The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 118 Chapter 118 My Master

Chapter 118 Chapter 118 My Master ([-])

The middle-aged man who was called the head of Zhao looked Shen Mengdie up and down, stroked his beard, and said to Yi Longfei with a half-smile: "Master Yi..."

"Hey, let's go in and talk about it." Yi Longfei coughed lightly, then said to Shen Mengdie gently, then turned around and said goodbye to Sect Leader Zhao: "Sect Leader Zhao, farewell."

After following the other party into the pre-booked box, Shen Mengdie stood there awkwardly.For some reason, although the other party's eyes were very gentle and his attitude was very polite, she was indeed a little uncomfortable.

"Girl, please sit down first."

Shen Mengdie glanced at the person who had already sat down, hesitated for a while, and walked over slowly, looking at the person who was staring at her, she decided to tell her why she came directly after thinking about it. "Leader Yi, I want to stay by your side."

"Girl, I..." When Yi Longfei was about to explain, he looked into her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then changed his decision. "Girl, I want to go back to the villa, then..."

"As I said, I will go wherever you go?" After Shen Mengdie decided that the person in front of her was the one she was looking for, she decided to stay directly, and only if she stayed would she have a chance.

"In this case, you can go back with me. If you want to leave in the future, you just need to talk to me."

"En, good." Seeing her goal achieved, Shen Mengdie was very happy. Even if the other party didn't remember her, she believed that the two of them could have a good relationship with each other again.

In this way, under Yi Longfei's persistent explanation and Shen Mengdie's unilateral determination, a wonderful misunderstanding occurred.When sitting in a spacious and comfortably furnished carriage, Shen Mengdie raised the curtains to look at the scenery along the way, and then looked back a little bored, looking at the person resting with her mouth pursed and her eyes closed tightly. Smiling secretly looked at each other from time to time.

Although Yi Longfei was resting with his eyes closed, he could still be keenly aware of the scorching gazes of the people around him. He had met many women who were going to follow him halfway, and he would bring them back and keep them in the future. He doesn't know how many nerdy women there are.

In this ancient background where the age of marriage was generally relatively early, as a young talent, he was naturally admired by many women, and it was normal for him to have three wives and four concubines.And the reason why he hasn't married a wife so far is just that he hasn't found someone who can match him, and those women in the back house are not his ideal wife candidates.

After meeting Shen Mengdie, he felt that the other party was a bit attractive to him, so he naturally kept him.

Shen Mengdie didn't notice the thoughts of the people around her, and now she was only thinking about how to get along with them, and even the tasks assigned to her by the system were left behind by her.She firmly believes that the other party will be the same as in the previous few worlds, and there will only be her alone, but she doesn't know that she has recognized the wrong person.

As twin brothers of the same mother, Yi Wenwen and Yi Longfei are almost identical in appearance, and those who do not have a deep understanding of them will mistake the two.

With such different thoughts, the carriage staggered to the mountain forest that it needed to pass through.

"Leader, Yingu is ahead." The person reporting outside the carriage was Xiao Wu. After he sent someone to check the situation ahead, he came over to ask the leader what to do next.

Yi Longfei raised the curtain, looked at the surrounding environment, nodded and told Xiao Wu, "Go ahead."


Shen Mengdie silently watched the communication between the two, and asked Yi Longfei with some doubts: "Brother Yi, is there anything special about Yingu?"

The two had briefly exchanged their names along the way, but both of them only gave vague accounts of their backgrounds.Shen Mengdie was unable to tell his past, while Yi Longfei wanted to keep his good impression in the other party's heart.

"Sound Valley is a very long canyon. Because of this, when the wind blows through one end, it will make a musical tone."

Listening to the other party's explanation, she frowned and said with a smile, "Isn't that very interesting."

"It's interesting, but there are also a lot of bandits here, who make a living by robbing passers-by."

"This..." Hearing that there were bandits, she, who had been living in a peaceful time, suddenly felt flustered.

Seeing her flustered expression, Yi Longfei stretched out his hand to comfort her, but for some reason, she was subconsciously unwilling to let the other person touch her, and it was precisely because of her own subconscious physical behavior, Make the other party want to bring people into their back house even more.

Because she couldn't touch her, the other party just patted her on the shoulder with a magic hand, and said in a gentle voice: "Don't worry, the bandits here are still not a threat to us."

"En." Listening to the other party's words, Shen Mengdie nodded her head silently.

When the vehicle was moving forward smoothly, suddenly there was a sudden brake, and Shen Mengdie's body was about to slam forward uncontrollably. Yi Longfei quickly brought the person into his arms with quick eyesight, and told the people outside He scolded, "What's going on?"

"Help me, save me..." Hearing a woman's weak cry from outside the carriage, Yi Longfei quickly opened the curtain in front of the carriage with one free hand after hearing the sound.

"Master, there is a woman."

"I saw it." Yi Longfei hugged Shen Mengdie tightly, and looked at the woman who was lying in front of his carriage, crying pear blossoms and rain.

Shen Mengdie's movements, which were about to break away from the hands of the people beside her, suddenly stopped after seeing the woman. She looked at her in surprise and exclaimed. "It's you."

Yi Longfei, who was observing the woman in front of his carriage, turned his head to look at the other person with some doubts after hearing the words on the forehead of the person beside him. "Mengdie, do you know her?"

Shen Mengdie shook her head and didn't plan to say anything more, but she was thinking in her heart: "It seems that the plot has already started, but I don't know if everything will be the same as the plot with my participation."

Ru Xueer, who fell in front of the carriage, followed her master's advice and came out to practice, but she encountered bandits not long after she came out. With her fairly good lightness skills and good luck, she met the passing Yilong Fei and his party.

After seeing the group of people in front of her, she knew that she was saved, so she cried like pear blossoms and rain, hoping that the people in the carriage would take her in as soon as possible, but at the moment when the curtain was opened, she was undoubtedly Somewhat disappointed, the tall and handsome man actually had a woman in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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