Full server counterattack

Chapter 569 You Go to Participate Together

Chapter 569
There is only one Luxi temple left.

"You say, I should be Jianshi's number one celebrity today!" Just as the words fell, Gu Han just finished eating the last bun in his hand.The elevator door also opened at this time.

Gu Han said while walking.

"Aren't you always popular in Jianshi? Not just at this time."

Lu Xici turned his head and glanced at Jian Luo.

"Then I'll go to work first."

"Okay! I'll pick you up after get off work."

So he was despised by our Great God Gu Han again.

"Even the air is tinged with a rancid smell of love."

Lu Xici didn't bother to pay attention to Gu Han.

Anyway, she is happy now.

It's just happy to be happy, being surrounded by people and discussing in a low voice makes Lu Xici a little depressed, especially when eating at noon.I don't know how many eyes were placed on her.

Lu Xici said to Gu Han while holding the plate.

"Let's sit down and eat in another corner! There are too many people here."

"Since you have chosen, you should know the consequences you will bear."

"I know it too! But if it can be avoided, we will try to avoid it."

In the end, Gu Han followed Luxi Temple.The two of them chose a seat at the farthest corner, and Lucy sat with his back facing the crowd.

Suddenly there was a loud bang from behind.

"Xiaoci, Gu Han. So you are here, and I was looking for you on the opposite side just now?"

Lu Xici held the spoon and met his teammates!Do you want everyone to turn around and look at you by calling the name of Lu Xi Temple so loudly at this time?
Lu Xici turned her head and hurriedly pulled her to sit down.

"My aunt. You should calm down at this time! You think my place is not lively enough!"

"I'm sorry Xiaoci, I really didn't notice it. But you are really hot today! People in our department have been discussing you for a long time, and some people saw that I used to have a good relationship with you, so they came to ask I."

"Well, it seems that I must have been tricked by you."

"Oh! How can you say that, how can you say that I was tricked! I'm all saying good things about you, so I guarantee that there will be no trace of slander!"

Those rising and falling voices were much more than what Lu Xici had imagined.

In an instant, everything was said.

No matter what it says, Lu Xici just pretends not to know anything.

When he was about to get off work, Lu Xici still had some things to do, so Gu Han moved his head over.

"Have you signed up for the husband and wife contest?"

Lucy nodded.

"What? You also participated? Did you find someone? How about asking in the guild for you." Anyway, regardless of whether you won the prize in the end, as long as you are a participating player, you will still have a participation prize. "Anyway, you just take it for fun. Just don't care who the other party is."

Gu Han couldn't let go of Gu Yin in his heart, and he didn't want to go with other people.

"Forget it, I still won't participate. Anyway, those dispensable things are not what I want to pursue."

Lu Xici went home at night and fell on the bed.Thinking of Gu Han during the day, he seemed to lose his soul when he talked about Gu Yin.

I got up and turned on the computer.

As a result, as soon as he logged into the game, he saw Gu Yin online.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Silly girl, I have something to tell you.

Soon Gu Yin replied to her.

[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] What.Say.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Let's go to the husband and wife competition with Gu Han!
(End of this chapter)

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