The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 130 Chapter 130 My Master

Chapter 130 Chapter 130 My Master ([-])
After Shen Mengdie responded to the person's request, she took the initiative to hold the other's hand, raised her head and looked at him with a smile. "Then let's go now." She didn't want to stay here any longer.

"En." The leader held her hand instead, took out the mask he carried with him, put it on, and led the person he was looking for to the outside of the house.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie naturally followed. When she came here, she didn't bring anything with her, so she didn't need to take anything with her when she left. When the person she thought about day and night came to her, she just wanted to Leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

When the two walked to the door, a figure suddenly came in front of them, and then knelt down in front of the leader. "Master..."

The leader nodded, and ordered in a low voice: "Leave this to you, and I will take people away first."

"Yes." After the man answered, he disappeared in the blink of an eye just like when he came.

Shen Mengdie blinked her eyes in bewilderment. Although she didn't understand the identity of the person beside her, she still felt at ease as she believed that the person would not hurt her.Just after she casually scanned her surroundings, she suddenly found Xiao Xing lying aside.

"Little Xing..." She let go of the master's hand, and when she was about to turn around, the other party held her firmly. "You..." Just as she was about to ask, the other party gently led her towards Xiao Xing who was fainting aside.

She looked at the person standing beside her, squeezed the other person's fingers, tilted her head and looked at him with a smile, then took out a few pieces of gold leaves from the money bag she carried with her, and gently put them in the small in the pocket of the star.

In this villa, she still likes this innocent and kind girl, so after watching her silently for a while, she secretly said in her heart: "Xiao Xing, thank you for taking care of me recently, I'm leaving now, but I can't take you with me. Sorry."

After finishing these things, she followed the leader and prepared to leave. In this world, only this person beside her was the only person she cared about.

The leader quietly watched the other party finish his work, then gently picked him up, and then left the yard with a few jumps.

Shen Mengdie buried her head in the arms of the leader when the other party led her to jump up the wall. After feeling the whistling wind in her ears, she poked her head out curiously. When she felt the novelty, she was also a little nervous, so she subconsciously grabbed the other person's clothes.

The leader immediately noticed the tension of the person in his arms, so after pausing to a wall, he softly comforted: "I am here."

"En." After Shen Mengdie responded lightly, she looked trustingly at the person who was hugging her.

In this not-so-bright night, the leader relied on his deep inner strength to see clearly the eyes of the person in his arms, so after a light laugh, he ordered: "Hold me tight, we will leave now!" here."

"it is good."

As soon as her words fell, the leader led her to gallop again, feeling the strong arm of the other party, and she no longer felt afraid. After seeing the scene of rapidly retreating around, she couldn't help but look at the man The sharp-edged cheeks, although in this dark night, she could only vaguely see a rough outline, but this also made her very happy.

When she was far away from the villa, she felt that the person holding her was gradually slowing down. She raised her head and looked at the villa, which suddenly burst into flames.

"Is this on fire?" She said in surprise, and when she looked at the scene over there, she did not forget to hold the other party's neck tightly.

When the two could only see the outline of the villa in the distance, the leader stopped his steps.Facing the current situation, she struggled to get down, but was stopped by the other party.

"Don't move, it's too dark for you to see."

"Oh." Shen Mengdie felt the other party's palm lightly pressing on her head, and nodded blankly. After the two stayed for a while, suddenly a few figures approached them from the direction of the villa. .

Feeling the gradually tense body of the person in his arms, the leader comforted and gently stroked the top of her hair. "These are my own people, don't be afraid, there is me."

When Shen Mengdie heard the other party's explanation, her tense nerves began to relax, and while they were talking, those people had already arrived at the place where they stayed.

"Master, it has been dealt with properly..."

The leader naturally understood what his subordinates were going to say, so he nodded and said, "Well, go back."

One of the hidden guards could not conceal the shock on his face when he saw the woman in the arms of the leader with his better eyesight in the night. Although the expression hidden behind the mask was impossible for others to see, but he He also quickly withdrew his surprised expression, and asked: "Master, you should come down to bring someone down." As he said that, he was about to reach out to pick up the woman in the arms of the leader, and judging from his voice, Should be a young man.

"Let's go." The leader ignored the subordinate who wanted to help, and after a light snort, he took the lead and rushed to the front.

"This?" The one who was left behind scratched his hair in comfort and doubt, not understanding what the leader meant.

"Boy, you have so little eyesight." A hidden guard who was obviously older than him stretched out his hand and patted his head, and said with a bit of hatred.

"Uncle, the leader is so strange today."

"Okay, I'll tell you when I get back, let's go." The hidden guard who he called uncle didn't plan to say anything more now, after pulling the young man together, they quickly chased the leader in front of him.

After Shen Mengdie glanced at the villa that was gradually shrinking from her sight, she leaned into the arms of the leader and closed her eyes gently.When she was about to fall asleep in a daze, she felt someone put herself lightly on a bed, opened her sleepy eyes, and looked at the person beside her bed in a daze. Come on.

"Are you sleepy?" The leader gently stroked the other's black hair, and gently helped the confused person take off his shoes.

"Hmm..." Shen Mengdie snorted lightly, her dull brain hadn't reacted yet.

"It's not early yet, you should have a good rest." After covering her with the quilt, the leader turned around and left.

The moment the leader turned around, Shen Mengdie grabbed the other party's arm. At this moment, she was a little sober when she saw the other party's figure who was about to leave, and she felt a little bit reluctant in her heart.

"What's the matter?" The leader who was about to leave, after sensing the other party's actions, naturally turned around and asked gently.

(End of this chapter)

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