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Chapter 543 Went to another group

Chapter 543 Went to another group

Knowing the news of Gu Yin's departure from the day he came back, Gu Han seemed to be a different person, bored at home and not going to work.

He went to Gu Yin's house and waited for her for a long time, thinking that she was just lying to him, or just made a joke, and he might jump out at any time.

But then he figured it out.

Gu Yin's departure was just a word to Jian Luo at the very beginning, and then it was gone.

She didn't even tell her best friend Lu Xici.

I'm afraid I really made up my mind to leave.

But Gu Han hadn't figured out whether Gu Yin's departure was because of him.

After being decadent for several days in a row, Gu Han who opened his eyes one morning went to work neatly packed.

When Lu Xici walked to the gate of the company while eating milk and bread, he saw someone not far away.

He almost lost his grip on the bread, and looked in surprise at the people who were getting closer and closer to him.

"Gu Guhan?"

Gu Han looked at her and smiled.

"Why, isn't it because I haven't seen you for a few days, so you don't know me? Let's go! Go to work."

This, dressed so neatly.Also got the hair up.Xiaoxianrou has transformed, right?

I learned that Lu Xici and Gu Han were going to Group A.

Hua Fairy was crying bitterly!

He also sang a farewell song for them affectionately.To express my dismay.

"I didn't expect you two to really go to Group A together. When you become successful in the future, don't forget that I am here. The distance is not very far, just upstairs and downstairs. When you have nothing to do, remember to join us." Doors or something! If you can bring me to any event, take me with you."

Both Lu Xici and Gu Han were amused by the flower fairy.

"Didn't you just say that it's the distance between upstairs and downstairs? There's still so much time to meet in the future, we can still have dinner and play together!"

Just like what Jian Luo said at the beginning.

When Zhang Ziwei came back, she didn't know whether she was thick-skinned or reluctant to be here. After returning, she quickly handed over the work to Xu Wentian and took over the B team.Xu Wentian was transferred to another department.Flower Fairy inevitably roared again.

"I really can't live anymore! That woman came to take over Group B, as if she has seen her own bleak future."

Lu Xici passed in front of Hua Fairy with the things, and reached out to pat her on the shoulder.

"Come on! Girl! Beautiful days are waiting for you ahead."

Ok?It was Gu Han's turn and walked up to Hua Fairy.

Originally wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, patted his shoulder and said his best to leave with Lu Xici.

When two people were standing in the elevator.

Gu Han opened his mouth and spoke to Lu Xi Temple.

"If, I mean, if Gu Yin contacts you, please tell her. I won't be sad, and she shouldn't have any burden."

Lu Xici turned to look at Gu Han beside him, and found that there was a trace of sadness between his brows since Gu Yin left.

"Gu Han, man! Sometimes you can't force yourself if you don't love, but a good person like you will definitely not have a bad girl. Some people come into our lives just for a while, after all, you don't Know who is the next person to stay. Forget about Gu Yin!"

The elevator just arrived at the floor where Group A was located at this time, Gu Han didn't answer the previous question and walked out with his things in his arms.

It was Qu Ling who stood at the elevator door to meet them.

(End of this chapter)

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