The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 132 Chapter 132 My Master

Chapter 132 Chapter 132 My Master (22)

Before she could finish her words, the leader just smiled back at her, and then led her galloping forward quickly.

Due to the darker sky last night, she didn't quite know how fast the other party was, but now it was daytime, and she could see the rapidly retreating scenery around her.The people waiting in line outside the city gate to enter the city smiled kindly after noticing the actions of the young couple over there, but when the man left, they could only see a figure flashing past in front of them. Then it disappeared from everyone's sight.

Shen Mengdie listened to the whistling wind around her, and she could clearly feel that she was flying in the sky. Seeing this, she opened her arms and looked forward with some excitement.

Regarding her actions, the leader just gave her a doting look, and then hugged her body even tighter.

When the leader stopped, Shen Mengdie looked at the place where she was, looked at the other party suspiciously, stepped on the green lawn under her feet, and waited for the person in front of her to speak.

"Follow me." The leader took her hand gently, and led her slowly towards the forest.

Shen Mengdie looked at the squirrel on the branch that looked at them curiously from time to time through the leaves, stepped on the green grass, and followed the people around him with peace of mind.When they saw a lake, the two stopped.

"Here we are." The leader turned his head to look at her, and then motioned her to look forward.

The sparkling lake surface rippled with the breeze, and the sunlight cast light spots on the ground through the tall trees. She watched the leader sit down on a piece of grass after straightening his robe. Going down, so after taking a look at the red shirt she was wearing today, she confirmed that there were only some dead leaves on the lawn, and adjusted her sleeves to sit down.

"Ah..." Shen Mengdie looked at the leader with some surprise, and the moment she bent down, the other party directly took her into his arms.Sitting on the opponent's lap, she moved her body a little awkwardly. After feeling the gaze cast on her by the person beside her, she blushed and stopped her movements, and the arm around the opponent's neck was a bit awkward. At a loss, I took it back, not knowing where to put it.

"Let's chat with me." The leader took off the mask he had been wearing and put it on the grass beside him, then held her hands in his broad palms and rubbed them gently.

Shen Mengdie happened to have a lot of things she wanted to know, so she relaxed her body and nestled in the other party's arms with peace of mind.

"It was you that I met in the snow mountain that day." Although it was a question, her tone was very certain.

"En." The leader stroked the black hair of the person in his arms, and looked at her with gentle eyes.

"You were the one who gave me the medicine that time." When Shen Mengdie said this, a blush quickly appeared on her cheeks.


"Then why can't I find you when I wake up?" When she said this, she raised her drooping head and fixedly looked into the other person's eyes.

The Hierarch paused while he was caressing the black hair of the person in his arms, a thought flashed quickly in his eyes, and then he seemed to sigh softly. "Sorry, I shouldn't have left you in the care of my subordinates."

"Okay, I don't have anything to do now." Shen Mengdie didn't care much about the things that had passed, and raised her hand to caress the brow of the other party, really liking it no matter how she looked at it.

"Well, I won't leave you alone in the future."

"Will you protect me? Will you support me in everything I do?"

The leader raised his left hand, accurately grasped the other's hand on his cheek, then put it on his lips and kissed it lightly, and said, "Don't worry, no matter what you want to do, I'm here for you."

Shen Mengdie blushed and hugged each other happily. "That's it."

"Well, it's done."

When both of them lay casually on the lawn, Shen Mengdie looked at the person beside him and asked, "When shall we go back to your house?"

"Would you like to go back with me?"

"En." She moved her arms and leaned into the arms of the leader. After finding a comfortable position, she relaxed her body and stopped moving.

The leader tightened his arms, put his chin lightly on top of her head, and asked softly, "I am the leader of a cult that everyone calls, are you really willing to go back with me?" The implication is, aren't you afraid?

"I don't care, I just want to be with you, no matter where you go." She gently closed her eyes, listened to the strong heartbeat of the person beside her, and said silently in her heart: "You are black, I am black, you are white, and I am white. I just want you to spend more time with me in this short time, and nothing else can hinder my heart that just wants to be with you."

The leader naturally didn't know what she was thinking. After hearing that she was willing to go back with him, a kind of joy that had never been felt in his heart. When he brought her out last night, the leader was a little apprehensive, but Now after hearing her words, the empty feeling in my heart was filled at once.

"Okay, I'll take you back tomorrow to see where I live."

"Well, okay." In fact, she had guessed the identity of the leader at the beginning, but she didn't care what the identity of the person beside her was, as long as she could confirm that the other person was the person she was looking for, the others It doesn't matter anymore.

In the following time, the two of them leaned together and slowly exchanged their own affairs. Shen Mengdie also learned something from the leader, and everything was developing towards a good place, and the tasks given by the system had already It was left behind by her.It seemed that whenever she met that person, she always had to abandon the task, but in the end everything was beyond her control, just like the separation that every world must have.

The atmosphere of the two people here is just right, while the hidden guards protecting the leader are hiding on the branches and watching this side silently.After chasing away a curious squirrel who came to check it out, a hidden guard asked the person beside him, "Uncle, has something not been right for the past two days, my lord?"

This dark guard was the young dark guard who was going to help the leader guide people last night, and the middle-aged man who taught him a lesson last night was beside him.The few of them were ordered to stay away from the leader, so even with their better eyesight, they could only see the figures of the two people in the distance, but they couldn't see the leader's appearance after taking off the mask.

The leader just didn't want other people to see his appearance. He didn't bother to explain too much about how he looked the same as Yi Longfei, the leader of the martial arts alliance, as long as the people around him knew.

(End of this chapter)

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