Chapter 536

"I won't play anymore. I'm really happy to see you two are so happy now. Jian Luo is very good."

"Then why didn't you like Jian Luo back then?"

Impulsively, Lu Xici asked the question out.She thought Shen An'an would be unhappy, but who knew she laughed instead.

"If I were with Jian Luo back then, you wouldn't have a chance. Jian Luo is just suitable for me to be friends. Without experiencing some people and some stories, how can I know who is the most suitable one for me? "

"Then you and Ji Mo."

Ji Mo!Shen An'an thought about it.

"He is the life I want the most. He took bullets for me. When I saw him disappear from my life, I realized what it was like to have no heart. It was the ultimate pain of love. It’s a pain in the ass to think about now and in the future.”

Lu Xici knew that several of them had vigorous youthful years in their past.There is no participation of Lucy Temple.

It may also be the saddest day for Jian Luo.Without her comfort.

When Jian Luo came back after finishing his work, he saw two people playing games happily. The key point is that Shen An'an also directly helped him clean up the scientific lunatics.

"Amazing! It seems that the strength has not declined, or when will we be singled out."

"I don't want to fight you one-on-one. You have already found the person who can fight you one-on-one. As for the game, I am now in a semi-abandoned state. I enjoy the fun of real life more now."

"Those who didn't know thought you were going to become a monk."

"I'm an ordinary person. I'm from a family. I want to talk about love. Living with grains, wine and meat is my goal now."

When will Lu Xi Temple be as powerful as her.

Under Shen An'an's targeted guidance, and personally demonstrated PK with Jian Luo.Then let Lu Xici go to PK by himself, get familiar with the moves and methods, and then talk about some points that need attention.

God!It really feels a lot scarier than studying than doing a lot of scary papers.

"You'd better tell her less. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a disadvantage for me to be fooled in a while?"

Lu Xici gave Jian Luo a blank look.

At this time, Jian Luo proposed.

"Why don't we go out for a meal together later. There's nothing to be grateful for."

Hearing what he said, Shen An'an looked at the time.

Slightly sorry to say.

"Dinner! I'm afraid it will be inconvenient tonight. I have an appointment with Xiao Wei and Hao Qiangzhuang for a while. Maybe I will treat you when I return to City C next time."

Jane Luo nodded.

Before leaving, Luxi Temple was still a little reluctant.

Because Shen An'an himself is really kind.

Even when they got downstairs to the apartment building, Lu Xi Temple still praised it.

"If I were a man, I would also like a woman like Shen An'an. Perfect!"

"So, do I now have an extra love rival?"

Wait until Lucy Temple and Jian Luo returned to the apartment.

As soon as they opened the door, the two of them saw Gu Han who was lying on the ground and still sleeping soundly.

"Why did it still sleep on the ground?"

Lu Xi Temple walked up to Gu Han, reached out and patted Gu Han.

"Gu Han. Wake up. Wake up. Why did you fall asleep here?"

It was called by Luxi Temple.There was also a little reaction.

Gu Han opened his eyes, a little innocent.

"Hey! Why did I sleep on the floor, didn't I fall asleep on the sofa?"

Lu Xici didn't bother to care about him, so he ran into the house to play with Gu Yin.

All he knew was that Gu Yin was playing games in the house.When she was at Shen An'an's place before, she saw the online.

 (This book will end in more than ten days! So, An An will release a new book tomorrow! It is also an online game type. You can go and read it if you like it. If you don’t like it, it doesn’t matter. Just click to exit Success. Haha! If you want to watch it, you can wait until tomorrow night to search, it may not come out so soon during the day. Thanks again for your support, meme!)
(End of this chapter)

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