The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 113 Chapter 113 My Master

Chapter 113 Chapter 113 My Master ([-])

This so-called alliance leader is the martial arts leader of this generation. He is the only son of the previous generation's martial arts leader. Under the influence of his father, he has naturally grown into the leader of this generation.And the strangest thing is that he looks exactly like the man who rescued Shen Mengdie just now, even his body shape and voice are exactly the same.

"Master, look..."

Looking at the footprints in front of him and the obvious traces of people staying, the man called the leader scanned the surrounding environment and told the people around him: "Xiao Wu, take a few people to look ahead."

"Yes, leader." After the young man named Xiao Wu agreed, he took a few people in the same clothes as himself and went to the front to investigate the situation.

The leader bent his waist and squatted in the snow, looking at the trace in front of him, which was obviously someone lying down, and thought to himself: "This looks like a trace left by two people, but I didn't see any footprints. I don't know if it's because the wind and snow are too strong, or if the opponent's martial arts are too strong, if it's the latter..." Thinking of this, he began to look for a suitable target from the known people, and finally sighed, stood up Get up and look into the distance.

On the top of this snow-capped mountain, dripping water really turns into ice. Ordinary people are looking for death when they come up, except for the wind and snow. The extreme environment makes it impossible for any living things to survive here.

"Report to the lord, the subordinates have not found any suspicious traces." Xiao Wu, who took people to check the situation, had to return here after searching.

"It seems that someone has run ahead of us." After pondering for a moment, the leader looked at the top of the snow-capped mountain in front of him and ordered his subordinates: "Now set off to the top of the mountain at full speed."


Afterwards, this group of people disappeared into the vast snow field. They were a group of Jianghu people headed by the leader of the martial arts. They came this time because of the colorful snow lotus that only bloomed once in a hundred years on the top of the snow mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, the leader has brought Shen Mengdie to the place where his subordinates are waiting for him. At the same time, he also put on a silver mask with golden dark lines on his face. Except for his mother who is currently seriously ill Apart from knowing, no one knows his real appearance.

"Master..." After seeing him, a man in black clothes quickly stepped forward and saluted.This man is the Zuo Guardian of Yuehua Sect. He was single-handedly promoted by the leader. Apart from his high martial arts skills, the most important thing is to be loyal to the leader.

"En." The leader tapped his chin lightly and walked towards the crowd.

"Master, what are you?" Zuo Hufa glanced at the woman in the arms of his leader, and couldn't hide his surprise. Everyone in the sect knew that the leader never got close to women, and even his wife specially helped his son arrange it. The beautiful young woman would be mercilessly broken by the leader and thrown out of her bedroom. Now seeing the leader's careful movements, not only he was surprised, but even the rest of the congregation were amazed.

"Arrange a place to rest." Ignoring everyone's wide-eyed eyes, he lightly ordered Zuo Guardian.

"Teacher, please follow me." Zuo Hufa took a look at the woman who was being protected tightly by the leader, waved away the people around, and led the way in front.The place where they are now staying is the largest inn in this small town, and the environment is relatively good.

When the leader asked the maid to wash the person in his arms, he put Shen Mengdie on the bed and wrapped it up tightly by himself. After inviting the divine doctor he taught, he stood quietly. He bowed his head in thought.

The genius doctor who was invited was not an old man, but a handsome young man with frivolous eyes.He paused for a while while putting his hand on Shen Mengdie's wrist, and then looked at the other's cheek and hand. Just as he was about to reach out to caress the cheek of the woman in front of him, he interrupted his movement with a light cough.


"Master, do you still want me to see a doctor?" After seeing a tightly wrapped woman on the bed, and knowing that the other person was rescued by the leader from the top of the snow mountain, he thought... He wanted to lift the quilt to see if the opponent's hands and feet were frostbitten, but under the pricking gaze of the person behind him, he had to ask the female assistant he brought to help take the woman's hands out of the quilt.When he put his hand on the woman's wrist to take the pulse, the feeling came again, and now he wanted to check whether the woman had frostbite on her face, but was interrupted again.

"Liu Ye, you have surpassed."

"Master, I have already told you not to call me by this name. You should call me Miracle Doctor Liu." This Miracle Doctor Liu named Liu Ye was quite dissatisfied with his name, but his old man was a very stubborn person. He was allowed to change his name easily, so he always used the title of Miracle Doctor Liu in front of people.

The leader just raised his eyes and glanced at the other party coldly, then set his eyes on Shen Mengdie who was unconscious.

"Master, she just has a cold and fever, and she will be fine after taking a few doses of medicine." Liu Ye summed up the situation of the woman, and motioned to the female assistant beside her to help her cover the quilt.

"Then why hasn't she woke up yet?" The leader looked at the tightly closed eyes of the person on the bed, and he still remembered how affectionately those eyes looked at him when he rescued him.

Liu Ye straightened her sleeves, picked up the writing brush prepared on the table, and took out a piece of rice paper, writing the prescription in a flowing manner. "Take this and go to the pharmacy in the town to get the medicine. After decocting the medicine, give it to her." He waited for the ink to soak into the paper, then picked it up and handed it to his other male assistant, and ordered.

After watching the person leave, he straightened his sleeves before slowly answering the teacher's question. "Master, did you really rescue this woman on the top of the snow mountain?"

"Why do you ask that?" The leader turned his gaze to Shen Mengdie to Liu Ye, and walked slowly to the table.

"The woman has no other problems except for some fever due to contracting a cold."


"Master, this is the suspicious place. Dare I ask why a weak woman without any internal strength didn't have a little bit of frostbite in that kind of extremely cold place?" Liu Ye noticed something was wrong with Shen Mengdie after checking. The place. "Master, now is the time for those famous sects to suppress my teaching, so we have to guard against it."

"No need to say much, I have my own calculations."

"Master..." Liu Ye didn't think that a woman without any martial arts would harm the leader, but the attitude of the leader towards that woman was really unpredictable.

"Since there's nothing else to do, you can go back first." The person who wanted to say something waved away, and he walked slowly to the side of the bed, reaching out to caress the cheek of the unconscious person, in his eyes he didn't know tenderness.

And after Liu Ye asked his assistant to carry his medicine box out of the room, he met Zuo Guardian who was outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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