Full server counterattack

Chapter 570 Still Agreed

Chapter 570 Still Agreed
[Secret chat] [Sound for falling in love with you] What?Why do I have to accompany him to participate in some kind of competition.

[Secret chat] [Yici Chunjiangshui] is to let you go to a competition with him, fight wherever you can, and not let you reveal your identity, can't you do this?
[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] Why if it's me, you can just find anyone!
[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Oh!Why are you talking so much nonsense?But don't forget that you still owe me a small amount of money.

[Secret chat] [The voice is in love with you] Luxi Temple!One yard owned by a yard!
【Secret Chat】【A Temple of Spring River Water】Just do me a favor!
[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] Even if I want to help you, I can't help you at this time, because I haven't reached the full level yet, and I can't participate in your so-called competition.Not to mention that with my current strength, I will be killed as soon as I go up.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] It's okay, Jian Luo and I will take you to upgrade.I will let Jian Luo get the equipment.

[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] Do you like Gu Han?Why should you be so nice to him.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Because.He also helped me a lot, but I just feel that such a person should not be let down.And I don't like Gu Han, thank you!

Under the persuasion of Lu Xici, Gu Yin agreed.

So when Gu Han was using his account to complete daily tasks, he suddenly saw a person standing in front of him.

Almost didn't give a move.

Gu Han changed places.

Unexpectedly, that person followed up again.

[Nearby] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] Get out of the way, I'm doing a task!

[nearby] [sound for falling in love with you] that one.Please help me, this is my first time playing this game.Many things will not.How about we go to the competition together!
[Nearby] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] No time, find someone else.

that's it!When Gu Han didn't know that the other party was Gu Yin, he ruthlessly refused!
Gu Yin was left alone in the wind.

Gu Han can guess it with just one guess.

Maybe it was a trumpet that Lu Xici found somewhere.

He will not be so easily fooled.

Just after walking a few steps, I suddenly remembered the name on the head of the person I saw just now.

Sound for falling in love with you?
Gu Han hurriedly turned around and ran back.

It's just that after walking to the place where he was just now, the people who were there disappeared at this time.

So Gu Han tried to contact the other party after adding friends.

Gu Yin looked at the friend request that suddenly appeared.

Didn't you just swear that you don't have time?
How is this available now.

Gu Yin doesn't want to talk to this person at all now.

Of course, in order to complete what Lu Xici said, I still added friends.

That's Gu Han's first sentence.

[Secret Chat] [Seventh Brother's Worrying Sang] I will go to the competition with you, but let you reach the full level first, there are still a few days left for the first round of competition, hurry up and we still hope to participate.

This sudden change made Gu Yin unable to react.

[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] Why did it change so quickly all of a sudden, I'm still not used to it.

[Secret Chat] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] It's nothing, I just suddenly feel that you look like a person, let's go!I will take you to do the task.

In fact, in Gu Han's heart, it was this name that gave him a sense of familiarity.Now I'm not quite sure if this person is Gu Yin, and I still have to test it out, but just appearing in front of him suddenly and saying to go to a game together, and it was him who I found, Gu Han was still a little puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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