Chapter 103 103 Misplaced Life (27)

"Since the baby wants to go out so much, I just went out to get some fresh air." After bringing the necessary items, she took the baby to the nearby cake shop.The two stayed here for an entire afternoon, and the parents who also brought their children here would also habitually praise Yi Baobao after seeing Baby Yi beside Shen Mengdie.Faced with the compliments from all the uncles and aunts, Yi Baobao, who is in a good mood, always likes to give the cake in front of him to the other party, but naturally he was declined.

After staying here quietly for an afternoon, Shen Mengdie decided to take the child home. After getting back in the car, seeing that it was still early, she suddenly had a whim and decided to go to the famous high-end western restaurant in the city to take a copy of it. Takeaway home.She still doesn't like eating western food alone.


After stepping into the restaurant, she was greeted warmly by the waiter. Listening to the soft music here, she took Yi Baobao to find a seat by the window and sat down.

After ordering some dishes and telling her to take them away later, she held Yi Baobao and waited here quietly. After a while, the waiter brought out the food she had packed.And just as she took out her bag to pay, two people walking by the door caught her attention.

"Why is he here?" Looking at Wang Quan and Zhu Peiya who walked in, Shen Mengdie looked a little surprised.

"Ma'am, do you know that gentleman?"

The waiter's question made Shen Mengdie look away and smiled gently. "Yes, we are classmates, but does he come here often?"

"That gentleman is a regular visitor to our place."

"Regular customers?" Shen Mengdie murmured silently in her heart, looking at the two people who had found a secret seat to sit down, and asked after a moment of contemplation: "Does he come every week?"

"Yes, basically every Saturday night."

"Oh." After confirming the information she wanted, she took out the money and handed it to the waiter. "Come on, pay the bill."

"Ma'am, please wait a moment."

"Okay." Looking at the waiter who turned around and walked towards the cashier, Shen Mengdie stroked Bao Baoyi's hair, but quietly looked at the situation of the two people over there. After looking at the way the two got along, she It is determined that the kingship has successfully taken Zhu Peiya down.Regarding Wang Quan's behavior, she didn't want to make any meaningless comments. After taking the invoice returned by the waiter, she left here without looking back while holding Yi Baobao.

After returning home, she handed the bag in her hand to Aunt Liu for disposal, while she fell into intense thinking. "Should I let Yun Yixuan go there to meet Wang Quan by chance? But the mission..." Thinking of her mission, Shen Mengdie thought of the person she was waiting for, and felt a moment of panic in her heart.

As far as the current mission is concerned, it's not that she drives the plot to complete the task, but the plot pushes her to complete the task. "Now even the method of procrastination doesn't seem to be of much use. What to do, what to do?"

Thinking of all kinds of complicated problems, she was a little restless for a while, and after spending the night in such a state of anxiety, she got up early the next morning and went to the study room where she had collected paintings, where there was a portrait of the person in her heart .In order to prevent Aunt Liu from discovering the abnormality, the place is usually locked, and even the cleaning is done by herself.

"The task is almost over now, am I going to miss you?" Shen Mengdie caressed the person on the drawing board, feeling a little lonely in her heart, full of confusion about what she should do in the future.

Just when she had mixed feelings and mixed feelings, a small figure walked in from the half-open door. Shen Mengdie, who was thinking about her own affairs, didn't notice it until a soft little figure came in. After her body hugged her leg, she suddenly regained her senses.

"Mom, I'm so scared that the baby can't find you." Baby Yi wrinkled his nose a little bit wronged, and then buried himself in the arms of Shen Mengdie who had just squatted down his body.

Shen Mengdie stroked Baby Yi's soft hair and comforted her silently. Looking at the clothes that the child had put on randomly, she helped arrange them and was about to take him to his room to change clothes, but found that the child was actually naked now. With her feet on the ground, she finally understood why she didn't hear the child's footsteps coming in.

"Baby, Auntie, pick you up." After patting the child's head comfortingly, she gently picked up the child. Although the weather is not cold, the child is too young after all, and she is also afraid that the other party will be too weak because of a small child. The problem is sick.

And just after she picked up the child, the other party also hugged her neck. The moment Shen Mengdie turned around, the child became very excited, waving his hands and feet and shouting loudly: "Father!"

After Shen Mengdie heard Baobao Yi's cry, she immediately looked at the study door that she was opening, but after a while, she realized that the child was calling behind her.

She was full of panic in her heart, and she turned around slowly pretending to be calm, so that Baby Yi could look at the drawing board in front of her, and tried to steady her trembling voice, she hooked the corners of her mouth, trying to make herself look still Gentle as usual, with one hand free, he pointed to the drawing board in front of him and coaxed Baby Yi softly: "Baby, what do you call him?"

"It's Dad..." Baby Yi seemed a little confused about her actions, and tilted his head to look at her cheek.

When Shen Mengdie heard the child's answer, she almost threw him to the ground for a while. After trying to stabilize her hand and hugged the child tightly, she covered her eyes with one free hand, and spoke to the child with a strong nasal voice. She persuaded: "Be good, baby, go out and play with Aunt Liu by yourself."

Baby Yi, who was lightly placed on the floor and stood firmly, opened his big black eyes and stared at her in a daze. "Mother?"

"Hey, go out and play by yourself." While talking, she nudged the child with the other hand. At this moment, she just wanted to be alone and couldn't care about Baby Yi's clothes and shoes.

"Goodbye, Mom." Although Baobao Yi still didn't understand Shen Mengdie's actions, after saying goodbye softly, he reluctantly left here.

After confirming that the child had left, Shen Mengdie removed the hand that had been covering her eyes, only to see that the dry hands were covered with water marks, and the eyes that were always smiling were also covered with water marks. sad.

After locking the study door, she leaned lightly on the door and looked at the smiling face of the man on the drawing board, feeling an inexplicable soreness in her heart.

"Could it be that I'm being self-indulgent in all this, why...why..." She couldn't help asking herself in her heart, what is the purpose of everything now. "Maybe I shouldn't have appeared, everything is because I am too self-righteous..."

(End of this chapter)

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