The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 131 Chapter 131 My Master

Chapter 131 Chapter 131 My Master (21)

"I don't want you to go, stay with me." Shen Mengdie grabbed the other's palm and was a little reluctant to let go. She wanted to spend more time with the person in front of her after she officially met today.

"Well, I'll wait until you're asleep before leaving." So the leader sat lightly on the side of the bed, stroked her cheek, and then stayed.

Shen Mengdie who heard this answer was naturally overjoyed, so after bending the corners of her eyebrows, she tightly held the opponent's palm.

After the two people here met, that kind of intimacy gradually enveloped the two of them. This is a feeling that as long as the other party is in your sight, you will feel at ease.

The leader's villa.

After Yi Longfei searched around with her guards, she actually lost the trace of the person who injured her. After shaking her fist a little angrily, she decided to go and see Shen Mengdie first. Case.

"Where is the person?" Looking at the brightly lit room, the owner who lives here has disappeared.

"Leader, here is a maid who is unconscious." Xiao Wu, Yi Longfei's capable subordinate, found Xiaoxing, the maid who was knocked unconscious by the leader, from a corner.

"Wake me up." Yilongfei had just ordered, and before Xiaowu could do anything, Xiaoxing gradually woke up. After rubbing her sore neck, she suddenly stopped stiffly. With his own actions, he timidly looked at the master with a livid face in front of him.

"Where's Shen Mengdie?" Yi Longfei looked at the little maid in front of him and asked sharply.

Xiao Xing was frightened by the situation, and explained tremblingly: "I...I don't know, just now I just felt a pain in my neck, and then... I don't know anything."

"Could it have been robbed by someone? It's really too arrogant." When Yi Longfei thought of the person who came to provoke him and caressed the wound on his cheek, he felt very angry.

"Master, it's not good." There was a sudden commotion from outside the courtyard, followed by the anxious voice of the housekeeper.

"What happened again?" Yi Longfei was in a bad mood at the moment, and glanced at the visitor irritably.

"It's on fire, it's all burning."

"Let's go." Hearing the steward's report, he waved his sleeves and rushed towards the burning place with his men.

Xiao Xing, who was left in place, patted her heart in fear. Today's master looked too scary, and she was quite frightened.

"Huh? What is this?" After touching the item in her pocket, she took it out to look at it in doubt. "Gold, gold..."

No matter how surprised Xiaoxing was when she found the golden leaf Shen Mengdie left her, and how angry Yi Longfei was when he saw his burning villa, Shen Mengdie had already fallen asleep leaning on the leader's lap .

The leader gently put the sleeping person back under the quilt, and helped to cover the quilt, then watched quietly by the bed for a long time, until the night was dark, he bowed his head and kissed the other person's red lips lightly, and then some Reluctantly, she returned to the room next door to her.

When Shen Mengdie woke up again, looking at her surroundings, she sat up in panic without reacting, but calmed down quickly after a while. "I'm already out." Grabbing the quilt under her body, she slowly got up.

Just as she was standing in front of the door, hesitating whether to go out, suddenly there was a knock on the door from the door in front of her.

"Dong dong dong..."

Without waiting for anyone outside to speak, she quickly opened the door, because she saw a familiar figure through the door.

The leader had already woken up early in the morning, and he was always paying attention to the movement next door. After hearing the sound of footsteps approaching the door in the other direction, he turned around and came to the door of the next room.

"Go down and have breakfast."

"Oh, good." When Shen Mengdie saw the mask on the other party's face, she was stunned for a moment. Following the opening of the person in front of her, she nodded her head, closed the door and followed.

The leader turned his head to look at the person beside him, took the other person's hand with a natural expression, and led the person downstairs.

Shen Mengdie was not surprised by the actions of the people beside her, and followed them out obediently. After walking out of the aisle, what she saw were rooms with names written on them. Dizi room.Looking at the surrounding environment, she couldn't help secretly guessing that this place should be an inn.

After turning a corner, they came to the stairs. Looking up, there were a few people having breakfast here and there, and the size of this inn was not small.Seeing the eyes turning around, she shook hands with the leader.

The leader seemed to have noticed something, and after taking a look at her, he raised his other hand and gently smoothed the hair between her ears and temples, and then led the person away with a normal expression.

After the two of them had their breakfast, drinking the hot tea that Xiaoer had just served, the leader waved away the two guards who were following him on the bright side, and then watched her silently for a long time.

Shen Mengdie originally wanted to ask the person in front of her what her plans were for the future, but under the scorching gaze of the other person, a trace of blush slowly crept up her cheeks, which made her shyly tilt her head, picked up the teacup He took a sip of tea as if to cover up.

The two of them sat silently like this, and the atmosphere was just right. Through the opened windows of the inn, one could see more and more pedestrians on the street. Everything in front of them showed that this was a big city.

Maybe it was because she was too fascinated and attracted the attention of the people around her. When the leader looked at the family shopping together on the street, he raised his hand and lightly shook the palm of the person opposite him.

Sensing the actions of the person beside her, Shen Mengdie turned her head to look at him with doubts in her eyes, as if asking: "What's wrong?"

"Let's go out for a walk, too."

"En." Shen Mengdie felt that staying in the inn was really boring, so he agreed to the other party's proposal.

Still being held by the leader, the two walked aimlessly on the street.

Feeling the warm palm of the other party, a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she consciously leaned towards the other party in a crowded area.

"Brother Yi, where are we going now?" After walking for a while, she felt that it would be better for the two of them to sit down and have a good chat if they continued to wander around aimlessly.

The leader looked at her expression, seemed to understand her mood, and replied with a light smile: "I will take you to a place."

"Okay." No matter where the other party takes her, as long as there is this person by her side, she will not feel panic and fear.

After the two walked out of the city gate, under her surprised expression, the other party immediately hugged her up. "You are..."

(End of this chapter)

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