Chapter 109 109 Misplaced Life (33)

After listening to Aunt Liu's introduction, Shen Mengdie was a little confused for a while, so she asked about that person's situation. "Where is Mr. Yi now?"

"Mr. Yi is moving and said that in order to take care of his children's feelings, he will move to be a neighbor opposite our house in the future."

"oh, I see……"

"It's still early, take your child to sleep for a while."

Hearing this, she lowered her head and glanced at Baby Yi who was holding her leg and started to yawn. After giving a light nod to Aunt Liu, she picked up the child and went back to the house. After taking off his shoes and coat, she put him in the Put it in the bed.

After hugging the child and meditating for a while, she also gradually fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she looked at the sleeping child, but she didn't bother her. After finishing her busy work, she watched quietly for a while and found that the child hadn't shown signs of waking up, so she gently closed the door. Up, go downstairs.

When she saw the person sitting in the living room, she was surprised for a moment. After biting her lip, she walked slowly towards him.

Yi Wenwen, who was sitting in the living room, heard the movement behind him, turned around and looked behind him, and nodded his head silently when he saw that it was her.

"Yi Wenwen, you..." Just when Shen Mengdie wanted to ask why the other party was in her home, Aunt Liu came out of the kitchen wiping her hands.

"Mr. Yi just moved to a new house. I saw that he was alone at home, so I invited him to have breakfast with us."

"Oh." Shen Mengdie nodded her head, and answered Aunt Liu with an inaudible voice, and after pinching her fingers tightly, she still sat opposite Yi Wenwen.She had a lot to say to the person in front of her, but she didn't know how to say it for a while, so she smiled politely at the person.

"Shen Mengdie, have we met somewhere before?" He wanted to ask this question when we met yesterday, but his reason told him that it was not a good question to ask a girl for the first time, so he waited until today .

"No..." Shen Mengdie avoided the other party's stare at her, and looked down at her tightly clenched hand.She had already thought about this answer yesterday, and it was less than a day before she left this world, so she wanted to just leave silently with the other party's company.

"then you……"

Seeing that the other party seemed to have something to say to herself, she stood up and avoided the topic. "Yi Wenwen, I'll go see if the baby is awake."

Yi Wenwen looked at the person in a hurry, and felt even more suspicious in his heart. Judging from the other party's behavior and small movements, he could tell that the other party was lying, but he didn't understand what the other party was hiding from him.

Shen Mengdie came to her room as if fleeing, and after calming down her mind, she had to think about what to do next.In the end, rationality prevailed over emotions, and she decided not to tell that person too much, because she found that as long as she left, the other person would follow her. It was a special existence, but she couldn't get it from the system. Too many situations.

In the case of separation and reunion, although there are regrets in my heart, as long as I can always be accompanied by that person, I will not feel lonely.

While she was thinking about her own affairs, Baby Yi on the bed rubbed his eyes and looked at her in a daze.After helping the child change his clothes, she brought him to the living room.After having breakfast together, at the request of the baby, the two took him to other places to play together. They took the baby to a crowded park, to a movie theater, to an amusement park. They were like a family of three. peers.

When I got home, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Looking at Baby Yi who kept yawning but was not going to go back to the next door, Shen Mengdie who wanted to go grocery shopping with Aunt Liu and come back to make dinner had no choice. Wrong Yi Wenwen explained: "Yi Wenwen, I think the baby is sleepy, why don't you take him and rest at home for a while, Aunt Liu and I are going out to buy vegetables now."

Yi Wenwen put his arms around Baby Yi who was already rubbing his eyes frequently, nodded to him and said, "Okay."

Seeing that the other party agreed, she took her key and walked out with Aunt Liu. When she closed the door, she looked back at the two of them and left here in peace.

As the door closed, Yi Wenwen gently stroked the child's head, looked at his slightly closed eyes, and gently put him on the sofa to continue sleeping.

"Hey, I always feel that something is not right..."

After meditating for a while, Baby Yi, who had just fallen asleep, woke up. After pulling his sleeves, the child was about to jump off the sofa by himself.Yi Wenwen quickly caught him, stroked the child's hair and said, "Where are you going, baby?"

"Dad, come with me."

"Okay." After responding to the child's request, he helped put on the shoes, and was dragged upstairs to where he was.Although he wanted to observe that person's living environment at a close distance, it always felt a little inappropriate to go up by himself, but looking at the persistent Yi Baobao, he still sighed and walked up slowly.

"Father, open the door quickly." Baby Yi tugged at his palm, asking him to open the door in front of him.

"Since you've come up, let's go in and have a look." With this in mind, he turned the door, and with a click, the door opened slowly.And behind this door is Shen Mengdie's study, which is usually locked, but for some reason it seems to be forgotten by Shen Mengdie today.

Walking in slowly, the first thing you see is a huge drawing board facing the door. In this room where the sun shines, everything can be seen quite clearly.This... this is..."

"Dad, I said that the one on top is you, but Mom actually said no."

"Why is there a portrait of me?" At this moment, he could no longer care about what Baobao Yi said, and he was a little shocked to see that the study room was filled with various portraits of him.

"Father?" Seeing that he didn't move, Baby Yi tugged at the palm hanging beside him suspiciously.

After Yi Wenwen stroked the child's soft hair, he let go of the child's hand without saying a word, and walked to the drawing board step by step.

"How is it possible?" He stroked the drawing board and looked at the object in front of him that could not be completed overnight. Those eyes that were originally calm were now turbulent, and all kinds of complicated emotions flashed by even the owner of these eyes I don't understand either. "Since I met her, something seems to have changed, that ungraspable sense of loss..."

After standing silently for a long time, he sighed softly, took a deep look at the indoor environment, locked the door with the child in his arms and went back to the living room.

After tapping Baby Yi's nose, he confessed to the other party: "What happened just now is a secret between us, and we must not tell others, let alone Mom."

"Okay, okay, secret..." Baby Yi nodded, expressing that he understood very well.

(End of this chapter)

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