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Chapter 542 Gu Yin Gone

Chapter 542 Gu Yin Gone
After one day of rest after returning home, Luxi Temple really needs to work hard.Work hard to carve out your own space.

When they arrived in City C, Jian Luo was waiting for them at the airport.Excited, Lu Xici ran forward and hugged Jian Luo.Gu Han turned his head and looked around.There was no sign of another person.

After letting go of Jian Luo, Lu Xici also searched with his eyes.

"Where's Gu Yin? Didn't you tell you to bring her here too! Didn't you forget to tell her that we're coming back today. It's weird, I've called her for several days, but no one answered."

Lu Xici stood there complaining about Gu Yin, while Jian Luo walked in front of Gu Han alone.

"Gu Yin asked me to tell you that she has left."

Lu Xici frowned and looked at him.

"What? Gu Yin is gone, what do you mean by that?"

Gu Han asked directly.

"When did you leave?"

"It should not be in City C now."

Gu Han dropped his luggage and ran outside.

Lu Xici didn't react for a long time to everything that happened in front of him.

"No, Gu Yin is gone? What's the matter?"

"Get in the car first! I'll tell you slowly."

Lu Xici pushed the suitcase, while Jian Luo carried Gu Han's luggage. After getting into the car, she was eager to know about Gu Yin.

"Tell me quickly! Don't be a fool."

On the way home, Jian Luo told Lu Xici everything about Gu Yin.

"So you just help her to hide it from us. Jian Luo, where is your Gu Yin now!"

Jian Luo is not very clear about this.

Gu Yin didn't want to tell Lu Xici that he wanted to leave, so how could they tell himself.

"She said that she will contact you when she settles down. Maybe she just wants to do what she wants. Don't worry."

"It's not something I don't worry about. Gu Yin and I have known each other for so long, she has never been like this before, did you say why you want to leave, or will you never come back? Gu Han? Or About the child?"

Jian Luo was also a little overwhelmed by being questioned by Lu Xici.

"That, me."

"You, you, you, this matter is all your fault. Really, Gu Yin is mentally retarded, are you also mentally retarded?"

It's no wonder that Jian Luo was said to be worthless afterwards.

Anyway, I was ready before coming.

I knew that I would be given a harsh reprimand by Lu Xici.

"These things have already happened now. Even if you don't want to think about it, there is nothing you can do. Gu Yin has already left, and it is obvious that I don't want to tell you two. So what can I do now? It's not just like this. Gu Yin must have left City C by now. You can't find her."

Lu Xici then looked ahead without saying a word.

Now thinking about those previous actions, Gu Yin was a little strange.But she only thought it was the other party's occasional temper, so she didn't take care of it too much, thinking about it now.Everything is premeditated!Maybe the last time she went to Lu Xici and the others was to say goodbye.

"Gu Yin left so suddenly, I don't know how sad Gu Han must be at this moment."

"Don't worry! He should not be as fragile as we thought."

Later, while waiting for work, Lu Xici looked at Gu Han's empty seat.

Why!Haven't shown up for several days.This person doesn't know what's going on now.

He didn't answer Lu Xici's call either.

It seems that Gu Yin's departure hit him hard.

(End of this chapter)

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