Chapter 110 110 Misplaced Life (End)

After turning on the TV and letting Baby Yi watch anime, Yi Wenwen kept thinking about the key point of the problem.

After having dinner together, the few of them took advantage of the good weather and went for a walk in the garden under the community.Shen Mengdie has been here for a long time, either busy outside or staying at home, so she doesn't know much about the neighbors nearby.

After Aunt Liu went to chat with her friends, Shen Mengdie led Baby Yi and walked in front, while Yi Wenwen walked slowly behind them.

After finding a chair to sit down, Yi Wenwen carried the child on his lap and sat down.Shen Mengdie looked at the other people walking here, then turned to look at the person beside her and sighed softly.

Yi Wenwen naturally saw her eyes from time to time.

"Yi Wenwen, what do you do now?" Shen Mengdie wanted to communicate with the other party, but couldn't find a suitable topic, so he began to ask about the other party's life and work.

"I started my own small company."

"Oh, that's it..." She nodded her head, and then she didn't know what to say.

Just when she turned her head to look elsewhere again, Yi Wenwen pondered for a moment, and then slowly asked, "What about you? You... Where are you now?" I wanted to ask Why are there so many portraits of herself in her study? Yi Wenwen abruptly stopped what she was about to blurt, and asked about the other party's work instead.

Shen Mengdie looked up at the people around her, and replied very peacefully: "I'm on a long-term vacation now, and I don't go to work."

"Then you come to my company." After receiving this answer, he kept his expression on his face, but in his heart he began to secretly think about what kind of position to arrange for the other party.

"This one……"

"Or you can go to my friend's company."

"I..." Shen Mengdie didn't know how to answer the other party for a moment.

"He is still a classmate in the same school as you, maybe at the same level."

"I'm afraid it's not suitable?" She was a little tempted by the proposal of the person in front of her, but when she thought that she was about to leave, it was useless to promise more.

"It's okay, my friend Gu Hanche is easy to get along with."

"Gu Hanche?"

"Yeah, you know each other?" Yi Wenwen, who felt that he had finally found the right topic, decided to continue talking with the other party like this. Although this topic was about his friend, which made him a little uncomfortable, it would be fine as long as the two of them had something to talk about.

"Gu Hanche..." After Shen Mengdie muttered a sentence in her heart, she finally confirmed that the person in front of her did appear in the original drama, and the person in front of her was the friend who helped Gu Hanche through the crisis.

"How? It's up to you to choose." Yi Wenwen looked calm and calm, and his tone did not fluctuate at all, but his eyes were fixed on the other party, hoping that the people around him would come to him.

"Can you promise me a request? Although it's a bit presumptuous of me to say so."

Yi Wenwen didn't even think about it, and naturally responded to the other party, as if this answer had been answered many times, without any thinking. "OK fine."

"In the future, when Gu Hanche encounters difficulties, you must help him." Shen Mengdie considered Yun Yixuan's relationship with Wang Quan, Gu Hanche could not sit still, and with the help of the person in front of him, Wang Quan would definitely jump. Can't get up.

"He and I are friends, so I will naturally help him." Yi Wenwen answered in his mouth, but he was puzzled in his heart that her attitude towards Gu Hanche seemed very strange. "Could it be that she likes Gu Hanche? Impossible, absolutely impossible." After thinking of a possibility, he directly rejected it in his heart.

"Thank you." After thanking Shen Mengdie, she didn't know what to say to the other party.


Just when the other party was about to say something, Shen Mengdie suddenly stood up and interrupted the other party's words. After turning her head to look at the person beside her, she said slowly: "It's getting late, let's go back."

Yi Wenwen, who was about to say something, swallowed the rest of the words. After gently picking up Baby Yi, he slowly prepared to go back with the other party.

When Shen Mengdie opened the door in front of her, she saw that the lights in the room had been turned on, and just as she greeted Aunt Liu and was about to enter, Yi Wenwen grabbed her. "Wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

"Aunt Liu, come here and bring the baby in." After handing the child to Aunt Liu and closing the door lightly, the two stood outside the door and stared at each other for a long time.

"You..." Shen Mengdie saw that Duofang was just staring at herself with her deep eyes with an unclear expression, and feeling a little at a loss, she opened her mouth and looked at him blankly.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

" should go back and rest earlier." After saying that, she was about to turn around and leave.

The moment she turned around, Yi Wenwen slammed her against the wall, and leaned her back against the cold wall. The oppressive figure of the other party immediately enveloped her, looking at the pair of charming eyes under the hazy light. eyes, she tilted her head to avoid the other party's sight.

Yi Wenwen stretched out one of his own palms, and gently stroked the cheek of the person in front of him, so that the other person could look at him.

Shen Mengdie glanced at Yi Wenwen, bit her lip, and finally closed it.

"Who are you looking through me?"

Although the other party's actions were very gentle, Shen Mengdie was terrified. "Did he see it?"

"I can see the emotion of nostalgia from your swollen eyes..." Yi Wenwen said something that surprised the other party in his deep voice.

After Shen Mengdie sighed silently in her heart, she threw herself into the arms of the person in front of her. She didn't think about what the other person would think of her, she only knew that she wanted to hug the person in front of her.

"You?" Yi Wenwen looked down at the person in his arms in some surprise, and after a moment's pause, he gently hugged the person on the other's shoulder.

After a long time of silence like this, Shen Mengdie moved her head, and said in a muffled voice in the other party's arms: "The short separation is for a better meeting next time..." This sentence is aimed at the eyes of the other party. According to others, it is better to say that she is trying to comfort herself, after all, separation is inevitable.

"You..." Just when Yi Wenwen was about to ask her what she meant by this sentence, Shen Mengdie, after breaking free from the other party's arms, ran to the door of the house and opened the door, facing some people who still hadn't reacted. Said: "Next time I will definitely find you first."

Looking at the closed door in front of him, Yi Wenwen fell into confusion.

After Shen Mengdie returned to her current home to wash up and returned to the bed, she looked at Baby Yi who was already asleep, and gently took him into her arms.

"Open task panel..."

'Countdown 1:36:52. '

Seeing that there was not much time, she turned her head and glanced at the child beside her. After kissing the other person's forehead lightly, she ordered the system: "System, confirm to leave this world..."

'Ding, leave this world now. 3, 2, 1, start...'

The end of a mission also means the opening of a new mission.

(End of this chapter)

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