The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 117 Chapter 117 My Master

Chapter 117 Chapter 117 My Master ([-])

Yao Meier was a subordinate who was promoted by the leader together with Zuo protector He Zijun, and as the only woman who was able to get close to the leader, she felt very lucky.But the leader's always cold attitude made her a little helpless, so she had no choice but to approach silently.

When the leader walked into the room with a strong smell of medicine, everyone present turned their heads to look at him. "Cough cough cough... You are here..." The middle-aged woman who was lying on the bed looked haggard and her eyes were dull, but she could still vaguely see from her face what kind of stunning beauty she was when she was young.

"En." The leader stood beside the bed, looking at his nominal mother in front of him, he didn't know what he was thinking in his dark eyes.

" all go down first."

"Yes, ma'am." After hearing the woman's order, the rest of the serving maids bowed and left. When the door was slowly closed, only the two of them and a doctor were left present.

Liu Mingyan is Liu Ye's father, but due to physical reasons, he has been working in the church. Since the mother of the leader was seriously ill recently, he had to be on call at any time.

Liu Mingyan stood on the spot and looked at the two silent people, and sighed silently in his heart. Although he knew that the relationship between the leader and his wife was a bit stiff, he couldn't intervene in the current situation. "Master, Madam's condition..."

Listening to Liu Mingyan's words, the leader slowly turned his gaze over. "I see, I have already brought the things back, you can go to Protector Zuo to get them."

"Well, I'm going now." Liu Mingyan naturally understood why the leader was going to Tianshan Mountain at this time, so he turned and left after leaving in a haste.

When there were only two people left, the scene was silent for a moment. The woman lying on the bed moved her arms vigorously, leaned lightly on the head of the bed, and looked at the child in front of her with gentle eyes. "Wen Wen, come here and let my mother have a look."

"Ma'am, just tell me what you have to do. I still have important things to do." The leader has no affection for the woman in front of him, and taking care of her is just to repay the other party for giving birth to him.And he did have a name, following his father's surname, named Yi Wenwen.

"Can't you chat with your mother?" The woman frowned and said with a sad face.

The leader stood by the bed without saying a word, silently looking at the very weak woman in front of him.How could it be possible for the former leader to be as harmless as he is now? He always remembered the cruel appearance of the other party in his childhood, and the other party would often say a person's name in his ear, and that name The person is his biological father.

"Wen Wen, I haven't told you for so many years... who is your father? Now that you have grown up, you should grow up with the truth of the matter. Back then..." As the other party slowly told the story, the leader began to know something At the beginning and end of the matter, I also learned that I was actually the child of the previous generation of martial arts leader, and the current martial arts leader Yi Longfei happened to be his younger brother.

Knowing the answer, he hid all the thoughts in his heart in those bottomless eyes, and his face was perennially cold, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

Regarding the completely different life between himself and his younger brother, Yi Wenwen didn't have too many emotions. He just watched his mother in name chattering, and after closing his eyes tiredly, he turned and left without any regrets. here.

The real name of the Hierarch is known only to the wife lying on the bed besides himself. However, the Hierarch doesn't like this name very much, but for some reason, he didn't abandon it.

Relying on her own conjecture and the information provided by the system, Shen Mengdie decided to go with Yi Longfei, the current martial arts leader, and just when she was worried about how to find him, a group of so-called so-called people from the rivers and lakes.

Shen Mengdie, who was eating at a seat near the window, was attracted by a group of strangely dressed people. In her eyes, the strange people seemed normal to others. After all, she had never seen what the so-called quack people looked like.

"Boss, let's stay."

"Guest officer, please come inside."

Shen Mengdie put down the teacup in her hand, looked at the well-dressed man communicating with the boss, and curiously looked at the long sword in his hand.When she heard the noise at the door, she turned her gaze to the door, and at this moment, she suddenly stood up excitedly.

"He's back?" Shen Mengdie murmured to herself, and happily walked towards the group of people.Because the leader was the one who saved her, even though he was in a daze at the time, he remembered that person's appearance in his heart.

"Leader, I have already made arrangements." The well-dressed man who was talking to the boss just now was Xiao Wu, the guard next to Yi Longfei. After explaining clearly to the boss, he reported to the leader who came in later.

"Well, let's go."

When several people were walking inside, Shen Mengdie also rushed to Yi Longfei at this moment, and when she was one meter away from the other party, she stopped her footsteps.

Yi Longfei looked at the woman who suddenly stood in front of him, looked at him suspiciously for a moment, and asked gently: "Girl, what do you want?"

Shen Mengdie stared at the person in front of her obsessively. When she heard the other person's question, she bit her lip, opened her mouth and said, "Thank you for saving me, can I go with you?"

"Girl, you got the wrong person."

"I didn't admit my mistake, it was you." When she saw that the other party rejected her, she felt a little wronged in her heart. In her previous memory, the person who had always loved her so much would never let herself be hurt in the slightest.

Looking at the misty eyes of the woman in front of him, Yi Longfei sighed helplessly, and when he was about to say something more, a group of people walked in from outside.

"Master Yi, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Master Zhao, please be polite." After Yi Longfei greeted the other party, he was about to turn around and go in, but seeing the woman blocking him, he couldn't let his subordinates directly pull her away.

"Leader Yi, what are you?"

Shen Mengdie was listening to the conversation between the two, and probably guessed that the person called Leader Yi was the Wulin leader Yi Longfei he was looking for, so she was even more sure that she must follow along, otherwise she would be killed by the later Ru Xueer It's not good to give it first.

"Master Zhao, she..."

Without letting Yi Longfei finish speaking, Shen Mengdie took the words first and said, "Thank you, Lord Yi, for your rescue. The little girl has nothing to repay, and I only wish to stay by your side forever."

"You are..." Yi Longfei looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and couldn't refuse for a while under the expectant gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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