Chapter 571

And after the incident with Jian Luo in Lu Xi Temple, basically everyone in the company knew about it.

Everyone looked at her differently.

Everyone speaks ill of her behind her back.

Why!Just like now, when she was going to the toilet, she heard the sound from the sink outside.

"Recently, this Luxi Temple is a celebrity! First, it got the attention of Qu Ling, and now it's the boss's girlfriend, with a bright future."

"What's the future? It's not because of the man's position. I heard that I used to speak loudly during the interview. It turned out to be premeditated. Such a person is just a good-looking vase. A man! Especially a rich man like this. For a handsome man, changing women is like changing clothes, maybe one day Luxi Temple will be thrown away."

"But isn't she the first Mr. Jian publicly admitted!"

"So! Where there is the first, there will be the second."

With a bang, Lu Xici opened the door and came out, and by the way stood in front of the mirror and straightened his clothes.

Walked in front of the two people.

When the two of them saw that Lu Xi Temple was here at this time, they were also quite frightened.

Why!Why in this world there are always some bitches that you don't want to provoke but want to provoke you.

"The pretty vase in front of you has become Jian Luo's girlfriend. Please find a better place next time you want to speak ill of someone. Don't always choose such a place with a high chance of being discovered. OK? I His temper is not always this good."

After he finished speaking, he walked out, and the two girls passed by Lu Xi Temple without even daring to raise their heads.

The Chinese New Year is coming, and things at work have begun to get busy.

Especially in an elite division like theirs.Working overtime every day is now commonplace.

Although they are in the same company, Lu Xici feels as if he and Jian Luo are in a long-distance relationship.

He is busy, he is busy, he is busy.

Luxi Temple is busy, and Luxi Temple is occasionally busy.

Continue to live under such alternation.

Putting down the pen in his hand, he got up and walked to the window, looking at the night view of the city.

face against the glass.

"It's so beautiful! But it's so tiring."

"This is life, you have no choice, just go ahead! Sailor Moon."

Amused by Gu Han's words.

"I'm not a Sailor Moon, but a human who is forced by life and is still dying."

While waiting for the bus to go home at night, Lu Xici was still leaning against the window and fell asleep.

Arriving home with a tired face, he even forgot to wash his face and lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

And Jian Luo is still waiting for her to go online in front of the computer at this time, so she should be home by this time!
It just so happened that Gu Han was online.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] What is your department doing today.

[Secret Chat] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] What else can I do!Going to work, working overtime, and coming home from work, of course.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Busy?
[Secret chat] [Seventh brother's sorrow] What do you think?boss!We work so hard for you, and haven't had a good rest recently. I just came up to lead someone to do the task, and I will go offline and sleep soon.

Then Jian Luo probably knew the reason why Luxi Temple was not online at this time.

Too tired!

Just when Jian Luo was about to go offline, Ye Zihan ran to Jian Luo with the computer in his arms and asked for a game.

"Play by yourself! I'm tired and I'm going to rest."

But Ye Zihan refused to let her go, she didn't let go when she pulled Jian Luo, and asked Jian Luo to take her to play with her brother calling again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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