The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 139 Chapter 139 My Master

Chapter 139 Chapter 139 My Master (29)

"Brother Yi, can I do it myself?" She said, and she was about to pick up the medicine bottle in the other party's hand.

"You don't feel comfortable with it yourself. You have to rub it a little longer before the medicine can seep into the skin." The leader naturally rejected her action, and still pressed it carefully, and secretly brought internal strength.

Shen Mengdie saw that the other party didn't give her a chance to do it herself, so she had to blushed and let the leader continue to move. After taking the medicine, her ears were already completely red.When the other party gently put down her sleeve, she patted her cheek, feeling that her whole body was about to smoke.

"You guys come in." The leader secretly twisted his fingers, and the smooth touch of the other party's skin seemed to still remain on his fingertips.

Luo Yan, who was waiting outside the door for orders, quickly walked in with Mingyue Qingfeng after hearing the movement.

"Master..." After saluting, Luo Yan saw Shen Mengdie's flushed cheeks, her soft temperament seemed to say, come and bully me, come and bully me.Feeling that her thoughts were going awry, she quickly shook her head to shake the thought out of her mind, then turned her gaze, and saw the medicine bottle lying quietly beside the bed.From the appearance of the medicine bottle, she recognized what kind of medicine it was, and she couldn't help guessing secretly in her heart: "It seems that the leader attaches great importance to her, and the only bottle of precious ointment was given to Miss Shen."

Thinking of this, she looked at Shen Mengdie more respectfully. She must not neglect the person whom the leader valued so easily.

Regardless of what these maids think, the leader straightened his hair that was a little messy due to morning exercises, and after scanning his bedroom, he slowly ordered: "You guys will spread the soft blankets in the bedroom for me in a while. , wrap up all the corners and corners, and then..."

Seeing what he wanted to say, Shen Mengdie quickly tugged on the other party's sleeve to interrupt what he was going to say, and the leader naturally stopped because of the movement of the person beside him.

"Brother Yi, isn't this too troublesome?" She wanted to persuade the other party, but the person in front of her seemed to have made up her mind, just stroked her hair, and then continued to order.

"Everything here is changed according to Mengdie's preferences, and you can do whatever she asks."

"Yes, my lord." Several people here responded collectively, and they dared not disobey the orders of your lord.

"Get dressed first, I'll take you to breakfast later."

"En." Shen Mengdie nodded lightly, and slowly walked off the bed. She didn't think there was anything wrong with being seen by the other party in this way. The second is that she felt that she was already wearing obscene clothes, so she naturally asked the maid to change her clothes.Seeing this, the two maids of Ming and Yue hurried forward to serve, while Luo Yan left the four maids here and arranged for someone to lay the carpet for a while.

The leader didn't think there was anything wrong with the other party's actions, so after putting the medicine bottle back on the original shelf, he took his saber and said goodbye: "I'll go back and change a shirt, and I'll come to you later."

"En, yes." Shen Mengdie answered the other party, while raising her hand to ask the maid to tie her belt.

The various behaviors of the two of them sent the message to the people around them that they were a couple and they were about to get married, so the maids took care of the future wife of the leader even more earnestly.

When the two came to the restaurant to eat together, Shen Mengdie, who was still alone, no longer asked each other in a hurry. What he should know, he would know sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry.

When the leader was putting steamed dumplings in her bowl, suddenly a maid came over in a hurry, and after bowing slightly to salute the leader who was eating, she said softly: "Master, Madam sent a message to let you I'll go to her place with Miss Shen in a while."

The movement in the master's hand stopped, and he didn't ask what it was, but replied lightly after pondering for a moment: "Yes, I see."

After receiving the answer, the servant girl quickly bent down and retreated.

Shen Mengdie watched the behavior of the person in front of her, and gently put down the chopsticks in her hand. "Brother Yi, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I'll take you to meet her in a while." The leader has always used her to refer to his nominal mother, and he also has a rough guess about the person's behavior today. Since the person in front of him wants to see his relatives, then go for it.

With this in mind, the two walked slowly towards their destination after having breakfast.

Shen Mengdie looked at the well-proportioned courtyard in front of her. The surrounding buildings were very exquisite, and all kinds of flowers, plants and trees seemed to have been carefully pruned and cared for.

"Master, please come inside." The maid standing at the door opened the door quickly after seeing the two of them. This woman was specially selected by the people in the room, and she was going to send her son to bed. However, the leader didn't like this, so he stayed here to take care of his wife.

The leader cast a light glance at the visitor, and then walked in with Shen Mengdie who was beside him.

The moment she stepped into the door, a strong smell of medicine rushed towards her, constantly stimulating her sense of smell.At the same time, a soft female voice came from inside the room.

"Wen Wen, come here."

Shen Mengdie's eyes widened and she followed closely the pace of the person beside her, her heart was beating violently, and her palms began to sweat slightly because of her nervousness.

The leader who was holding her palm tightly noticed her abnormality immediately, so he stopped, turned his head and patted the top of her hair with the other hand. "Relax, I'm here."

"En." Although Shen Mengdie responded, she was still uncontrollably nervous when she saw the other party's relatives for the first time, and she was secretly thinking about how to say hello to the other party's mother when she saw the other party's mother for a while.

As she lifted the veil in front of her eyes, she saw the woman who was reclining on the bed. The woman's face was pale, but her eyes were still alive, and there were a few fine lines at the corners of her eyes. Even so, it didn't affect her. If it weren't for her good eyesight, it would not be easy to notice her beauty.

That person was looking at the person around him with a gentle face. When the other person's eyes turned to her, she clearly sensed the suspicion and defense of the person in front of her.

Facing the other person's eyes, she suddenly froze when she wanted to say hello. The words she was about to blurt out turned around in her mouth, but she swallowed them back in the end.

"Wen Wen, come here and let my mother take a look. I just came back a while ago and" Speaking of this, the madam sighed deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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