The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 111 Chapter 111 My Master

Chapter 111 Chapter 111 My Master ([-])

In a blink of an eye, Shen Mengdie was already wearing her pajamas from the previous world, and lay down on the bed of this family in the system space.Looking at the surrounding environment, she thought for a moment that she had entered the next world, until the system's notification sounded again, which brought her back to her senses.

'Ding... Is the host going to the next mission world? '

"Wait a minute, first open the task panel..."

As soon as she finished speaking, her personal information appeared in front of her eyes.

Name: Shen Mengdie
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Main missions completed: 4
Side missions completed: 2
Number of Worlds Experienced: 4
Shen Mengdie looked at her unchanging information, glanced at the number of tasks she had completed and asked the system: "System, can I directly teleport to the person I am looking for in the next world?"

'Ding... inquiring, please wait...'

Looking at the constantly beating spots of light, she bit her lips, clenched her palms tightly, and silently hoped in her heart that in this space, she didn't know how much time had passed, maybe it was only a moment, but she I find the waiting time quite difficult.

'Ding... Deduct a main task, exchange for positioning teleportation, yes OR no. '

"Yes, take me there immediately."

This result is tantamount to making her very satisfied. Although she has to deduct the main quests that have never been used, she doesn't know what the use of keeping them is, so she might as well use the waste now.

'Begin teleporting...'

When this voice sounded in her mind, she subconsciously closed her eyes. Before she could open them in the future, the first thing she felt was the bone-piercing chill around her.

"Where is this place?"

Looking at the whiteness around her, she blinked her eyes blankly and looked up into the sky. A round of red sun was hanging in the sky, but she couldn't feel the slightest warmth in a snowy field. The cold wind blew, and she hugged her arms tightly.

"Long dress, embroidered boots?"

Looking at the clothes on her body, she was sure that she should have entered the world with an ancient background. Although the clothes looked thick, she still couldn't stand the cold.

"Open the redemption page..." She rubbed her palms and turned on the system with a trembling voice. "Money exchange, cold cloak."

'The exchange is successful, and the hardware will be deducted...'

As the system notification sounded, a pure white plush cloak suddenly appeared in her hand. Now she didn't care about researching what material the cloak was made of. As soon as she felt the weight of the cloak falling into her hands, He quickly put it on himself, put on a hat to surround himself tightly.

After feeling that the harsh cold wind outside was blocked, she let out a breath of relief, and the hot air she exhaled instantly turned into white water vapor.Rubbing her frozen cheeks, it was only at this time that she finally realized the benefits of the exchange bar.

"System, where am I now? Didn't I talk about his side?" Except for the white snow, there are only a few rocks that are not covered by snow, and the person she is looking for is nowhere to be seen. .

'It has been confirmed that the target is within a radius of two miles, not sure if the target is moving...'

"Hey..." Shen Mengdie sighed softly, and moved her feet that were lightly sunk in the snow. "The radius is two miles, so I'd better find it myself."

After confirming that the system would not help her any more, she tightened her cloak and began to walk forward step by step.

She didn't know where she was, so she looked up at the direction of the sun and decided to move forward in one direction. A piece of white snow reflected the light of the sun from time to time, and the harsh cold wind around her was like a knife. She grabbed the cloak to cover her cheeks, and lowered her head to avoid the cold wind around her.

Stepping on the soft snow, she sank into it step by step. After trying to pull her legs up, she continued to move forward. She didn't know what time it was, nor how long she had been walking. When she was frozen and about to lose consciousness, she found other people's footprints in front of her.

Seeing this, she ran forward excitedly. Although she was not moving fast in the snow, she still came to the place where she found the footprints.

"There is someone here, he should have been here." She raised her foot and stepped into the original footprints to confirm. From here, it can be seen that this is just a footprint of a person, and judging from the comparison of the size of the footprints, it is indeed a person. Men no doubt.Regarding the clues she found, she smiled, raised her already frozen and inflexible hands, and rubbed her cheeks that were about to freeze.

Walking in the snow is not an easy task, and she is walking without a purpose. Following the direction of her footsteps, she walks with one deep foot and one shallow foot, surrounded by the whistling wind. In this vast expanse of whiteness, she seemed to be the only one in the world. Hearing her heavy panting, the surroundings were surprisingly quiet.

"Where the hell is it?"

After walking for a long time, she still didn't see the person she was looking for. At this time, the shoes that were deep in the snow had been wet by the melted snow, and what she felt on her feet was a biting chill.

He blankly looked at the surrounding environment, and only the white snow came into his eyes. Although everything in front of him looked so beautiful, only those who were in it could understand the pain.After sighing lightly, he rubbed his frozen fingers and tightly grasped his cloak.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when her eyes started to glaze over and her legs started to move forward with inertia, the wind around her started to become more intense. Feeling the cold wind like a knife, she could only keep her head down. The head hides his whole body under the cloak.

"It's... so cold..."

Her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably, and she felt that she was on the verge of falling, trying to rub her frozen fingers and cheeks, she knew she had no choice.

"We must find him, find him..."

At this moment, there is only one thought in her mind, which makes her insist on not falling down.

Looking up at the footprints that could not be seen, the tip of her nose that was red from the cold wrinkled slightly, her eyes were full of helplessness, and even more hopeful. After taking a deep breath, she bit her blue lips and stepped forward again. line of the road.

But not long after she left, the sky began to gradually darken, and within a short while, there was a heavy snow like goose feathers floating in the sky. Although the snow was very beautiful from a distance, but for the For Shen Mengdie, this is tantamount to making matters worse.

(End of this chapter)

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