Chapter 107 107 Misplaced Life (31)


After Shen Mengdie agreed, she had to take Baby Yi to wash her hands as usual, and the child was naturally used to it, so after breaking away from the person holding him, he slowly walked to her side.With a natural movement, he took the child's hand and led him to the direction of the kitchen.

And Yi Wenwen kept up with the two of them as usual, but even if he looked abnormal, ordinary people would not be able to see anything from his iceberg face.

Yi Wenwen pursed his lips and looked softly at the big and small in front of him. Facing the woman who made him want to stay with him when he met for the first time, although he didn't understand where this illusory feeling came from, he believed in his intuition. He resolutely decided to obey his heart.

After the three of them came to the dining table and sat down, Aunt Liu also brought out the last soup. After serving the meals for several people one by one, she hugged Baby Yi and started to feed him.

"Mr. Yi, I don't know what you like to eat, so I just made some at will, you don't mind."

"Where is it, you are being polite."

After Yi Wenwen answered Aunt Liu's words, he was ready to move his chopsticks.

Shen Mengdie picked up a dish and put it in the opponent's bowl at the first time, and then she was a little embarrassed to take back her chopsticks when she realized that she was a little rude.

"sorry, I……"

Without waiting for her to say anything, Yi Wenwen picked up the bowl and took the food that the other party brought over naturally.

"Thank you..."

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and smiled at the other party with the corners of her lips pursed, with joy that could not be concealed in her eyes. "It seems that even if he doesn't remember me, he still tolerates and loves me."

During the next meal time, facing Shen Mengdie's behavior of picking up food for himself from time to time, Yi Wenwen, with a paralyzed face, was actually very happy in his heart.

"Why do I like all the dishes she brought me?"

After many times, he finally found that the other party seemed to understand his preferences very well, and he didn't put what he didn't like in his bowl.

After lunch, Yi Wenwen was ready to take the child back home. Seeing the child yawning non-stop, Shen Mengdie wanted to persuade him to let the child take a nap before going back, but when the other party's phone rang, she had to simply After packing up a few clothes and the child's favorite toys, let the other person go.

"Sorry, I can't stay for long, the family is already urging us to go back."

"Let's go then, I'll see you off."

Shen Mengdie let the other party hold the drowsy child, while she carried the child's belongings.

We came to the parking lot downstairs together, watched the other party put the child in the specially prepared seat and closed the car door, Shen Mengdie handed over the bag in his hand, and watched the other party quickly open the trunk and put the items Putting it in, she hesitated for a moment what to say to the other party.

"Mr. Yi, I..."

"Didn't you agree to call her by name just now, are you going back on your word now?"

Yi Wenwen looked at the other party's nervous look, and said jokingly.But Shen Mengdie came to the conclusion that he was angry after looking at his paralyzed face.

After lowering her head and being silent for a while, Shen Mengdie slowly raised her head to look into the other person's eyes, and said word by word: "Mr. Yi, can you leave me a phone number?"

Seeing the other party's silence, she hurriedly continued: "I think the baby will miss me when he goes back, just leave a phone number at home."

Faced with her slightly cautious attitude, Yi Wenwen stretched out his hand in front of her and said calmly, "Give me your phone."

After hearing this, Shen Mengdie quickly took out the hand she carried with her and handed it to the other party.

She didn't have the habit of setting a password on her phone, so after sliding the screen to unlock it, the other party quickly dialed her phone number and returned the phone to her.

"Call me if you need anything."

Watching the other party raise her mobile phone, she nodded silently while holding her mobile phone.Watching the vehicle disappear at the gate of the campus, she pressed her heart in a bit of disappointment.


The sudden sound brought her back to her senses, and after scanning the passing people around, she turned and returned to her home.

'Sub-task: (You met a lost child, the other party insisted on treating you as his mother, and how should you choose) Adopt the lost child until the other party's relatives come to find him, completed. '

The completion of the side quest also reminded her that the main quest was about to be completed, and that was the time when she had to leave. Although she felt sad, she did not regret what she had done.

"A scum like Wang Quan is not good enough for Yun Yixuan."

After sighing deeply, she sat back on the chair by the balcony and looked at the dazzling sunlight outside. Afterwards, facing such silence, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it has passed, the mobile phone that was placed aside rang, and when I picked it up, it turned out to be Yi Wenwen, and suppressed the excitement in my heart to make my voice sound calmer.

"Hey...Yi Wenwen, what's the matter?"

In her heart, the name that the other party keeps changing is just a code name, as long as she remembers that there is such a person.

"It's like this. The baby will ask me to call you when I get home. You can talk to him now."

Listening to the other party saying that the child just wanted to talk to herself, her originally excited mood gradually began to cool down.


After being silent for a while, the child's voice came over, and the voices of other people around could be heard at the same time. After chatting with Yi Baobao for a long time, the phone returned to the person's hand again, and he heard the person say goodbye Words, she held the phone and opened her mouth here, but swallowed back the words she wanted to say.

Staring at the phone screen that was getting darker, she put it aside without saying a word, and silently stared at the sky outside the window.

When it was getting dark that day, she returned to her bedroom and received a call from a private detective who told her that all the investigation materials had been successfully sent to Yun's house, and she indicated that she knew that she would send the final payment tomorrow. .

"People have also seen it. It has been delayed for so long, and it is time to end."

Shen Mengdie sighed softly and shook her head, slowly leaning against the head of the bed to meditate.

But at Yun's house, after Yun Yixuan brought her good friend Zhu Kexin back home, what she saw was her father's gloomy face, and the two who were happily opening the door were stunned at the door.

Yun Yixuan looked at her mother, and saw that the other party was looking at her worriedly, she didn't understand what was going on for a while.

"Mom and Dad, what's the matter with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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