Full server counterattack

Chapter 546 Pretend not to see

Chapter 546 Pretend not to see

"I'm sorry, I just pushed the door open and came in subconsciously, or I went out and knocked again."

Lu Xici turned to look at the people standing there.

"Jian Luo, I think you've been a little active recently!"

Someone raised his eyebrows and sat next to Luxi Temple.

Casual answer.

"Aren't you also releasing your nature very well recently?"

When talking about this, Jian Luo looked at the computer she put aside.

"Is this what you call work?"

"Of course it's work! Look at me, I haven't even turned on the computer, you can't wrong me at this time!"

Just when Lu Xici finished speaking, the computer screen placed there suddenly lit up.

Lu Xici's expression froze there instantly?

It turned out that when she was in a hurry, she pressed a few times indiscriminately, and she didn't know which button she touched.Then the computer goes black.And Jiang Hanxue, who agreed to take the video, was still waiting for her foolishly.

Seeing that she has not been online for a long time.Then I returned to the game and sent her a message.

Then as soon as the message came in, the screen lit up.

And she still thought she was turned off.

"Wow! Your job is really good."

Jian Luo got up and went directly to Lu Xi Temple to pick up her computer.Saw the above message.

[Secret chat] [Hanjiangxue] Small temple, small temple, call Luxi temple.Where did you go in the promised video?

Jian Luo conveniently returned one to her.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] She is not free now.

[Secret chat] [Han Jiangxue] What does it mean that she is not free now?
[Secret chat] [Han Jiangxue] Wow!God?goodbye.

Jiang Hanxue slipped away.

Traitor, bad friend.

Lu Xici looked at Jiang Hanxue's reply.

Put away the computer.Jian Luo stretched out his hand towards Lu Xi Temple.

"What! I have no money."

Jian Luo flicked Lu Xici's forehead directly.

"What I want is your plan, what money is not money."

Forehead!It turned out to be a plan.

The Luxi Temple was placed next to it, so I picked it up and gave it to him.

"What? What are you going to do?"

"Fit faults."

Looking at the plan of Lu Xi Temple, he picked up the pen on the table.Pulled over the chair.Sitting there, I began to seriously change the plan for her.

Lu Xici was shocked, this was deliberately helping her!
"Are you giving me the back door?"

"Anyway, the money I make in the end is mine. Is there any difference?"

Lu Xici was not talking, but suddenly felt a little pain in his stomach.

"You can change it slowly! I have a stomachache, so go and make it easier first."

It's just that this pit has been squatting for a long time, and when Lu Xici's legs were numb, leaning on the wall, he came out and returned to the room, and Jian Luo was no longer there.


They didn't even say hello to themselves.

When Lu Xici returned to his seat.

I saw a post-it note on the table.

"It's been fixed, I'll go first. Good night idiot. Oh, that's true."

However, he took a look at the plan that Jian Luo had revised for himself.

Really amazing!All the faults were pointed out to her.

My boyfriend is my boss, which is really half happy and half worrying.

Once you're done, you can play the game!

Lu Xi Temple is back on the game.

Suddenly there is an application to add friends.

Lu Xici saw that this was still a novice trumpet.

When I was about to refuse, I saw this name.Suddenly feel a little familiar.

Sound for falling in love with you?
phonetic word?

I don't know why, whenever I see something with phonetic characters, Lu Xici will subconsciously think it is Gu Yin.

After thinking about it, Lu Xici still agreed to add the other party as a friend.

(End of this chapter)

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