Full server counterattack

Chapter 553 Thunderbolt Tiger

Chapter 553 Thunderbolt Tiger

I ran and ran until I finally found that there was no road ahead, it was a very high mountain.

Lu Xici turned around.The tiger's face appeared in front of her.

And with a huge mouth open.

Even Lu Xici himself thought that he would definitely not be able to escape this time.

But I didn't expect it.Something that she couldn't even believe happened happened.

The originally super domineering tiger suddenly became smaller in size, and even curled up into a ball and leaned against her feet.

The story of a tiger turning into a cat.

This is something she can't understand.

Then a line of words popped up in the middle of the computer screen in the middle.

Congratulations, you became the first player to die in the Thunderbolt grove, and you got the only Thunderbolt tiger in the whole server.


What is this operation.

The first player to die here?Obtain the only thunderbolt tiger in the whole server.

Feelings have to be proud of it.

As soon as the screen turned, Lu Xici went straight back to the woods where Ying Xiao Kyushu had killed him before. Looking at his feet, the little tiger was also following him.

It seems to have really got it.

But this
The one who used to be so domineering, but now has become such a small one, I'm afraid if you take it out, people won't be able to find it if you don't look carefully!

[World Announcement] Congratulations to the player Yici Chunjiangshui who became the first person to die in the Perak Grove.Open the hidden secret realm and get the only thunderbolt tiger in the whole server.

Probably Lu Xici was the first player who got an out-of-print pet after his death and was announced in the world!
[World] [Ten Slaps to Subdue the Dragon] This is fine.

[World] [Rong three years old] The first one who died there got a pet.

[World] [Fish that died of thirst] It really is an era of looking at faces.

[World] [If You Are Mine] Do other maps have such good things?I have to go to hell and see.

So, after the Luxi Temple incident.On the whole server that night, a large area of ​​players on the map committed suicide and killed each other.The purpose is to see if I can get any treasure on which map.

what!Forget it, I still don't bother to see Luxi Temple.

Quickly put Thunderbolt Tiger away.

Only sometimes!I don't go to prisoners.Some people just wanted to offend her.

[World] [Bai Yue Lin Lang] is really amazing!I don't know how to get it.Why do you encounter good things every time?
What Bai Yue Linlang came out to show now was to hate Lu Xi Temple.

[World] [One Shrine of Spring River Water] Since you want to know so much, just go to your family's Ying Xiao Kyushu and you will know everything.

What Lu Xici said could easily lead to ambiguity.

Isn't that just indirectly telling others that she was with Yingxiao Jiuzhou just now.

[World] [Bai Yue Lin Lang] What do you think you can make me doubt by saying this?
[World] [A Temple of Spring River Water] I'm just talking casually.I didn't make you think too much.

Then this Bai Yue Linlang was not talking, and Lu Xici saw that it was almost time to go to bed.

When it was daytime, he looked like he was in a bad mood again.

The whole person lay there powerlessly.

When Gu Han came, he saw Lu Xici, and casually threw the things he was holding onto her table.

"Eat it while it's hot!"

Lu Xi Temple took a look.

How did he know that he didn't eat this morning.

Because Lu Xici got up too late, he ran to the company without even taking care of eating in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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