The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 135 Chapter 135 My Master

Chapter 135 Chapter 135 My Master (25)

Although Shen Mengdie has gradually gotten used to the occasional intimacy of the leader, but with so many people watching, she still blushed a little. , only the red ears buried herself in the opponent's arms.

For her behavior of throwing arms and hugs, the leader naturally accepted it with pleasure, and didn't care about the eyes cast by the people around him at all.

After the blush on Shen Mengdie's cheeks slowly faded, she patted the other person's chest lightly, and gave him a reproachful glance. "There are a lot of people here, so restrain yourself."

"Okay." For Shen Mengdie's coquettish behavior, the leader accepted everything. The silver and gold pattern mask on his face only covered the upper part of his cheeks, so people around could see his light and gentle face. The slightly raised corners of his mouth showed that he was in a pretty good mood.

There was a fierce fight on the stage, while applause came from the audience from time to time. Shen Mengdie looked at the extremely fierce competition where the people on the stage came and went, and looked away a little bored, more than this kind of fighting scene , she really couldn't tell what was so wonderful about it.

After glancing at the person behind her, she turned her gaze to Yi Longfei who was sitting in a high position.I saw that person was whispering something to the people around him, and when he saw the person who was competing on the stage, he nodded his head from time to time.

Shen Mengdie's current position is naturally unable to hear what the person over there said, but judging from the expression of that person, he must be quite satisfied with everything in front of him.

"Brother Yi, let's go back." Shen Mengdie didn't care much about the fight on stage, and after looking around boredly, she wanted to go back to the city to rest.

After hearing the words, the leader raised his head and looked at the sky. At this time, the sun was already hanging high above everyone's heads. Seeing that it was almost noon, he decided to take people back first. "Well, let's go."

Shen Mengdie walked out of the crowd together with the other party holding her own strength. Due to the lively atmosphere today, mobile vendors have spontaneously come to set up stalls around. When passing by a stall selling roasted sweet potatoes, she smelled The sweet smell subconsciously glanced over there.

"Roasted sweet potatoes, sweet and waxy roasted sweet potatoes, girl, do you want to buy roasted sweet potatoes?" The old man who sold sweet potatoes greeted her enthusiastically after he caught her gaze.

"No need..." Shen Mengdie shook her head, and answered the other party with a smile in her eyes. When she was about to turn around, the leader had already taken out a piece of silver and handed it to the sweet potato seller.

"This." The leader pointed to the sweet potatoes that had been baked on the stove.

"Okay." The old man was naturally happy to pack it on oiled paper and handed it to the other party.

After taking the roasted sweet potatoes, the leader took Shen Mengdie, who was still in a daze, and left. He paused for a while, and said to the old man who was looking for change: "You don't need to look for it."

The old man looked at the two people who turned and left, squeezed the silver taels in his hands, and carefully put them into his purse.


"Take it."

When Shen Mengdie took the sweet potato from the leader's hand, she didn't say much, but smiled sweetly at him.After peeling off the burnt yellow skin, the yellow melon flesh was exposed inside. Looking at the steaming sweet potato, she handed it to the leader. "Brother Yi, try it too."

The leader did not refuse. He lowered his head and took a bite, then fixed his eyes on her.

"Brother Yi, is it sweet?"

The leader looked at her sweet smile, and tapped his forehead lightly. "sweet."

Shen Mengdie withdrew her hand when she heard the words, took a light bite at the gap bitten by the other party, and then nodded in satisfaction. "It's very sweet."

"Yes, very sweet." The leader watched her actions, a quick smile flashed across his eyes, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Today, the two came here on horseback, so when they went back, they still rode the same horse together.

When Shen Mengdie came here, she wanted to ride a horse alone, but the leader said that they didn't have any extra horses for the time being, but she clearly saw several of their own horses while leading the horses.However, she has no objection to co-riding. It just so happens that someone will take her, so she doesn't have to worry about falling off the horse due to her unskilled horsemanship.

After having a roasted sweet potato as a base, she didn't feel too hungry, so when the two returned, they rode slowly towards the town.

Shen Mengdie grabbed the reins in front of her, tilted her head and asked the person behind her, "Brother Yi, when do you think they will start the crusade?"

"It should be these two days." The leader felt that based on his understanding of those people, there should be no delay. If there is a delay, the matter will be left alone.But today, when he saw Yi Longfei, he saw from the other party's expression that he couldn't wait to hide his anger. He guessed that the man should have wanted to lead people to besiege him, and this incident is so good that it can be used as the fuse of the incident. .

"Then should we go back in advance and prepare?" Now that she has recognized the leader as her own, she feels that someone is going to attack her home, so she should make some preparations.

"You don't want to stay and watch the martial arts conference here?" Although the leader was surprised by the behavior of the person in his arms, he didn't ask any more questions. He knew that the other party wanted to watch this conference, but he didn't understand why he decided to go back now up.

"It's not fun here, let's go back tomorrow morning."

"Okay." The leader agreed, and his free hand just wrapped around the person in his arms.

The next day, after the leader ordered his subordinates to prepare the carriage, he embarked on the return journey.Although Shen Mengdie was a little worried, but seeing the confident appearance of the leader, she was not too flustered.This trip didn't feel like rushing, but rather like traveling in mountains and rivers, but after more than half a month, the group arrived at Yuehua Sect as planned.

Yuehua Sect is located on a dangerous peak. From the foot of the mountain, you can only see the towering peaks like clouds. Look at the terrain. This is a strategic location that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The way up the mountain is a step-by-step stone platform. Look at this Shen Mengdie began to encounter difficulties on the endless mountain road.

At the foot of the mountain was already the site of the Yuehua Sect, so after they handed over the carriage to the congregation, they prepared to go up the mountain.

The leader naturally saw her frowning, stepped forward and stroked her hair, and quickly picked her up amidst her exclamation.

"Hold me tight, I'll take you up now."

"Okay." Shen Mengdie tightened her arms around the opponent's neck, and then nestled in peace of mind, indicating that she was ready.

(End of this chapter)

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