The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 138 Chapter 138 My Master

Chapter 138 Chapter 138 My Master (28)

"What time is it now?"

Although Shen Mengdie asked like this, she didn't get up to check the sky outside the house.

"Well, it's getting dark."

The leader glanced at the position of the window, and stroked the other person's hair time after time.

Shen Mengdie felt that the other party seemed to like her long hair very much, and she was very happy in her heart, so she took the initiative to rub her head against the other party's palm.

Regarding her actions, the leader coordinating her actions with his hands, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth and let out a chuckle.

Hearing the teacher's laughter, she suddenly stopped acting like a baby, and then a blush quickly climbed up her cheeks, subconsciously wanting to cover her face, but she forgot that she was holding the other's hand, so in the end , it became her covering her face with the other's palm.

The leader naturally followed her movements, and continued to rub the top of the opponent's hair with the other free hand.When she calmed down, she sat up slowly, and the leader also reached out to help her.

"Hungry, let's go out to eat."


She pressed her hungry stomach, nodded slightly, and sat on the side of the bed to put on her shoes.

The moment she just left, the leader bent down and picked up the embroidered shoes beside the bed. After holding her small ankle, he gently put the shoes on for her.

"Brother Yi, I'll do it myself."

Although the other party's actions made her very happy, she still bent down to wear it by herself.

Seeing her like this, the leader didn't force her anymore. After both of them packed up, she followed the other person's pace and came to the dining room.Seeing that there were only the two of them besides the waiters, Shen Mengdie tugged on the sleeve of the person in front of him.

The leader noticed her movement, stopped and looked back at her.

"what happened?"

"Brother Yi, where is your family?"

The leader did not answer her words, but stared into her eyes and asked, "Is it just the two of us?"

"Brother Yi, that's not what I meant." Shen Mengdie quickly expressed her attitude, took the other's arm intimately, and looked up at the eyes of the man behind the mask. "Brother Yi, I also want your family to like me..."

"Okay, let's eat first, and we'll talk about other things tomorrow." The leader naturally wouldn't get angry because of her words, so after patting the top of her head, he led someone to the table and sat down.

After a good night's rest, she woke up the next day and looked at the place she was in. She was in a moment of panic, and hurriedly tossed off the quilt. In the panic, she fell off the bed with one step of care. Support yourself with your hands to prevent being thrown into the ground.


With the sound of the impact, at the same time she regained consciousness, there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

"Miss Shen, what happened?"

The person who asked the question happened to be the leader, Luo Yan. Although she knew that the master's bedroom was absolutely safe, but she knew that the people inside were very important to the master, she asked about the situation immediately. If she found something wrong, she would Rush in with the people behind you.

The maids who were arranged to take care of Shen Mengdie were not ordinary people. They were all specially trained women in the school. They could not only take care of their master's daily life, but also protect each other at critical times.

Shen Mengdie didn't know that the people outside the door were ready to break in. After gently rubbing her sore knees and elbows, she slowly sat back on the bed.

"It's nothing, just fell down, nothing serious."

"Miss Shen, are you injured?"

"No, you can come in later."

Shen Mengdie kicked her feet, sighed softly and rubbed her elbow. She was also a little speechless for the mistake just now, so after the pain eased, she slowly changed herself into the cloth that had been placed on the bed. head clothes.

The leader lives in a side room next door. In order to be closer to Shen Mengdie, she refused the room arranged by the maid.He just came back from the morning exercise in the back mountain, and he walked over quickly after hearing the movement here.

"What happened in there?"

The sudden arrival of the leader made the servant girl startled, and she replied truthfully: "Miss Shen just fell, but she didn't let us in."

As soon as the leader heard that the other party had fallen, he hurriedly opened the door in front of him and walked in. The servant girl behind him looked at each other, wondering if he should go in with her, but in the end Luo Yan shook her head and stopped the one beside her. people.

"I think the leader should have something to say to Miss Shen, let's just wait here."

Shen Mengdie had just changed into a brand new white obscene dress for herself, and when she was studying how to wear it with the outer robe, she suddenly found that the leader was wearing a neat and strong attire, holding a long sword in his hand, and asked her like this Come over quickly.

"Brother Yi?"

The other party's arrival didn't frighten her, so she just looked at him with some surprise.

"Where did you hurt?"

The leader placed his saber on the table casually, and came to her in a hurry.

"I'm not a porcelain doll, I'll break if I drop it."

Shen Mengdie waved her hand to indicate that she was fine, and the wide sleeves slowly slid down with her movements, revealing a section of snow-white arm.

The leader did not leave because of her movement, but saw the bruise on her arm with sharp eyes, so he felt urgent in his movement, and lightly held her shaking arm.


Shen Mengdie was taken aback by the other party's actions, staring at the person in front of her with puzzled eyes.

"You still said it's okay, it's all bruised."

While speaking, she lifted up her sleeves with her hands. After seeing the bruises on her elbows, her eyes flashed with distress, and then she started to roll up her trousers, and the knees looked more serious.

Shen Mengdie didn't realize how badly she fell. When the other party lifted up her trousers, she herself was taken aback. The bruises on her fair skin looked very scary.

"Don't move, I'll give you some medicine."

After patting her on the shoulder, the leader got up and walked to the shelf where he put the medicine. After taking out a bottle of topical ointment for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, he gently rubbed the injured area for her.

She looked at the distressed eyes of the other party, and softly persuaded: "I just look serious, there is no big problem."

The leader did not answer her words, and continued with the actions in his hands.

When the other party lightly held her ankle and gently helped her apply the medicine, she couldn't help but blushed.

Shen Mengdie considers herself a rough-skinned and thick-skinned person, and she doesn't know when it started, but even a little bump can make her skin scarred.

It's not very painful, but it looks a little scary.

Facing the concern from the person she admired, she was shy on the face, but she was overjoyed in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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