The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 129 Chapter 129 My Master

Chapter 129 Chapter 129 My Master ([-])
The master's hand behind him was tightly clenched, and his slightly trembling fist was enough to show how excited he was at the moment. He had planned to take the person away, but he suddenly changed his mind. He wanted to hear the person in front of him. Said to go with him voluntarily, so the voice unconsciously carried expectations.

"Eh..." Shen Mengdie put down the teacup she was still holding in her hand, looked it up and down suspiciously, and then said unhurriedly: "You haven't answered my question yet, what's your name?"

Seeing that the other party was not frightened by his actions, the leader frowned with some relief, and said with a light smile, "You can call me Yi Wenwen."

"Yi?" Shen Mengdie opened her eyes wide and looked at the other party in shock. Her heart was filled with heat, and even her calm heart suddenly started beating wildly. It wasn't because she was afraid, but she was just a little surprised. There is such a coincidence.The person in front of her was not only the same in appearance as Yi Longfei, but even had the same surname, she had to secretly guess in her heart whether the two were related.

"Yes, Yi." The leader finally understood at this moment why he kept such a surname when others had proposed to change his name many times. The younger brother who was related to him by blood, his originally relaxed brows frowned again.After observing the expression of the person in front of him, he seemed to be sighing, and asked in a low voice: "What's your name? Are you willing to leave here with me?"

"My name is Shen Mengdie, you..." Shen Mengdie looked at the person in front of her in a daze, but she temporarily ignored the question behind him.

"Shen Mengdie..." The leader murmured the name silently in his heart. He felt that the name was very familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

Shen Mengdie felt that the person in front of her gave her a very familiar feeling, but she was afraid of recognizing the wrong person again, after a short silence, she looked directly at the other person and said, "Can you give me a kiss?"

The leader, who was recalling his past experiences, was startled by her words, and suddenly looked into those expectant eyes, his eyes couldn't hide the surprise.

Seeing the other party's actions, Shen Mengdie naturally understood that she was reckless, so she lowered her head a little discouraged, thinking in her heart: "My actions just now must have annoyed him."

When she was lowering her head in frustration, a callused palm gently touched her cheek, and when she was puzzled, the other party kissed her lips fiercely, feeling the softness on her lips, she She opened her eyes wide in surprise, looking at the face close at hand, she suddenly felt a little unsteady breathing.

"Plop plop..."

She felt her heart beating wildly, and her whole body felt like an electric shock. The numb feeling spread from her lips to her whole body, and her whole body began to tremble slightly due to the excitement.

And during the moment when she was in a daze, the other party had already begun to attack the city, and her breath seemed to be taken away by the other party, and she was a little out of breath.Her various reactions convinced her that the person in front of her was the one she was looking for, so after slowly closing her eyes, she began to cry silently.

The leader is slightly closing his eyes and kissing the person in front of him lightly, but the hand caressing the other's cheek trembled violently after feeling the tears dripping down the back of his hand. The high temperature burned the back of his hand, and even dripped on his heart.

"What's the matter?" The leader gently wiped the teardrops on her cheeks with one hand, and gently pulled her into his arms with the other hand.

Listening to the other party's inquiry, Shen Mengdie opened her tearful eyes, and what she saw in her hazy vision was the concerned eyes of the other party.

"It's your turn." After she said this, she threw herself into the opponent's arms, and buried her head deeply in the opponent's broad but warm chest.

After pausing for a second, the leader hugged the other person tightly, patted the shoulder of the person in his arms, and fell into his own memories of the specious words.After thinking about the scene where the two met on the snowy mountain that day, he sighed softly, and was sure that the person the other party spoke of that day was him, and the words just now proved this point even more.

After sighing softly, he silently stroked the hair of the person in his arms.

Shen Mengdie felt the other party's breath lingering around her, and her flustered heart finally settled down. After being relieved, she raised her head. When she saw the water stains on the other party's robe, A blush quickly crept up on her cheeks.

The leader looked at the other party's red ears, with a little smile in his eyes, and chuckled softly. "hehe……"

After Shen Mengdie heard the other party's laughter, although she understood that the man was not laughing at her, but for some reason, she couldn't control the heat on her cheeks, she pursed her mouth, not daring to meet her gaze .

The leader could probably guess what the person in front of him was thinking, but after rubbing his head with his hand, he didn't say much.

After passing quietly like this for a while, Shen Mengdie also gradually calmed down her agitated mood, gently took the other's palm, and looked at the other party with some grievances.

"What's the matter?" The leader caressed the other's cheek with one hand, and looked at her with gentle eyes.

"Why are you here now? Some people are bullying me." Shen Mengdie kept all her thoughts in her heart in front of other people, and only in front of this person would she express her grievances coquettishly. It is a very lucky thing to be able to trust someone wholeheartedly.

The leader comforted him and gently pulled him into his arms. Where the other party could not see, those deep eyes were secretly thinking about the scene he saw tonight. "The person who dares to treat me like this..." When he saw Shen Mengdie, he took the other party as his own for granted, and when he thought of what he saw today, he couldn't help but want to kill that person a thousand times. A trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at the person in his arms, and his eyes gradually had a warmth that he hadn't even noticed.

Shen Mengdie told the other party that she didn't want that person to avenge herself, she just wanted to get pity from the other party and get closer to the person in front of her.

"Come with me." The leader made his request again, with a little hope hidden in his eyes.

Hearing the other party's words, Shen Mengdie raised her head, smiled lightly and said, "Okay."

After receiving her affirmative answer, the leader raised a smile, lowered his head and kissed her forehead lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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