The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 137 Chapter 137 My Master

Chapter 137 Chapter 137 My Master (27)

"But..." Liu Ye looked at the lord leader with an inexplicable expression in front of him, and a feeling of guilt suddenly surged in his heart, but he still wanted to continue to express his own opinion.

"Go on." The leader naturally knows something about the thoughts of the person in front of him, but he doesn't want to get entangled in these things. The current Yuehua Sect is his one-word hall. No matter what he decides, there will be a large number of congregants Support without hesitation.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to want to say any more, Liu Ye could only sigh silently after glancing at the leader. "It seems that I can't control this matter, and I can't interfere any more." He thought to himself in his heart. Regarding the leader who he had never seen through, he could only hope that the woman who attracted the attention of the person in front of him would be the whole Heart to the leader, otherwise...

He gritted his teeth secretly, a look of ruthlessness flashed across his eyes, then quickly restrained himself, nodded to the leader and prepared to leave. "Master, then I'll go back first, Madam..."

"Well, I will handle it myself." The leader is not very kind to his nominal mother. Whenever he recalls his childhood, he feels that those memories are quite vague, and he can't think of the details of some things. Get up, and because of this, now he has a slight alienation when facing the people he grew up with.

Perhaps it is for this reason that he subconsciously does not want to have too many other exchanges with his former partners, which also makes him a cold and heartless leader in the eyes of everyone. But it is loved and respected.

Liu Ye looked at the eyes under the other party's mask, bowed slightly to salute, and then said goodbye: "Master, that subordinate is resigning." As the leader's partner since childhood, he is now less and less able to see the person in front of him clearly. , and he has never seen the face behind the mask of the leader. Sometimes he will have doubts about the experience of growing up together when he was a child, and he doesn't understand how the other party became what he is now.

"Well, let's go." The leader waved his hand to signal the other party to leave, remember to close the door, but after the other party took two steps, he suddenly called that person to stop. "Wait a minute."

"What orders does the leader have?" Liu Ye naturally turned around and looked at the other party immediately when she heard the words telling her to stop.

"There will be a group of mobs coming to make trouble in the near future, you arrange someone to deal with it." The group of well-known figures in the Jianghu became a mob in his mouth, and the encirclement and suppression operation carefully arranged by Yi Longfei became a child's past. Every family fights.

"Yes." Although Liu Ye exists in name as a miracle doctor in the sect, in fact he has a hidden force in his hands, and those people are specially arranged by the sect leader.He understood that what the leader said was to ask him to send his own people to inquire about the news, hoping to know the whereabouts of those Jianghu people at any time, and then he would be an errand runner again to help the leader spread a message. "It seems that I have to find two guardians in a while."

After the leader heard the sound of the door closing, he turned his eyes to the blue sky again. This is his study, so it can be said that it is the safest place besides the bedroom, and the surrounding guards are also Let him wave back.

He casually took off the mask on his cheeks, caressing the patterns on it, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought. "It's so strange, why don't you remember much about the past?" He never thought that his memory was bad, but except for the recent memory, everything in the past seemed hazy, like looking at flowers in a fog, which makes people see Not real.

As for Shen Mengdie, his feelings are quite complicated. He doesn't know why he can't forget a woman so much, but his heart tells himself that he must keep her by his side.

"Huh..." After taking a deep breath, he didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked towards his bedroom.

When Liu Ye found the left protector He Zijun in the back mountain, that person was competing with the right protector Yao Meier, surrounded by a few congregants who came to watch.

"The guardians on the left and right seem to be right."

"Yeah, I don't know when those two will be together."

"But I've heard that Guardian Zuo likes the leader."

"But Xiaomeng from Qianshan said that today she saw the leader brought a woman when she came back..." As soon as this person finished speaking, people around her began to gather around her, exchanging the latest gossip information.

Liu Ye listened to the gossip of the congregation, and looked at the two people who were fighting with a livid face. Although he was very confident in his medical skills, in terms of martial arts, he was no match for the two people in front of him.Although Yao Meier is the protector of the right, he doesn't want his good friend He Zijun to be with such a woman. This is a very strange feeling, and sometimes even he can't understand it.

When the leader returned to the bedroom, the maid who was waiting outside the door hurriedly wanted to salute and say hello.And he just waved his hand to signal these people to be quiet, then gently pushed open the door in front of him, and walked in slowly.

Seeing the person sleeping soundly on the bed, he lightened his footsteps and sat quietly on the edge of the bed. The other person's cheeks flushed from deep sleep made him stretch out his palm involuntarily. "I don't know if this is right or wrong. If one day you detest my identity and me as a person, I will imprison you by my side." When he said this, various complex emotions flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Shen Mengdie, who was in a drowsy sleep, felt someone talking in her ear, so she turned over slightly.

The movements in the master's hand stopped suddenly, and then gently wrapped a strand of the other's hair, and sighed softly. "I won't give you the chance to leave."

After Shen Mengdie opened her eyes in a little confusion, what she saw was the leader sitting quietly beside the bed. Seeing this, she didn't feel very surprised. She stretched out her palm to hold the other person, and then lightly nodded her head. Lean on the man's lap.

"Have you been waiting for me for a long time?" She lightly rubbed the palm of the leader, with complete trust in her eyes.

"I saw that you were asleep, so no one came to disturb you." The leader did not answer her words, but caressed the other's cheek, with deep love in his eyes.

And Shen Mengdie also likes the leader to look at her with this kind of eyes, the feeling that she is the only one in the eyes of the other party is really good, although she is sometimes a little shy and feels that she is a bit too hypocritical, but she is deep Caught in the gaze of the other party and unable to extricate himself.

(End of this chapter)

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