The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 119 Chapter 119 My Master

Chapter 119 Chapter 119 My Master ([-])

Shen Mengdie didn't pay attention to Ru Xueer's mood, and she was secretly recalling the plot at this time.

"Go and help that girl up alone."

After receiving the leader's order, a guard jumped off the horse and gently helped Ru Xueer up.

And just when Ru Xueer stood up silently, the bandits chasing her had already arrived. After confirming that there were not many people on their side, the bandits rushed forward.

"Kill..." Yi Longfei just glanced at the bandits over there, and then ordered his subordinates to deal with it quickly.

"Come on... kill..." The bandits rushed towards this side shouting slogans.

After Shen Mengdie heard the sound, she turned her gaze to that side. With the clanging of weapons, soon a bandit had his throat cut and died under the sword of the guard.She looked at the spurting blood, her heart tightened, the blood on her face faded instantly, and she looked away with a pale face.

When everything was over, Shen Mengdie sat silently and listened to the negotiation between the two in front of her, while her face was pale, and her hands and feet kept trembling slightly.

When Ru Xueer saw the killing scene, she was frightened and wept immediately. Although she was a doctor, she had never seen such a bloody scene, so she was still sobbing after getting into the carriage.

"My name is Ru Xue'er, and I'm a disciple who came out of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors. Today is thanks to you." As she spoke, she looked at Yi Longfei with red eyes.

Seeing this, Yi Longfei naturally hugged him into his arms and comforted him non-stop. "Xue'er, my name is Yilongfei."

"Brother Yi, can I go with you? I'm afraid of walking alone." After she finished speaking, she made a frightened expression and buried herself in the other person's arms.

Someone throws himself into his arms, Yi Longfei naturally accepts it happily, stroking the other's hair, he keeps softly comforting the person in his arms.

Shen Mengdie, who was neglected, sat quietly by the side, holding her cold palm, feeling a little bitter in her heart. "His embrace has always been for me, but now it is..." She was also afraid, and she also wanted the other party to hug her and comfort her softly, but looking at the actions of the two in front of her, the words she wanted to say seemed to have something A thorn stuck in his throat, and he was unable to speak.

Faced with the current situation, Shen Mengdie could only lower her head, comforting herself silently in her heart: "It's okay, he doesn't remember me now, everything will be fine."

In this way, several people set foot on the leader's villa again. Along the way, seeing the two getting bored with each other, she also approached Yi Longfei, but for some reason, whenever the other party got close to her At one o'clock, she felt uncomfortable all over.

"Hey..." Sighed softly, looking at the two people who were riding the same horse outside slowly, she could only sit in the carriage and watch there silently.When the sky gradually darkened, a group of people began to prepare for the night in the field.

Shen Mengdie looked at the burning bonfire, with the sticky two people beside her. She was a little bored and touched the sparks with a branch, while other guards were busy around her.

"Brother Yi, when will we come to your house?" Ru Xueer leaned lightly in Yi Longfei's arms, holding the other's palm, and said coquettishly.

Hearing the man's question, Shen Mengdie stopped what she was doing, and looked at Yi Longfei with the same doubt.

"It's coming soon, there are still about two days' journey." Yi Longfei took the palm of the person in his arms and rubbed it gently.

"That would be wonderful."

Shen Mengdie watched the two people's not-so-concealed movements, bit her lips, and continued to touch the sparks a little irritably, because she suddenly found that she couldn't get into the topic of the two of them.

"Brother Yi, have you heard of the colorful snow lotus?" Ru Xueer said while turning to look into the eyes of the person behind her.

Yi Longfei, who was pinching the soft little hand of the man in his arms, heard the other party's inquiry, and after a pause, he slowly asked back: "Oh, why did you think of this?"

"Hmm... um no, you know that our Miracle Doctor Valley is all healers, so this time I came out to practice as a master, so I have the opportunity to see what this colorful snow lotus looks like." Ru Xueer blinked her eyes, playfully As he spoke, he did not forget to tug at the corner of the other party's clothes, which seemed very intimate.

After a moment of silence, Yi Longfei suppressed the smile on his face and said, "I've never seen it before. This time, someone stepped up first."

"Isn't it in his hands?" Ru Xueer thought to herself. When she found out that the young man she met was actually the leader of the martial arts alliance, she felt very lucky. She heard that the leader of this trip to Tianshan was the leader of the martial arts. The person most likely to get the colorful snow lotus. "I miscalculated? But even if it's not in his hands, his status is very good."

Ru Xueer is not sure whether the other party is deceiving her, but considering Yi Longfei's status, she is still willing to make friends with him. If she relies on this mountain, she will become more famous in the world in the future , and those disciples of Miracle Doctor Gu who came out of the same batch as me will not be able to compare with me.

Shen Mengdie silently watched the movement of the two people over there, her silent appearance seemed very cold, making people look at her with a sense of alienation, but in fact she was checking the side mission she had just started.Just when Ru Xueer asked about Yilong flying the colorful snow lotus, a system notification sounded in her head.

'Sub-task: get the legendary colorful snow lotus. (undone)'

"It seems that this legendary item still exists." After thinking about it silently in her heart, she decided to play it by ear, and the possibility of the colorful snow lotus on Yi Longfei's body was quite high. "System, what is the use of this colorful snow lotus?"

'Ding, the colorful snow lotus is a holy medicine for healing, and it is rumored that it has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. '

"Oh, that's it." Although she didn't understand the use of this colorful snow lotus in her hands, she still decided that if she had a chance to get it, she could give it a try. Anyone who is not allowed to complete a side mission is not bad. .

I don't know if this negative attitude of hers was noticed by the system. Just as she finished speaking, the system reminded again: "The colorful snow lotus as a quest item can be taken to the next world by the host. '

"Take it away? Isn't that the same as the gold and silver I took away in the previous world?" Regarding her guess, she secretly asked the system in her heart.

"Yes..." Although the system didn't help her much when she completed the task, it could query like an encyclopedia, and it would answer some simple questions.

(End of this chapter)

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