Chapter 106 Chapter 106 Misplaced Life (Thirty)
"You can do whatever you want." Yi Wenwen nodded and stared at the other party with his dark eyes.

Shen Mengdie gently put Baobao Yi aside, took her mobile phone and walked to the other side of the house, glanced at the phone above to confirm that it was a call from the private detective, she felt that there should be a call from the other side. New progress, so I connected the phone over there.

"Hello..." After answering the phone and hearing the words over there, she frowned, and said after a soft sigh, "Just do what we agreed."

Not knowing what the person over there said, she continued after a moment of silence: "Well, I'll send you the address, and you will send it to Yun's house tonight."

"Yes, all the information. Okay, that's it. I'll send you the address later." After hanging up the phone, she sent the address of Yun's home to the private detective over there.Now that she has met Baobao Yi's relatives, and at the same time the person she misses so much, thinking that the main task cannot be delayed any longer, otherwise she will not be able to solve it later, so she started her own actions.

This time, she wanted the private detective to send these photos to Yun's family, so that Yun Yixuan's whole family would be disappointed in that person.As for what will happen to King Quan, it depends on him personally. After all, he is much better now than in his previous life, but if he wants to kill himself, no one can help him.

While Shen Mengdie was standing not far away thinking about something, Yi Wenwen was quite annoyed. He originally wanted to get along with the other party, but he couldn't do it with a paralyzed face all year round. Show a gentle look.

"Mr. Yi, right? You have a cup of tea first, there is only this kind of tea in the house, so don't dislike it." Aunt Liu put the teacup lightly in front of him, and smiled gently.

"You're being polite." Yi Wenwen answered the other party politely with his serious expression. After taking a sip of the tea in the cup, he found that it was actually a kind of tea he usually likes to drink.

"This is the tea that Mengdie bought specially. I don't know how to tell the difference, but she likes it very much."

Listening to Aunt Liu's introduction, Yi Wenwen felt a faint joy in his heart for some reason, but even so, there was no other expression on his face.And at this moment, the phone in his pocket rang suddenly. After nodding to Aunt Liu, he took out the phone and saw that it was his mother calling, and sighed softly. , connected the phone.

"Mom, the baby has been found...nothing happened."

Just when Yi Wenwen started to make a call, Shen Mengdie, who had finished handling the matter, also came back here. Looking at the person who was making the call, she silently returned to her seat and sat down.

"I know, I'm the child's uncle, how can I ignore him." Yi Wenwen said this, with a deep sense of helplessness in his tone, "Okay, I'll let him talk to you by himself." After he finished speaking Finally, he took the phone away from his ear, waved to Baby Yi and shouted softly, "Come here, baby, grandma wants to talk to you."

"Grandma..." After Baobao Yi heard his words, he was about to jump off the sofa quickly. Seeing this, Shen Mengdie quickly stabilized the child, and gently placed him on the floor to stand up.

Yi Wenwen put his mobile phone to the child's ear so that he could hold it by himself. "Grandma, baby misses you...well, baby is not afraid, mom is here."

Yi Wenwen, who was listening to the child's slurred speech, was talking to the other side. Hearing this, he quickly took the phone and said to the other side: "Mom, don't talk. I have something to tell you in detail when I get home." After a brief explanation, he hung up the phone swiftly.

Seeing that the other party put the phone back into her bag, Shen Mengdie took Bao Yi into her arms, opened her mouth and hesitated for a long time before asking her doubts. "Mr. Yi, take the liberty to ask, just now you said that you are the baby's uncle?"

"Yeah, this is still my little brother's child, but he never cared about the baby, so he just followed me." When Yi Wenwen realized that he had a crush on Shen Mengdie, he wanted to explain his relationship with the baby. I haven't been able to find a suitable opportunity. Of course, it is better for the other party to ask now.

When he felt that he had the slightest affection for the person in front of him, he had already started secretly planning the next thing. "Since you are in my eyes, don't try to escape."

At this time, Shen Mengdie was very happy after getting the answer given to her by the other party, which meant that this person was really waiting for her, and she was not just being sentimental. "In this case, what should I say to him?" She squeezed her fingers secretly, and the days of hesitation and helplessness disappeared in an instant, with an unstoppable smile on her face.

When both of them were thinking about their own affairs, Aunt Liu glanced at the clock on the wall and said to Yi Wenwen who was sitting on the side: "Mr. Yi, it will be noon soon, stay for a meal Let's go after dinner."

Shen Mengdie, who was thinking about her own affairs, also joined the ranks of persuasion in a panic after hearing Aunt Liu's persuasion. "Yeah, it's going to be noon soon, and I have to pack up the baby's things before I come, so you guys stay and have lunch before you go." Knowing that she couldn't force him to stay, she had to use this excuse.

Just as she was looking at him nervously, Yi Wenwen agreed to her proposal. "In that case, I will interrupt."

"Don't bother, don't bother." After Aunt Liu answered, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

When there were only two people and one baby Yi left, Shen Mengdie squeezed her fingers tightly, not knowing how to talk to each other, "I should say something now, but I don't know what to do now." At the beginning, she thought about the scene of the two meeting many times, but when they really met, she could only look at each other excitedly in her heart.Although she really wanted to rush over now, her rationality told her that she couldn't. The other party was just a stranger to her now. Thinking of this, she lowered her head in frustration. "What should I do, will he not like me?"

The people here are secretly wondering what to do, but the people over there just think that the other person is very cute after seeing the other's constantly changing expressions.Really, as long as it catches the eye, no matter what the other party does, it will make him feel good.

Shen Mengdie's IQ at this time can be said to have dropped by several percentage points, and she has no time to take care of other things.The two of them actually get along very harmoniously in such an atmosphere, and the occasional simple exchange can spark different sparks.Just when the two of them started to match each other's names, Aunt Liu greeted the few people here while bringing the dishes to the dining table: "Come and sit down, you can eat right away."

(End of this chapter)

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