Chapter 104 104 Misplaced Life (28)

"I always thought you would wait for me. I took it for granted..." Shen Mengdie tried to wipe away the tears from her cheeks so that she would not look too embarrassed, but the tears that blurred her vision were not affected by her. Controlled outward slide. "Would you be better off without me? Sometimes I hate myself and always cause you trouble, but I can't help you. "

For a moment, she fell into some extreme thoughts, and her heart was aching, she suddenly wanted to leave this world quickly and escape from everything she was facing now.

She didn't want to make herself so hypocritical and cowardly, but only the person involved could feel the heart-piercing and worrying feeling about emotional matters.

"I clearly know that I am just a passer-by, but I am greedily attached to you..."

After taking a deep breath, she patted her heart, trying to calm herself down. At this moment, she only felt that her mind was in chaos, and everything outside was far away from her senses.

After a long time, she finally calmed down a little bit, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Mengdie, come down for breakfast."

When Aunt Liu was cleaning up the kitchen, she saw Baby Yi who came down alone barefoot, she quickly hugged the child in her arms, and after asking where Shen Mengdie was, she took the child back to the room Change your clothes.But after waiting in the living room with the child for a long time, she still couldn't see anyone coming down, so she had to go up to find him.

Listening to the shouts outside the door, Shen Mengdie coughed lightly to make her voice sound normal, and then slowly said: "You and the baby eat first, don't worry about me."

"Mengdie, what's wrong with you, why doesn't your voice sound right?"

Although Shen Mengdie tried her best to make her voice sound the same as usual, Aunt Liu, who has sensitive ears, still couldn't hear anything wrong.

"'s nothing, I just have a cold."

Shen Mengdie coughed lightly, rubbed her forehead and said.

"Oh, then you remember to take your medicine."

"Well, I know, go get busy and leave me alone."

She didn't really relax until she heard Aunt Liu's footsteps gradually moving away from here.

Everything today is so similar to when she first came to this world, but under the same scene, she has a very different mood from before.

And for some reason, she doesn't want others to see her crying, only one person can bear all the pain in her heart alone, and she can't let others find her strange. I can't help but feel a little distressed.

No matter how difficult life is, we must face it with a smile.

Because only with a smile, the world will not feel sorry for you and will bully you.

"It's time to let go..." Shen Mengdie said to herself in her heart, but the suffocating panic filled her heart. "But, I can't let go."

When she believed in her heart that the person was married and had a child, she suddenly didn't know what to do. She also thought in her heart whether the child had identified the wrong person, but in her heart she couldn't convince herself.Even so, when she calmed down completely, she only hoped that she had misunderstood.

I understand in my heart that every world is the life of the other party, and I am just a passerby. As a bystander, I shouldn't be too emotional.

However, reason and emotion are often two contradictory individuals.

"Not reconciled..."

As Shen Mengdie thought, this thought filled her senses.

After spending the day in such a daze, she stepped into the company's gate again in a trance state, and Xiao Li, who obviously felt that something was wrong with her today, still didn't ask any useful questions after simple inquiries. Had to give up afterwards.

In the following time, she has been in this state, and on the afternoon of Wednesday, she finally woke up a little bit when she received a call. The person on the call was from the police station, and the other party notified her , Baby Yi's relatives have received news that they will pick up the child at her home within the next two days.

After hanging up the phone over there, she waved her hands to the other colleagues who looked at her with concern and didn't want to say much, but she was thinking to herself: "Baby's relatives will come soon, and the side mission will also be completed Now, after spending so long here, it's time to complete the main task. However, I still want to see him one last time, no matter what the result is."

Then she found a private detective company to investigate Wang Quan's social circle, and asked the other party to listen to her instructions after the investigation was completed.

"I'm tired of such a slow process, so let's just cut through the mess."

After thinking about these things, she resigned and left here regardless of Wang Quan and her colleagues' persuasion. After finishing all the formalities on Friday, she returned home to be with her children.

Shen Mengdie hugged Yi Baobao, who had been sticking to her side all the time, and only now carefully looked at the other person's appearance. From the child's eyebrows, she did see the shadow of that person.Caressing the child's face, she fell into a long silence.

And at this moment, her mobile phone, which was quietly placed aside, suddenly rang. "

Hey...Okay, it will be sent to my mailbox in a while, you guys continue to follow up, I will send part of the money first, that's it..."

During the short call just now, she received a notice from a private investigator saying that some evidence had been collected, so she decided to ask the other party to send it over for her to see.

"Ding dong..."

The message ringtone that came with the mobile phone not only attracted Yi Baobao's attention, but also made Shen Mengdie understand that the information she needed had been sent. Opening the mailbox in the mobile phone, she began to look through the photos one by one.

"Oh... Sure enough..."

Just as she expected, King Quan's private life is really rich and colorful.

Under each photo, the relationship between the woman and her is noted, such as first love, green plum, cousin, one-night stand, all kinds of things.For this kind of person, she just feels quite disgusting.

"Bah, rubbish, you still want to rely on women to climb up to the position of master."

After adding another part of the final payment to let the other side continue, she began to wait calmly for Yi Baobao's relatives.When receiving the notice, they didn't tell them who the person was, so she couldn't help but guess whether it was the person she was looking for, the father Yi she had already identified in her heart.

After waiting for two days in an uneasy mood, she finally welcomed the baby's relatives, and finally met the person who made her miss her heart.

Today is the weekend. After waking up early in the morning, she felt that she was flustered and unable to control herself. After pacing back and forth in the living room for a long time, even Aunt Liu, who was taking care of the children, couldn't stand it anymore and stopped her and said: "Dream Butterfly, what's wrong with you? What's on your mind?"

When Shen Mengdie heard Aunt Liu's question, she stopped abruptly, and looked at the other party with a stiff smile.

"Nothing, just thinking about something."

"Then sit down for a while, my eyes are dazzled when you walk."

"En, okay." Just as she sat down for a while, the unstoppable panic in her heart made her stand up.Seeing Aunt Liu looking at her in surprise, Shen Mengdie coughed lightly and said, "I'll go get a glass of water."

"Well, the water dispenser doesn't seem to be turned on, take a look."

After Aunt Liu explained briefly, she stopped paying attention to her and concentrated on peeling fruits for Baby Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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