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Chapter 619 Very Tired Jane Luo

Chapter 619 Very Tired Jane Luo

If time allows him to do it all over again.

Jian Luo will definitely choose to rush back, but this time she will bring Lu Xici with her.

His mistake was leaving her there alone.

Lu Xici was still lying in bed early in the morning and soundly asleep when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Annoyed, she covered her head with a quilt.

But still can't block the voice.

Kick off the quilt with one last kick.

Eyes staring angrily at the ceiling.

"Who is this early in the morning to remind you?"

The point is that it seems that neither parents are at home.

Lu Xi Temple went downstairs and went straight to the gate.

He opened the door directly, and saw the person standing in front of him at a glance.

She was so scared that she immediately closed the door again.

But this time he couldn't escape, Jian Luo got stuck in with one foot.

Lu Xici was afraid of hurting him with too much force for a while, so he finally let go.

Know who it is first.

Well now, awkward situation.


After Lu Xici finished speaking, he stopped.

Who knew that Jian Luo just looked at her and didn't speak.

The two of them stood at the door so early in the morning.

The Luxi Temple was quite cold from the wind.

"That... If you don't speak, I'll close the door, and you should step back consciously."

Just when Lu Xici was about to take action, Jian Luo suddenly grabbed her hand.Turn around and walk towards the place where you parked.

The frightened hair of Lu Xici was blown up by the wind.

"Hey, hey! Jian Luo, what are you going to do, and where are you taking me?"

Lu Xici was caught in the car, and when she was about to run away, the car door was locked by Jian Luo.

"Jian Luo, what do you want to do and where are you taking me?"

Jian Luo also got into the car and sat in the seat.

Then he turned his head and looked at Lucy Temple.

"If you say one more word in Lu Xici, I'll kiss you until you are quiet." While speaking, she put her face in front of Lu Xici.

Lu Xi Temple shrank back.

"I just don't talk. You talk!"

Jian Luo sat back in the cab.

Drive away.

And Luxi Temple also kept me silent, I just kept silent all the way to the cemetery with Jian Luo?
Nothing to do in the cemetery.

Jian Luo parked the car, got out of the car, opened the door and took Lu Xici's hand.

"Wait a minute, I'll do it myself, you don't need to reach out."

In the end, Jian Luo gave up and chose to hold her hand.

The two walked up together.

When standing in front of the tombstone, look at the photo and name on it.

Lu Xici looked at Jian Luo in a blink of an eye.

"This?" Jian Shu's tomb.

He actually brought himself here.Lu Xici looked at the pajamas she was wearing, and was dragged here without saying a word.Not at all prepared.

"Actually, I should have brought you here a long time ago, and Jian Shu should also want to get to know you."

"What's the point of bringing me here now? I didn't bring it when I should. You think I still need it now. All my secrets about Jianshu and all about you are known from others. I "Lu Xici only felt a sore nose and stopped talking.

"So, is it still too late?"

Lu Xici looked at him standing in front of him.

"Jian Luo, you said you always believed in me, you said you shouldn't leave me alone, but when did you not leave me behind? With the first Ye Zihan, there will be a second Ye Zihan , as long as you don't let go of your heart for a day, you will repeat the same mistakes. I don't want to care about anything with a dead person. I just don't want a living person to bluff again under the sign of a dead person. And you will still sink. And I don't I don't want to go through this. It's very tiring, Jian Luo."

(End of this chapter)

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