Full server counterattack

Chapter 547 Gu Yin Contacted Me

Chapter 547 Gu Yin Contacted Me
After the addition of this friend was completed, before Lu Xici had time to send a message to ask, the other party had already sent her a message.

[Secret chat] [The sound is in love with you] It's me.

[Secret chat] [The voice is in love with you] Gu Yin.

Lu Xici really guessed that it was really Gu Yin, this person!Actually went to play another number.

Lu Xi Temple was very excited when he saw it, and the first thing he wanted to do was to tell Gu Han.So just see if he is online now or not.

Didn't expect it to be online.

So Lu Xi Temple shared the news with Gu Han without saying a word.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Xiao Han Han!Let me tell you a piece of news, Gu Yin contacted me.Am I still chatting with her now?

After sending the message, Lu Xici waited there, but after waiting for a long time, there was no reply from Gu Han.

"Hey! Why didn't you answer me? Maybe I'm busy at this time." Lu Xici looked at the computer screen and said to himself.

Forget it, Gu Yin should still be waiting for her to reply at this moment?Lu Xici might as well reply to Gu Yin first.

[Secret chat] [Yici Chunjiangshui] Come on, tell me, how did you come up with such a name?
[Secret chat] [The sound is in love with you] Mrs. Mrs. What's the matter.Can you still speak well!Look at how kind I am to you. I came to you as soon as I got a new account, but you are good. The first thing I did was to damage my name. What’s wrong with this name? Doesn’t it sound good?

[Secret chat] [Yici Chunjiangshui] sounds good, very good, where have you been recently?Do you know that Gu Han and I are going crazy looking for you.Of course, the most important thing is that Gu Han is looking for you to be crazy.

[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] Xiaoci, don't tell Gu Han that this number is me.And don't tell him I'm in touch with you, if I don't remind you sooner, you'll probably have to tell him sooner.

Seeing what Gu Yin said, Lu Xici stood there dumbfounded.

Did Gu Yin speak a little late?Looking at the message she sent to Gu Han just a few minutes ago, she fell into deep thought. If, if Gu Yin knew, she probably wouldn't blame Lu Xici.

After all, none of this was intentional, it was just a bad timing.

Or just tell Gu Yin well that she didn't do it on purpose.

Ok?This idea is very good, so Lu Xici started to act.

With both hands on the keyboard, he started typing.

Seeing that she was about to send it out, the message sent by the other party had already been displayed on her computer.

After a general glance, Lu Xici hurriedly deleted all the words that he had typed and hadn't had time to send.

And the message Gu Yin sent her was.

[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] Lu Xici, if you dare to tell Gu Han, I will break your leg when I return to City C.

what!Lu Xici touched her leg.

oops!Could this Gu Yin be too harsh?

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] If you have something to say, you can't say it properly!What are you doing so hard.

[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] I can't be too kind to you.You are not reliable at all now, especially after getting to know Gu Han, you have revealed all my little secrets.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Cheng Chengcheng, I don't want to talk about it, but where are you now, we have no news about you at all.

(End of this chapter)

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