Chapter 108 108 Misplaced Life (32)

Father Yun sat on the sofa with a straight face, without saying a word, while Yunmu watched her daughter hesitate to speak, with a rather tangled expression on her face.

Zhu Kexin, who came to the other party's house with his friends as a guest, saw that the atmosphere was not right, and greeted with a smile: "Uncle and aunt, I'm here to disturb you again today."

Facing her friend's father, for some reason, she was still a little scared, but now the other's gloomy face made her lean closer to her friend.

"When Kexin comes, come in and sit down. What are you two children doing standing at the door?"

In the end, it was Mica who broke the current slightly dull atmosphere and stepped forward to pull the two children into the room.

"Mom, what's wrong with my dad?"

Yun Yixuan took her mother's hand and asked quietly.

Just when Yunmu was about to speak, Father Yun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly shouted, "You still ask me what's wrong, see for yourself what it is all about?"

After speaking, he threw a file bag tightly in his hand to his daughter.

"Why are you so cruel to our daughter?"

Yun Mu retorted to Father Yun with some dissatisfaction.

Yun Yixuan quickly took the bulging file bag, opened it with some confusion, looked at it, and dumped it all on the table.


With her movements, a large number of photos slid out, and after a glance, she was a little dazed.

The protagonist of all the photos is a man, and beside the man are all kinds of women. After looking at the photos, more unsightly photos came into her sight.

"How could it be him?"

Yun Yixuan looked at the intimate photos of Wang Quan and various women, and various thoughts flashed through her mind, and she also had an indescribable feeling in her heart.Looking at the photos in front of her, although she clearly felt that she had been betrayed by the other party, she was relieved for some reason.

Zhu Kexin, who was sitting by the side, naturally saw who was in the photo, but seeing the expressions of the whole family present, she could only watch the development of the matter in silence, and just as she bent down to pick up her fallen When a photo fell at his feet, he exhaled in surprise.

"Why is she?"

This is a photo of Wang Quan holding Zhu Peiya in the hotel aisle. Looking at the intimate movements of the two of them and the surrounding environment, it is not difficult to guess what they are going to do.

Yun Yixuan, who had been silent for a long time, put down the stack of photos in her hand, and asked her father with a cold expression: "Dad, where did these come from? Did you investigate him?"

The presence at the scene naturally knew who Yun Yixuan was talking about. Father Yun rubbed his forehead, sighed softly and said, "I don't have the time to investigate him. Someone sent them to my house this afternoon, and I I also investigated, how dare he...does he treat you like this, does he really think my Yun family is easy to bully?"

"The child's father, because of that kind of popularity, it's not worth it for him."

Mica stepped forward and patted the other person's shoulder, and said soothingly.

"If it weren't for the fact that he treated us Yixuan well, I would have paid him to start a business? Would I have found contacts for him? Now I actually do such a thing."

Father Yun really got more and more angry as he talked, and wished he could drag that person out and beat him up. He only had Yixuan as his only daughter, and he really held it in his hand for fear of falling, and held it in his mouth for fear of melting.

Regarding her father's agitated appearance, Yun Yixuan looked quite calm, with no trace of anger on her face.

"Dad, since he is this kind of person, I will cut off relations with him myself."

After finishing speaking, she took her backpack and walked slowly towards her room.

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Yun Mu patted her heart, sighed and said, "Fortunately, I didn't agree to that person's marriage proposal at the beginning, otherwise it would be really... hey..."

Hearing his wife's sigh, Father Yun stretched out his hand to hold the other's palm, and patted her comfortingly.

Zhu Kexin, who was watching the whole thing from the sidelines, quietly took a photo and put it in his bag, then stood up and bid farewell to the Yun family's parents: "Uncle and aunt, then I will take my leave first."

"Ke Xin, I'll show you a joke."

"What did Auntie say? I'm going home now. Let Yixuan take a good rest today."

"Remember to come here often after that."

"Okay, goodbye, auntie." After bidding farewell to the Yun family's parents, Zhu Kexin drove his own car and left here, pinched the photo in his hand, and thought to himself: "What a Zhu Peiya, who actually ruined our Zhu family's style, I must go back and tell Grandpa. Hmph... an illegitimate daughter really won't be on the stage..."

Talking about the relationship between Zhu Kexin and Zhu Peiya, this is another relationship, but from the surname, it can be seen that the two have a certain relationship. Yun Yixuan, who was slowly returning to the bedroom, was not what the Yun family's parents were worried about.

After she learned everything, she didn't feel very sad. Everything seemed to be as she expected. After she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Gu Hanche who had been clinging to her recently.

If Shen Mengdie knew that Yun Yixuan had this kind of reaction, she would also lament that her psychological hints some time ago were not in vain.

No matter what the situation is here, Shen Mengdie, who is leaning on the head of the bed and meditating on the other side, seems to have heard the system's prompt in a trance.

"I heard a ding just now, isn't it an illusion?"

Shen Mengdie scratched her hair, and opened her task panel with some doubts.

Main task: to save Yun Yixuan's life, and return all the misplaced plots to their original places.Mandatory tasks are not abortable (completed).

'Whether the host is out of this world, yes OR no. '

"No, I want to stay for a while." With the end of the choice, the back also changed again.

'Countdown 23:59:59. '

Looking at the familiar words again, she knew that she had to leave.But she still had something to worry about, and she decided to see Yi Wenwen tomorrow, as a farewell.

Early the next morning, Shen Mengdie, who was sleeping drowsily, heard a knock on the door. After opening her eyes and looking at the alarm clock beside the bed, she realized that it was only a little past five o'clock. .After sighing, she straightened her wrinkled pajamas and sat up.

"Aunt Liu, what's the matter so early?" Shen Mengdie opened the door while talking, at this moment, a small figure suddenly rushed over and hugged her leg, shouting happily :"Mother."

Unable to move, she glanced at Baby Yi, looked at Aunt Liu with doubts in her eyes and asked, "Aunt Liu, what is this?"

"Mengdie, Mr. Yi said that the child would make a fuss to come to you shortly after returning last night. After finally coaxing him to stay for one night, he brought it over early in the morning."

(End of this chapter)

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