The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 128 Chapter 128 My Master

Chapter 128 Chapter 128 My Master ([-])
"call out……"

An ordinary leaf flew towards Yilong quickly, and the moment he noticed it, he turned his head violently. The leaf mixed with internal force cut a bloodstain on his cheek, and the blood dripped continuously. Oozed through the wound.

Looking at the current situation, Shen Mengdie also understood that an enemy should have come to the door. Although she didn't know who it was, she hid herself in the corner of the pavilion with the mentality of avoiding accidental injury.

"Master, what happened?" After the patrol team arrived, a small team leader came out and asked the gloomy Yi Longfei.

Yi Longfei squinted his eyes slightly, and kept looking around, hoping to check for any troubles.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Several leaves attacked his face at the same time. After avoiding one leaf, he was cut by another one. He caressed the two scars on his left cheek, and he glanced at the surrounding environment viciously. Finally, he did not forget to explain to the guards beside him: "Send two people to send Miss Shen back to the guest room, and the others will follow me to arrest the assassin."

"Yes." After two guards bowed their heads in response, they came to Shen Mengdie who was in the corner and asked, "Miss Shen, come with us."

Shen Mengdie understood that now was not the time for her to be head-on, so after rubbing her sore chin lightly, she turned around and walked back silently.

"Who is helping me? Whether he is intentional or unintentional, I have to thank him." She thought secretly in her heart, paused when she walked out of the garden, looked back at the scene in the courtyard, and sighed walked out.

Yi Longfei led his guards to compete secretly with the people hiding in the dark. After a moment of silence, a figure suddenly flashed across the courtyard wall, and a guard shouted loudly: "The assassin is there!" side."

"Come with me." Yi Longfei naturally also saw the figure flashing past, so after a pause, he quickly led people to chase after him.And just after the crowd left here, a person slowly walked out from the dark side, this person was the leader who attacked Yi Longfei just now.

The black shadow that attracted everyone's attention just now was nothing more than a hidden guard next to the leader. The people who didn't know that they had been tricked into diverting the tiger away from the mountain hurriedly chased away, and at the same time alarmed some guests who were staying overnight at the villa.

"It seems that he left temporarily." The leader twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and after silently watching the crowd leaving with torches for a while, he quickly left here in a flash.

But Yi Longfei, who went to chase the assassin, wandered around with his guards, but suddenly couldn't find the shadow of the assassin just now. "Send someone to block all the exits for me, and search carefully. I don't believe that people can escape under my nose."

"Leader Yi, what's the matter?" The guests who were originally staying here came out to check the situation after hearing the movement outside the house.

Yi Longfei took a deep breath, tried his best to suppress the lingering anger in his heart, and replied with a livid face. "It's just that you Xiaoxiao came to my villa, it's nothing serious, everyone go back and rest at ease."

After the onlookers left, Yi Longfei caressed the bloodstain on his cheek, gritted his teeth secretly, and continued to investigate with the guards a little angrily.

As soon as Shen Mengdie returned to her residence, she saw Xiaoxing sitting alone at the door waiting for her. When she saw her figure, she hurried up to greet her, and looked her up and down worriedly for a while.

"Miss Shen, are you okay?" He was about to hold her hand, but when he was about to touch her, he suddenly withdrew his hand and stood there awkwardly.

"Well, I have nothing to do, let's go in and talk." Shen Mengdie nodded to Xiaoxing, then turned to look at the two guards behind her. "I'm already here, you go back first."

"In that case, let's take our leave." After confirming that there was nothing wrong, the two guards slowly turned and left.

As Xiaoxing quickly went in to light the candle, Shen Mengdie also slowly sat down at the table. After receiving the tea handed to her by the other party, she sighed weakly. "It seems that it is easy to make mistakes to find someone just based on their appearance."

"Miss Shen..." Xiao Xing looked at the person in front of him who was so sad after going out for a while, he hesitated to speak but didn't know what to say.

"It's getting late, you should go to bed earlier." Shen Mengdie wanted to be alone now, thinking about what to do in the future, so she asked Xiaoxing to step back first.

Although Xiaoxing wanted to ask what happened to the other party, but when he thought that he was just a maid, he had no choice but to turn around silently and retreat.

Shen Mengdie tightly held the teacup in her hand, watching the tea in the cup make a sound secretly, at this moment, there was a sudden bang outside, and she stood up quickly after hearing the sound.

She saw the door slowly open in her sight. Under the dim candlelight, she glanced at it lightly, and then sat back in her seat with some helplessness.

"I don't want to see you now." Distraught, she saw Yilong flying over, frowned in disgust, and turned her gaze back to the teacup in her hand.

The leader came here tonight to take away the person in front of him, so after knocking out the maid outside, he walked in slowly, but when he saw the frown of the person in front of him, he wanted to reach out to caress the person in front of him. Flattening the opponent's brow, he thought so, and he did so.

Shen Mengdie lowered her eyes, and after feeling a shadow covering her, she still didn't make any movement. When a hand with thin callus caressed her cheek, she raised her head abruptly. To scold someone.

"You..." But after she only said one sentence, she was suddenly stunned, because of that one glance, she fell deeply into the deep eyes of the person in front of her.

The leader silently withdrew his palm, and just looked at the woman opposite him without saying a word.

"Why does he look so strange?" Shen Mengdie looked at the man she thought was Yi Longfei in front of her, thinking secretly in her heart.But after observing the behavior of the other party, she was a little uncertain whether it was that person, so she asked in a guessing tone: "You are not Yi Longfei, who are you, and what is the purpose of coming here?" Although she doubted The person in front of her, but she didn't feel afraid, instead, there was a feeling of déjà vu lingering in her heart.

The leader looked at the actions of the person in front of him, and lightly pursed his lips. After a long silence, those dark eyes stared at the person for a long time, and whispered his purpose in a hoarse voice. "Would you like to come with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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