The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 127 Chapter 127 My Master

Chapter 127 Chapter 127 My Master (Seventeen)
"I'm really sorry, I didn't know about you..." Yi Longfei thought she was talking about the death of his relatives, so he said apologetically after smiling awkwardly.

"It's nothing." Shen Mengdie shook her head to indicate that she was not affected by the other party's words. After putting away the disappointed expression on her face, she straightened her face and asked, "Brother Yi, what's the matter with you?" Just say it, it's getting late now." After she finished speaking, she looked up at the sky outside the pavilion.

Looking at her actions, Yi Longfei stopped making detours. After clearing his throat, he sighed softly and said: "At the beginning you insisted on coming back with me. For Xueer, she is the purest and kindest woman I have ever seen, you should understand my thoughts, right?"

When Shen Mengdie heard the person in front of her ask her a rhetorical question, she suddenly felt like she was choking. All the words she wanted to blurt out were stuck in her throat, making her not know what to say for a while.

"I don't want you to be like those girls in my backyard who become ugly because of jealousy." Yi Longfei looked at the man in front of him with his head bowed, and the expression on his face could not be seen clearly under the dim light. It made him think that the other party acquiesced to his words, so after sighing lightly, he continued to say helplessly: "I believe you are a good woman, but you have to understand that I cannot be alone."

Shen Mengdie's silence made him think that the other party wanted to spoil him alone. He had seen too many women like this. She had a cold face at the beginning, but in the end she didn't voluntarily stay in his back house.

After a long silence, the atmosphere was stagnant for a while, and the Hierarch, who was hiding in the dark, relied on his deep internal strength to naturally listen to the conversation between the two. Looking at Yi Longfei coldly, various emotions flashed in his dark eyes.

Shen Mengdie, with her head lowered, bit her lips secretly, then blinked her astringent eyes, slowly raised her head to look at Yi Longfei's face, and said word by word: "Brother Yi, you What do you mean by telling me this?"

"Mengdie, I understand how you feel now. Although you are very good, but..."

"Okay, don't say any more, I understand what you mean, I'll leave here tomorrow morning." Shen Mengdie didn't let the other party continue to hurt herself, she can be sure now that the other party must not be the person she was looking for, but once Seeing the other person's face, she felt a little sad again.

"Mengdie, that's not what I meant, don't get me wrong." Yi Longfei quickly comforted him when he saw that the other party's expression was wrong.

"There is no misunderstanding. When I said thank you for saving me in the snow mountain, how did you answer me?"

Yi Longfei heard the question from the person in front of him, and began to recall the scene when the two met in his mind. "But you were the one who insisted on going with me back then. I didn't force you." He didn't think there was anything wrong with him, but the woman in front of him was too greedy.

After a long silence, Shen Mengdie suddenly looked up at the other party and said, "This face you use makes me sick." Only she understood what she meant by the specious words she said. The same face of that person made her panic whenever she saw him getting close to other women.

Listening to her words, Yi Longfei thought she was scolding him for his good looks, so his expression sank and a contemptuous smile appeared on his face. "You wanted to follow me out of no sense of shame, and now you're teaching me a lesson."

"You..." Listening to the other party's words, Shen Mengdie raised her head and glared at the other party.

"Looking at your cold face every day, do you think I like it? I don't know how many times Xue'er is better than you. Now she is mine, and you will also be mine."

"Impossible." After confirming in her heart that the person in front of her was not that person, she no longer hesitated in her heart. Even if it was that person, she would not be able to accept such an attitude.

"Who do you think you are? If I didn't like to throw myself into my arms, do you think you can stay here so peacefully?" Yi Longfei said while covering people under his shadow, and at the same time He raised his hand and firmly clamped the opponent's chin.

Feeling the opponent's movements, Shen Mengdie frowned in disgust, and wanted to tilt her head to avoid the opponent's movements, but the pain on her chin reminded the opponent how much effort she had used.

"Do you know? Whenever you look at me with those admiring eyes, I really want to press you under my body." Yi Longfei said in her ear ambiguously, while stroking her with the other hand on her cheek.

"Shameless." Shen Mengdie glared at the other party, scolding the other party tenderly.

"I see you desolately every day, and it's not bad to be angry now."

Shen Mengdie didn't understand that she was fine at first, but how she suddenly turned into the current situation. The speed at which the person in front of her changed her face caught her by surprise, and it was really hard to see through people's hearts.

"Okay, do you think you can still leave after being spotted by me? This is my territory, you should stay here with peace of mind in the future." Yi Longfei said with a light smile, not forgetting to firmly control people under his control in the arms.

The hot air sprayed in her ears made her want to avoid it in disgust, but now that she was under the control of others, she was a little annoyed. In the face of the opponent's absolute power, her resistance was like acting like a baby to the opponent.

"You will be my wife from now on, don't worry, I will love you well..." Before the smile on Yi Longfei's face could be retracted in time, he suddenly felt a pain in his hand, and subconsciously let go of the person in his arms Looking into the dark garden. "Who?"

And the moment the other party let go of his hand, Shen Mengdie took the opportunity to quickly move away from the other party, watching the man holding his injured right hand, blood dripping down on the bluestone board.

The leader hiding in the dark hadn't intended to scare the snake, but after seeing Yi Longfei start to move his hands and feet and speak disrespectfully, he couldn't help it anymore, so he picked up a sharp stone and used his internal force to hit it out.

After Shen Mengdie felt trapped, she planned to use the system to get out, but before she could act in the future, the situation changed suddenly. "What's the situation now?" She stood in the corner of the pavilion, frowning and looked around, but the dark environment made her unable to see clearly.

"Who is it? Come out quickly." Yi Longfei held his injured right hand tightly, and kept looking around. At the same time, the patrolling guards also heard the movement here, and rushed to this side one after another. .

(End of this chapter)

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