The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 136 Chapter 136 My Master

Chapter 136 Chapter 136 My Master (26)


The higher you go, the more obvious the sound of the surrounding wind is, and the wind blows her hair at the temples as she walks forward. After seeing the men in black behind her, she doesn't feel that How surprised, she had already guessed that the leader would not only bring those two people.After confirming that the person who was leading her up the mountain did not show fatigue, she turned her gaze to the mountain peak above.

"The terrain here is really steep. Most people have to spend a little effort to come up from the front mountain." Looking back at the road when she came, the steep stone steps made her dizzy, so she quickly closed her eyes and buried herself. In the arms of the leader.

When the leader gently put her down and helped her straighten her hair that was blown by the wind, she really looked at the building in front of her. She saw that the place occupies a huge area, and the houses and courtyards are connected together. , Looking at the crowds coming and going, there must be a lot of crowds here. "But it's true, this sect has existed for such a long time, there must be a lot of people." Thinking secretly in her heart, she glanced at the environment here, and then set her sights on the people who were guarding the mountain gate.

I saw these people were tall and straight, each holding a weapon in his hand, and looked at the people coming and going with serious expressions.While she was observing the surrounding environment for a while, the leader had already walked forward while holding her hand lightly.

"Master..." The guards at the mountain gate hurriedly bowed to salute when their leader came back.As the people who were assigned to guard the mountain gate, they had to carefully remember all the stewards in the sect, let alone the leader of the sect.

The leader nodded, and then led the people to walk in directly. When facing the congregation who saluted him along the way, they all just nodded, and then continued to walk in.

Seeing that the leader disappeared from his sight, the congregants straightened their backs and let out a soft breath.Although the leader just nodded to them, they were a little frightened.

"What's the matter, Master?"

"I don't know, but I just saw the leader actually smiled."

"Who do you think the woman brought back by the leader is? She was actually led by the leader himself."

"do not know……"

Shen Mengdie was naturally keenly aware of the shocked looks of the people around her looking at her, as if they had seen something incredible. "The people here are really strange." She silently followed the people beside her, and when she secretly looked around, she also felt strange about the behavior of those people.

The leader directly took her back to his residence, and then asked his people to arrange a few servant girls to come and take care of her. "You live with me now, and you can tell me if you need anything."

Shen Mengdie glanced back and forth in the master's bedroom, then raised her eyebrows and looked at him. "This is your bedroom, I live here..." I'm afraid it's not very good?

Although she didn't say what she said later, her eyes clearly told the other party what she thought.

"Cough..." The leader looked at his bed, then coughed lightly, as if trying to cover up something. "It's okay, you live here, I'll live next door."

"Eh..." She didn't know what to say to the leader's decision.

"Okay, that's it. You rest for a while, and I will come to you at dinner time." The leader gently stroked her hair, and then decided on the matter.

Shen Mengdie no longer struggled with this matter any longer, and she felt particularly at ease in this environment with the other party's aura. "Well, that's fine."

When the leader left with some reluctance, the maid who had been arranged to come in had already stood beside her for a long time.

"What's your name?" Shen Mengdie looked at the maids in front of her, walked slowly to them, looked them up and down, and asked the woman who was obviously the leader.

"Slave Luo Yan."

"Oh, Luo Yan..." After reading the other party's name lightly, she felt that the name was quite ancient, and then she looked at the other four women.

The leader, Luo Yan, seemed to understand what she meant, and slowly introduced: "They are Mingyue Qingfeng." While talking, she used her hands to identify the names of these four people in turn from left to right. Said only one code.

"En." Shen Mengdie tapped her forehead lightly, signaling that she understood.

After introducing a few people, the woman named Luo Yan pointed to a few women who were waiting outside the door. "Miss Shen, the seven of them are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple."

She looked at the twelve more women who suddenly appeared, and could only nod her head. Such a concise name made her raise her brows lightly, but she didn't say much.After being surprised for a moment that the leader had arranged for so many people to come, she asked Luo Yan to take them down first. "I'll rest for a while, you take someone out."

"Yes, Miss Shen. If you need anything, you can tell me, and we will wait in the outer room."

"Well, let's go." After watching the leaving person gently close the door, she straightened her clothes and walked slowly to the big bed where the leader was.Looking at this large bed that can accommodate more than a dozen people, she twitched the corners of her mouth, then sat down on the bed calmly, took off her shoes, and lay down on the bed with all her clothes on.There was a soft and comfortable bed under her body, a black curtain over her head, and the smell of the man on the quilt filled her nose. Under such circumstances, she quickly fell asleep with peace of mind.

Although she didn't drive overnight during the recent period, she was tired after being bumped in the carriage for most of the time.

When Shen Mengdie fell into a deep sleep, not long after the leader returned to his study, someone came to look for him.

"Master, you are finally back." Liu Yezai had a bad feeling when he knew that the Master was going out alone, and just now when he learned from other people that the Master had brought a woman with him when he came back this time. , he knew that his guess had come true.

"En." The leader leaned lightly on the window sill and looked at the sky in thought. Facing the person's question, he just snorted lightly, which was regarded as an answer to the other person's words.

"Master, did you really bring back the woman from last time?" Although it was a question, he had already confirmed the matter, and he was asking this question just to test the attitude of the leader.

After hearing his words, the leader finally moved his body and turned to look at the friend who almost grew up with him in front of him. "You lost my person, so I naturally have to find it back. I didn't get angry with you because of our friendship for many years..."

(End of this chapter)

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