Full server counterattack

Chapter 618 I Will Coax Her Well

Chapter 618 I Will Coax Her Well

The Science Crazy Gang has already begun to split, so why doesn't Luxi Temple know about this?
Also, she has been online so little recently.

[Guild] [A temple of spring river water] But what does it mean?How did it become like this.

[Guild] [You are my queen] I have also heard about this incident, it is simply amazing.I heard that the main reason is that Yuchi Yufei hooked up with Yingxiao Kyushu during the game event, and you all know that if Yuchi Yufei wants to be in the top position, this Bai Yuelinlang will definitely go crazy!
Yuchi Yufei really had an affair with Yingxiao Jiuzhou.


Thinking about what she said before, she didn't expect it to become a reality now.

This Yuchi Yufei is really amazing!

When Lu Xici met her, the woman's performance in reality and in the game were two different personalities.If someone is really like Bai Yue Linlang, maybe she really can't beat Yuchi Yufei.

This is called too much complacency on weekdays, and now the retribution is coming!

But now Lu Xici has not figured out his own affairs?Where is there still time to take care of so many other people's things, the only thing I think about now is to let myself spend this period of time well.

The pain of falling out of love has to heal slowly!

[Guild] [Our Tomorrow] By the way, Mrs. Gang Leader, why do you only see you?None of the helpers came.

[Guild] [Aunt Meng Mian] It’s Chinese New Year!Everyone is busy, and people like the gang leader are elite figures no matter how you look at it.

They were all asking about Lu Xici and Jian Luo.

She is also very innocent!

What should I say at this time.

[Government] [One Temple of Spring River Water] He should be busy with work, and he will come up if he is free.

In order to prevent them from continuing to ask about Jian Luo for a while, Lu Xici decided that it would be better to go offline as soon as possible.So as not to slip up for a while.

[Guild] [One Shrine of Spring River Water] Well, you guys should rest early, and I am going to rest too.

After speaking, Lu Xi Temple went offline.

Who knew that Jian Luo would go online not long after Luxi Temple went offline.

So there was inevitably some excitement in the gang.

[Guild] [Aunt Meng Mian] You came a little late!The boss's wife just went offline.

Jian Luo looked at the chat in the gang.

was online just now.

[Guild] [Jinse Liuguang] We are still asking why she can't see the guild leader?The helper's wife said that you have been very busy recently.

[Guild] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Didn't she say anything else?

[Guild] [Our Tomorrow] What else can you say.

[Guild] [Aunt Meng Mian] Let me tell you!Leader, what you did in the finals was very immoral. Thinking about it, the wife of the leader stood on the stage stupidly in the end, and was ridiculed by so many people in the audience.

[Guild] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Huh?I will coax her well.This time, I mainly want to say a happy new year to you.

Jian Luo chatted with people in the gang for a while and then went offline.

A man went to sit on the balcony.

I don't know where my line of sight drifted to.

He is now abroad, which direction is city C in?
Here, here or there.

And what she does now.

Jian Luo didn't know.

Because of Ye Zihan's incident, I didn't show up in time for the finals.

He didn't know how Lu Xici faced the crowd there.I don't know what those people said.How was her heart at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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