Chapter 105 105 Misplaced Life (29)

"Okay, I know."

After Shen Mengdie responded softly, she quickly walked into the kitchen. After turning on the switch of the water dispenser, she took out the cup from the cabinet and put it on the table.

From the bright marble platform, she could clearly see her depressed eyes. After covering her eyes with her hands, she sighed and closed them tightly.

When she felt her mood calmed down a little, she looked up at the water dispenser which was already in a thermal insulation state, took the cup to refill herself, then walked out slowly, put the cup in her hand on the tea table, looked With traces of hot air slowly wafting from the mouth of the cup, she fell into her own thoughts again.

Aunt Liu, who was sitting by the side, was taking care of Baby Yi while scanning Shen Mengdie's abnormal behavior from the corner of her eye.Since a few days ago, Aunt Liu had noticed something was wrong with her, because she always fell into thinking alone, and then looked at Baby Yi's face inexplicably.

In such an atmosphere, several people fell into silence, only the sound of the program from the TV filled this small space.

"Ding dong ding dong..."

The sudden ringing of the doorbell made Shen Mengdie stand up before the others could react, and hurried to the door of the room, pressed her heartbeat that was speeding up, and she slowly opened the room with anxiety. Door.

What I saw was a tall and straight young man with a cold expression, his thin lips were slightly pursed and his eyes were sharp looking at her.

In a trance, she only felt that the person in front of her was very familiar.

"Could it be him?"

Guessing secretly in her heart, she was a little excited and wanted to immediately take out the photos she carried with her for comparison, but after subconsciously groping for a while, she remembered that the photos were in her bag.

It's ridiculous that someone who has been with someone for a long time will forget the other person's appearance. Even after seeing the photo, that person's appearance can't stay in her mind for a long time. It's really ridiculous.

Sometimes she has to wonder if the system is playing tricks and doing it on purpose.But this doesn't make sense. What is the system doing this for?

"Hello, I'm a relative of the baby. I'm here to pick up the baby and go home. Can I go in and see the baby?"

Looking at the woman in front of him, Yi Wenwen felt an urge to hug her into his arms for some reason, so after secretly shaking his hand, he tried hard to suppress it.

Shen Mengdie heard the man's reminder, her eyes were in a daze, and then she slowly moved away from her body.

"Come in and sit down for a while."

"That bothers me."

Yi Wenwen walked in with a smile, and at the same time looked at the other party uncontrollably from the corner of his eyes.

Shen Mengdie quickly took out a pair of slippers specially prepared for guests from the shoe cabinet, and gently placed them in front of the other party.And just when she turned to close the door, Baby Yi jumped off the sofa after hearing the movement, bumped into Yi Wenwen's arms excitedly and shouted: "Daddy, Baby misses you so much."

"Daddy misses the baby too."

Yi Wenwen coaxed the child softly, gently hugged him with one arm, and caressed the child's chubby cheek with the other hand. Looking at the child's rosy face and joyful energy, he understood the family's love. He took good care of the child and didn't let him suffer a little bit.

Shen Mengdie, who was closing the door of the room, knew that her guess had come true after hearing Baby Yi's cry, and she also knew that her feelings would not lie to her, and that person was the one she was looking for.

So she bit her lip tremblingly to make herself look calmer.

"This... this gentleman, go in and sit down."

Putting her hands behind her back, she squeezed her palms tightly, trying not to lose her composure, she forced a smile, and led him to the living room to sit down.

"I'm going to pour tea." Aunt Liu wiped off the water stains on the knife when she was peeling the fruit just now, put it back in the fruit basket and said to Shen Mengdie.

"En." After she nodded in response, Aunt Liu turned and went into the kitchen, and the two people who remained fell into a strange silence for a moment.

Shen Mengdie secretly looked at the other party from time to time, but her heart was full of bitterness. She didn't know how to face the person in front of her.

Baby Yi stayed in Yi Wenwen's arms, looked back and forth between the two curiously, and finally stretched out his hand and raised it in Shen Mengdie's direction. "Mom, hug."

Hearing the child's cry, she glanced at the baby's father in embarrassment.

And Yi Wenwen patted the child's head lightly, put him on the floor and stood up by himself, and when Baby Yi slowly came to Shen Mengdie's side to hug, Yi Wenwen coughed lightly and introduced : "Hello, my name is Yi Wenwen, thanks to your care of the baby this time, otherwise our family would not know what to do."

"Mr. Yi, you are being polite." Shen Mengdie listened to the other party's words, and after silently reading the other party's name in her heart, she naturally hugged the child on her lap and sat down.

"I don't know how to call you?" After Yi Wenwen saw the woman in front of him again, he felt very familiar, and gradually developed a good impression without knowing it, but as an adult, he didn't believe in the so-called love at first sight, so I secretly wondered in my heart whether I had seen the other party somewhere.

"Mr. Yi, you can just call me Shen Mengdie." When she faced the man, she couldn't control her throbbing heart, but when she thought about the man who was married and had a child, her hot heart felt as if she had been caught by the man. It was like pouring a basin of ice water, which made her feel chilly and at the same time a little out of breath.

"Shen Mengdie..." Yi Wenwen silently recited the other party's name over and over again in his heart, the more so, the more helpless he was.This time Baby Yi was lost, the whole family was very anxious, and as the child's uncle, he was criticized by the whole family.

Yi Baobao was originally the child of Yi Wenwen's younger brother, but since the younger brother and his sister-in-law divorced, he didn't take care of the child. It was because the two brothers had similar looks, and the baby was too young and hadn't seen him for a long time. parents, and therefore recognized him as his father.Later, under the persuasion of his parents and the disregard of his younger brother, Baobao Yi lived with him all the time, and he also acquiesced to the fact that the child called him father.

This time Baby Yi went missing because the nanny was too careless, and he happened to be on a business trip abroad at that time, and the nanny couldn't contact him temporarily, so it took so long to find him.

Just when the two made a brief introduction, Yi Wenwen didn't know what to say, and Shen Mengdie didn't want to say anything, the scene fell into a somewhat weird atmosphere again, and at this moment, Liu who went to the kitchen to pour tea Aunt finally came out.Seeing the person coming, Shen Mengdie breathed a sigh of relief for a moment.Now she really didn't know how to face that person, reason and emotion collided fiercely in her mind, joy and sorrow occupied her nerves at the same time.

"Jingle Bell……"

The cell phone that was placed aside suddenly rang, and she smiled apologetically at the other party. "Sit down for a while, I'll answer the phone."

(End of this chapter)

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