Chapter 568
Lu Xici raised an eyebrow.

"If you don't strike while the iron is hot, I might run away halfway in a while."

After knowing Jian Luo's thoughts, Lu Xici also figured it out, and she was too lazy to continue in such a sneaky way, since she didn't do anything anyway.

Just like that, the two of them appeared at the company's gate together.

It happened that Gu Han also walked behind them at this time.

Seeing the two people holding hands, I suddenly understood.

He bowed his head and smiled.

It seems that yesterday's words are more effective.

Gu Han turned his head and glanced at the sky.

Both Lu Xi Temple and Jian Luo have been officially announced, but what about you?Where are you at this time.

I just miss you a little bit.

Gu Han smiled wryly and walked to Jian Luo's side.

"Do you two want to eat buns?" He raised the buns in front of the two of them.

Lu Xici looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Can you stop being so funny at this serious time."

Gu Han nodded, picked up the bun and put it in his mouth.He walked forward and said something.

"Yes! The proprietress."

Lu Xici's face couldn't be tense at once, this Gu Han is really real.

Jian Luo took her hand all the way from the lobby to the elevator. This period happened to be the rush hour for work.

Many people are walking into the company.

There are also quite a few people still waiting for the elevator.

It was so powerful now that everyone present saw Jian Luo and Lu Xici walking over.But more attention is paid to the hands held by the two people.

The crowd automatically gave way to look at the two people.

Who dares to speak at this time.But everyone is beginning to understand.

The elevator door opened.

No one stepped in first.

Gu Han, on the other hand, walked in without any scruples while eating the buns.

Jian Luo and Lu Xici also walked in.

Then the rest of the people stood outside without any further movement.

Ok!It seemed that there were only three of them in the elevator this time.

The elevator door slowly closed.

At this moment, the group of people standing there were all chattering and gossiping.

"So, Mr. Jian and Lu Xici are a couple?"

"I thought that Ye Zihan was his girlfriend."

"Fart, Gu Han already said earlier that Ye Zihan is just Boss Jian's younger sister."

"Is Luxi Temple the future boss wife of Jian Shi?"

"It's too early for the boss's wife or not. I don't know who will be able to keep this seat in the end. After all, we little transparent people can understand what the big boss is thinking."

"That's true, but the appearance of this Luxi Temple is indeed one of the best and can be worthy of Mr. Jane! And I heard that the strength is also good?"

A group of people were chatting there.

Mo Yun walked in from the outside and saw a group of people gathered there.

"What are you all doing here?"

When Mo Yun came, everyone obediently kept their mouths shut, but there were a few more courageous ones who spoke out directly.

"Manager Mo has only come here now, so he probably doesn't know what happened just now! Boss Jian and that woman came in hand in hand, and got on the elevator together. During that battle, the news that the two of them were together was probably disclosed directly."

that woman?Mo Yun was puzzled.

"Who is it!"

"It's Luxi Temple, you should also know it."

Sure enough!Mo Yun should have guessed it long ago.The only person who can make Jian Luo do this at this time is anyone other than Lu Xici.

At this moment, Lu Xici was standing in the elevator anxiously.

Jian Luo looked calm, while Gu Han continued to eat his buns.

(End of this chapter)

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