kyushu hadn't arrived in front of him, but at this time the skills were already in front of his eyes, because he was already familiar with the rules of his skills, and Shen Anan already knew that he was using small skills at this time.Then even if you take it head-on, you won't lose much blood.

So she chose to resist this wave of damage abruptly.

Wait until the Eagle Roars Kyushu arrives in front of him.He started to use the trap he set up against him, and started to attack him around him.The continuous attacks made it impossible for the opponent to escape her mode.

There was a frantic bombardment between the two.Those who looked at Lu Xi Temple were dumbfounded.

A real master trick.Looking at the Luxi Temple, the blood is boiling.

Like Eagles Roaring in Kyushu and Bai Yue Lin Lang.Especially that Yuchi Yufei's should be tidied up properly.

You said that if you want to play a game, you can just play a good game, and you have to do so many things.There is no problem with the occasional small fights.But recently, looking at the whole server, it is a life of chicken and dog jumping.

Most people complained.

Today's battle not only dampened the opponent's arrogance, but also gave a sigh of relief for many people.

Shen An'an put the final big move at the end, the final fatal blow.Suppress Ying Xiao Kyushu to the ground, and there is no chance of turning over.

"Wow! Yingxiao Jiuzhou is dead, we won." Lu Xici was so excited that he fought.

Not only is she happy!

The world is also boiling.

[World] [Dream Back to Fengyue] It's amazing, Gu Yu Ze'an defeated Ying Xiao Kyushu.

[World] [Seven Points Rogue Qi] Well done, it is worthy of being the number one in our service.

[World] [Moonlight Without Fragrance] How arrogant are people who look at scientific lunatics now.

[World] [Jinse Liuguang] The boss is awesome.

[World] [Aunt Meng Mian] Qingcheng is invincible.

As soon as Aunt Mengmian swipe Qingcheng Invincible, many people consciously follow suit.

The long list goes on and on.

"Qingcheng? Do you really miss those days?"

"Otherwise, you can also come to play with us! Anyway, as long as you come, I think Jian Luo's first place will soon be lost."

Shen An'an shook her head.

(End of this chapter)

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