Chapter 102 102 Misplaced Life (26)

Baby Yi raised his head, looked at her suspiciously, then lowered his head again and fell back into her arms.And she was caressing the child's soft hair, silently thinking about her future.

When she stepped into the company again the next day, she obviously felt that yesterday's feeling like a thorn in the back disappeared, and the farce yesterday seemed to have never happened.As soon as he returned to his seat and sat down, the landline on the table rang for a long time.

"En... yes, yes, come right away." Shen Mengdie put down the phone in his hand, and rubbed the corners of his brows wearily.

"Mengdie, didn't you have a good rest yesterday? Are you still worried about what happened yesterday? Mr. Wang has already sent someone to suppress all the rumors." Xiaoli, a colleague who just entered the office, saw her movements and walked over slowly to ask .

Shen Mengdie reluctantly twitched the corners of her mouth, revealing a far-fetched smile. "Nothing, just a little uncomfortable."

"Do you want to ask for leave to go back and have a rest?" My colleague Xiaoli walked to her side and looked at her worriedly.

"It's nothing, I'll just rest for a while."

"Okay then, pay more attention to your body."

"Okay, thank you for your concern." Faced with Xiao Li's concern, Shen Mengdie just nodded to the other party, seeing that she was fine, Xiao Li turned and returned to her seat.

After Shen Mengdie had sorted out her belongings, she took some simple materials, went to the floor where the president's office was located, and knocked on the door of the office.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in……"

After hearing Wang Quan's lazy voice from inside, she gently pushed open the door in front of her, and after closing the door casually, she came to the other party's desk and stood still. "President Wang, what do you want to explain?"

Just now, Wang Quan told her to come to the office first on the phone, and didn't say much about other things, which made her a little confused.

"Cough..." Wang Quan coughed lightly, breaking the somewhat silent atmosphere. "It's like this. After a while, President Zhu will come to sign the contract with us. You should prepare."

"Okay, Mr. Wang." According to her usual habit, Shen Mengdie stood still for a while and then waited for the other party to say that she could go down first, but after waiting for a long time and still seeing no movement from the other party, she felt a little nervous. Asked suspiciously: "Mr. Wang, is there anything else? Or should I go down first?"

"Secretary Shen, wait a moment."

Shen Mengdie, who was about to turn around, stopped and turned her gaze to Wang Quan behind the desk.

"Mengdie, is that child really yours?"

"Sorry, Mr. Wang, this is my personal privacy, and it is not convenient to disclose it."

Shen Mengdie saw that the other party was actually asking herself this question, her eyes darkened, and she refused to answer in a distant manner.


She didn't wait for the other party to ask again, and said first: "Mr. Wang, since I don't have anything to do, I'll go get ready first."

"Go." After Wang Quan glanced at her expression, he sighed and waved her away.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie quickly turned around and left. For Yun Yixuan, this man was the source of all her disasters, but in Shen Mengdie's view, he was just a clown living in his own world.

When she received the news again, Zhu Peiya had already brought her secretary assistant to the company. After introducing the person into the meeting room, Wang Quan also received the news and came here with the person who specially drafted the contract.

A group of people sat down and started to sign the contract. Zhu Peiya took the contract and looked at it for a while, then nodded in satisfaction, then signed her name on the contract, took out her company's official seal from the secretary's hand, and stamped it in one form. After both contracts are signed, each party holds one copy.

Shen Mengdie took over the contract Wang Quan handed to her and took it. Seeing that the matter was almost done, Zhu Peiya still looked at Wang Quan with her deceiving eyes. "President Wang, don't you mind having lunch together at noon?"

"Of course, it's an honor."

Wang Quan was naturally very happy with the other party's invitation, so after looking at the time, the two decided to leave first.

The people Zhu Peiya brought had already obeyed the order of their president to go back to the company when the contract was signed, and the other people from King Quan Company also left after the meeting. Now with Shen Mengdie, only Get off the three of them.

Shen Mengdie stayed and sorted out the documents, looking at the people who left side by side, she pursed her lips secretly.And just as she dawdled for a while, and walked out slowly, the two of them were not far from the corridor ahead.Looking at the slow-moving two people, Shen Mengdie slowed down her pace even more, not wanting to meet those two people again.

Just as she moved slowly and casually glanced at the situation in front of her, she suddenly found that Wang Quan's hand was actually on Zhu Peiya's buttocks, and the two were talking and laughing happily, and there was no sign of strangeness on Zhu Peiya's face.

When she discovered this situation, in order to avoid embarrassment, she had no choice but to stop at the same spot, silently watching the two people going away, and she secretly guessed in her heart.

"The two should have hooked up together."

She returned to her office, sat back in her chair, and glanced casually at the clock on the wall.

"It's almost noon, it's better to send it in the afternoon."

Originally, she wanted to send the contract in her hand to the office dedicated to keeping the contract, but now it was approaching noon, and she was not sure whether she would be able to find someone in the past.

Seeing that the colleagues around her were busy with their own affairs, she decided to quietly look at the contents of the contract.

" all right?" In her opinion, this contract is basically to let Zhu Peiya's company take advantage of it, and every clause is beneficial to that side. "I really don't understand what Wang Quan thinks?"

Just when she was a little speechless, she understood the reason after thinking about it.

"It seems that it is true that Wang Quan is very generous to women?" Shen Mengdie thought secretly in her heart, but at the same time, she also felt that her task had become easier. "King Quan is a man who will die in the hands of women sooner or later."

From the data, we can know that Wang Quan is ruthless to all men, but very generous to women, especially beautiful women are even more conniving.

In the next few days, Shen Mengdie also secretly observed Wang Quan's interpersonal relationships, and it was obvious that he had started a close relationship with Zhu Peiya, and she never met Diao Min in the company again.

In the blink of an eye, the weekend came, and she happened to have nothing to do, so she decided to stay at home with Baby Yi.

After staying at home all morning on Saturday, Baby Yi kept dragging her to the cake shop. Faced with the child's request, she agreed after a while. "Baby, be good when you go out."

"Okay, baby knows. Baby is the cutest good baby."

After Baby Yi finished speaking, he took her hand obediently, signaling that he was ready.

(End of this chapter)

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