The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 112 Chapter 112 My Master

Chapter 112 Chapter 112 My Master ([-])

She was already unbearably cold when she felt the sudden drop in temperature around her, her body trembled uncontrollably.Flakes of snow, after wetting her cloak, began to pile up on the top of her head and shoulders.

After walking tremblingly for a while, the howling wind mixed with ice and snow rushed towards her face. In just a moment, her eyebrows and eyelashes were frosted, and the exposed hair was also thickened. Get wet.

The boots, which were originally quite warm, were soaked by the melted snow because of walking in the snow for too long, and the feet seemed to be stepping directly on the cold snow.

The blizzard seemed to come as soon as it was said, and it submerged her in an instant. Seeing the footprints that were gradually covered by snowflakes, she ran forward a little out of control, but the increasing snow made it more difficult for her to take every step.

"What to do, it's gone, it's gone." When the footprints completely disappeared, she knew that her only clue was broken.After looking back at her back, the footprints when she came were also erased, and for a moment, she just felt very dazed. "Where am I now?"

Standing in place and looking around, there was only a world of ice and snow surrounding her, everything looked beautiful, but she knew that it might kill her.Emotions prompted her to move on to find someone, while reason told her to find a place to hide from the snowstorm, but looking at the strange environment around her, it seemed that there was no place to hide.

"Where should I go now?" Shen Mengdie asked herself in her heart. After thinking for a while, she started to walk forward with difficulty against the wind and snow. "I'd better look for it and see where there is a place that can take shelter from the wind."

I don't know how long she walked, but she felt that her blood seemed to be frozen, her limbs were gradually out of her control, her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and she felt tired and wanted to rest.

"Can't sleep, can't fall down." She kept chanting silently in her heart, but after walking a distance of more than ten meters, she still threw herself down in the snow, pressing her frozen hands on the icy snow, What I felt was actually a touch of warmth.

"So sleepy..." She gradually closed her eyes, lying motionless in the snow, surrounded by howling cold wind, heavy snow like goose feathers fell on her body, gradually burying her, the cold began Taking away the remaining warmth from her body, everything seemed very still.

And not long after she fell down, in the icy wind and snow, a young man wearing brocade clothes gradually walked out. Looking at his thin clothes, it seemed that the surrounding cold didn't affect him, and he looked calm. Walking in the wind and snow, but there is no expression on the handsome face, it is even colder than the cold snowflakes, it is a kind of coldness that comes from the bones.

He is holding a pitch-black long sword in his hand at the moment, and the light touch of his feet is tens of feet away, without leaving any footprints on the flat snow surface, and his eyes as dark as stars are scanning the front. Behind the snow surface, he suddenly accelerated and galloped forward.

"A woman?"

Looking at the person who was about to be buried, he who was originally indifferent suddenly felt flustered for some reason, so without thinking too much, he quickly stepped forward and hugged the person into his arms, and put his palm on the other person's vest, using his internal strength Warm up each other.

Shen Mengdie originally thought that she would be buried in the snow and would have no chance of finding that person, but when she woke up in a daze, she was still in a daze for the first time and felt the continuous flow of light from the vest. Come the heat.

"Is this saved?"

Feeling the heat behind her, her frozen body leaned back subconsciously. After confirming that she had fallen into someone's arms, she turned her head and looked up at the person who came.

After seeing the other person's face, she confirmed that the other person was the one she was looking for, and staying in the other person's arms, all the wind and snow seemed to be unable to corrode her, and her limbs began to warm up.After she felt that she could move, she turned around and buried herself in the opponent's arms.

"I found you, I found you..."

Shen Mengdie kept muttering to herself, feeling the other person's broad chest and familiar smell. At this moment, she could only confirm that she was not dreaming by hugging him tightly.


Although the man who was saving people was surprised by the behavior of the woman in front of him, he didn't feel disgusted, just like a strange feeling of regaining something lost.After looking at the woman's face, he did not find traces of her existence from his memory, but that lingering sense of familiarity lingered in his heart all the time.

He is the leader of the cult that everyone in the world fears. He has no name in front of people. His subordinates call him the leader of the cult, and the martial arts people call him the leader of the cult, but no one knows that he has the same surname as the current leader of the martial arts.

He never felt that there was anything wrong with the so-called cults. Seeing those self-proclaimed decent people in the martial arts world doing hypocritical things while making excuses for themselves, he often showed a sarcastic smile.

The Yuehua Sect was originally a sect that relied on medicinal materials to make a fortune. It was always a woman who served as the leader. Later, after hundreds of years, it became a cult in the eyes of everyone for some reason.But after he took over his mother's power, he became the leader of this generation.

And this time he came to Tianshan to collect the seven-color snow lotus that only appears once in a century. The seven-color snow lotus is different from other ordinary snow lotuses. It is precisely because it only appears once in a hundred years that it is so precious. It has the effect of bringing the dead back to life.

Although he didn't have any mother-child feelings for that mother in his heart, he still came, left his subordinates at the foot of the mountain, and came to the top of the snow mountain alone to gather medicine for his mother in name.

Gently hugging the person in his arms, he stroked the other's hair with a gentle movement that he had never done before. Feeling the wet ends of the other's hair, he frowned slightly.Seeing that the woman seemed not to be moving in his arms, he carefully moved her out a little. After seeing the abnormal blush on the other's cheek, he stretched out the back of his hand and stroked the woman's forehead, then pursed the corners of his mouth, tightly Frowning, he picked him up firmly, lightly stepped on his feet, and quickly flew down the mountain.

Not long after the two left, a group of people dressed in cold clothes and holding sharp swords appeared here. At the same time, the wind and snow that was still falling just now stopped, and the sun appeared here again. Everything seemed so Clean and beautiful, even the traces of their existence just now were covered.

"Leader, there are traces of someone walking ahead."

A young man with an ordinary appearance reported to the young leader in front of him after glancing at the front.

"Could someone be there first? Let's go and have a look."

The man who spoke was dressed in a fine attire, with a majestic look on his face, but when he spoke, his expression was gentle.

PS: This will be the last free chapter, thank you for your support, and hope that everyone will support Cabbage when it is released tomorrow. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

(End of this chapter)

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