Full server counterattack

Chapter 552 Illusion

Chapter 552 Illusion
After speaking, Lu Xi Temple was ready to click back to resurrect.

But something embarrassing happened.

The character cannot move.

Several mouse clicks in succession.The computer didn't respond at all.

"Ah! It won't be broken in this situation!"

Such a situation in front of the enemy is really not what Lu Xici wants.

[Nearby] [Eagle Roaring Kyushu] What?Is it stuck and can't go?
[Nearby] [A Temple of Spring River Water] I want you to take care of it.The scenery here is very nice, I'm here to see what I think.

After sending these words, Lu Xici himself was shocked.

Why!This is wrong!If the computer is stuck, then why can she still send so many words.

That means the computer has no card.

Just when Lu Xici was looking at the computer screen seriously, he suddenly felt that something had changed.

The game screen began to change.

Wasn't she in the grove at the beginning?

The grove was still quite lush and beautiful.

But what is presented now is an extreme picture.

The current picture began to transform into a scene after the forest was burned by the fire.

In some places, there are even some small flames jumping up.

At this time, the sky was even more gloomy and pitch black.

It looks spooky and weird, but it's still quite scary.

I thought that Yingxiao Jiuzhou would also be here, but I still couldn't find him after looking around.

Where did Lu Xi Temple go by accident?


Operated the number and walked around.Nothing special was found either.

"Ah! What kind of place is this? You should reveal the truth about a person."

It just so happened that after Lu Xici finished speaking, he saw a person lying not far in front of him.

Who else is lying here?

She hurried over to have a look.

As a result, the plot jumped out as soon as it got there.

Plot: Yuwen Wanwan: Help the heroine.

Plot: A Temple of Spring River Water: Who are you and why are you here.

Plot: Yuwen Wanwan: There is a very, very huge monster in front of it. It can breathe fire, and its whole body is on fire.can be scary.The whole village and woods were almost burned by it.

After speaking, the person in front of him died and disappeared in front of Lu Xi Temple.

Huge monsters that breathe fire.The whole wood seems to have burned down on it.

What the hell is that?It can be scary to this extent.

With curiosity, I have come here anyway, so go and have a look at the good attitude.

Luxi Temple moved forward with its trumpet.

At the end of the road is a big cave, which is dark inside.Can't see anything either.

Is the monster in here?

Just when she was about to enter the cave to have a look.

Suddenly there was a tiger cry from inside the cave.

And she also stopped walking.

A foot appeared, then another.The whole body is bursting with flames.

There is a domineering aura of a king in his whole body.

Lu Xici just watched it slowly appear in his sight.

Forget even to run.

What a gigantic tiger, one step could crush her body!

The tiger ran straight in her direction.After regaining consciousness, Lu Xici turned around and ran quickly while operating the phone.

As soon as the tiger saw her running, he ran too.

Lu Xici didn't dare to let go of the keys!

What is the tiger doing after her?She didn't have anything delicious in her hands, really.

Then tragedy struck.

(End of this chapter)

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