The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 140 Chapter 140 My Master

Chapter 140 Chapter 140 My Master (Thirty)
"Ma'am, what do you want to explain to me?" The leader turned a blind eye to the sad expression of the person on the bed, he had already seen enough of the other person's appearance.

"I heard that you brought a woman back, is she?" Although Madam asked in a questioning tone, her eyes were full of determination, and she slowly turned her attention to Shen Mengdie who was not knowing what to do.

As the other party's eyes began to look at her, Shen Mengdie tensed up instantly. This feeling was like chatting secretly in class, but suddenly found the principal standing at the back door. Although she had never had such an experience, but Now I can understand how those people felt at that time.

The leader caressed her stiff back, and suddenly regretted bringing her here. Whoever he wants to marry is not something that his mother can interfere with.

"Yes, it's her. I'm going to marry her." The leader directly expressed his thoughts to the people on the bed, implying that you can't interfere with me, and it's best not to interfere with me.

"I see..." Madam looked at the two people in front of her. The first moment she saw Shen Mengdie, she figured out what kind of person the other party was based on her rich experience.Although there are shortcomings, she is a pure and kind woman without scheming.Although this may not be a good thing at a specific time, it is most suitable when the leader is around.

Shen Mengdie didn't pay attention to what the two were talking about in front of her. She was very surprised by the words of the leader. "He never mentioned this to me before, but now..." Although she was surprised, she didn't think that the other party was joking.

"Miss Shen, come here."

Hearing the person on the bed calling to her, she subconsciously turned her head to look at the leader, and only after getting the other's nod in agreement, she slowly walked towards the bed.

The pale former leader, and now the seriously ill lady, naturally sees every move of the two of them. After a gentle smile, she gently puts the jade bracelet she was wearing on Shen Mengdie's wrist .

"Ma'am, what is this?" Shen Mengdie held the jade bracelet on her wrist and looked at the other party with doubts in her eyes.

"From now on, you will be part of my family, so let this be a meeting gift for you."

When Shen Mengdie heard the other party's words, she quickly turned to the leader, and when the other party tapped her forehead lightly, she smiled and thanked her. "Thank you ma'am."

"Well, go back and rest, I'm tired too."

"Madam, let's take our leave then." Shen Mengdie stroked the patterns on the jade bracelet and bid farewell to the other party. Seeing the man wave his hand, a maid stepped forward and gently put down the tulle on the bed curtain.

"Go back." The leader took her hand and stroked her cheek.

Feeling the heat in the opponent's hand, she smiled, and then took the initiative to take the opponent's arm. "Well, let's go back."

Shen Mengdie felt a little strange about the lady's behavior, so she asked the leader, and after getting the message that she didn't care, she no longer cared about it.Except for the person she is looking for, she doesn't care much about other people. After all, with her personality, she can't be popular everywhere. In this case, it's better to let herself live happily. After all, time is running out too much.

Ever since she met the leader's mother, the people of the leader have become more respectful to her, and even Liu Ye, who had doubts about her at the beginning, began to treat her differently under the attitude of the leader who believed that she was unshakable. changed.

And after the leader said that he would marry her that day, he returned to the room and began to ask for her opinion, although even if she objected, it could not change the leader's determination.

For some reason, the leader felt a little urgent about this matter, so everyone in the church began to get busy.

"Miss Shen, this is a newly-made wedding dress. First, let's see what you are not satisfied with." Luo Yan brought the wedding dress in front of Shen Mengdie with Mingyue Qingfeng and four maids. He asked her opinion with a smile.

"En." She tapped her forehead and silently looked at the wedding dress in front of her. Although this wedding dress is not as gorgeous as when she was in the palace, she still likes this unique style.

"Miss Shen, this is the teacher's wedding dress." Shen Mengdie asked them to put all the items on their table, and then went to check the teacher's wedding dress.Her slender and fair fingers ran across the red wedding gown, making her fingers even more white and tender, and just as she was about to take out the wedding gown, the leader arrived unexpectedly.

"Already ready?" The leader raised his eyebrows and looked at the wedding dress in the other party's hand, a smile flashed in his eyes.

Shen Mengdie waved to the person who came, and said happily: "Yes, come and have a look."

When the leader heard the words, he naturally walked over quickly. When he was reaching out to caress the wedding dress, an urgent report came from outside the door. "Master, the people who encircled and suppressed us have arrived and are now fighting at the foot of the mountain."

"Well, you go and prepare first." After hearing the report from his subordinates, the leader was not in a hurry. After smoothing Shen Mengdie's hair, he said soothingly: "You wait for me here, I will Be back soon."

Although Shen Mengdie also wanted to go, but thinking that not only could she not be of much help, but might even drag the other party down, she regretfully agreed to stay. "I'm waiting for you."

"En." The leader kissed her lightly, and then quickly left here.

Shen Mengdie stroked her lips, stood there and fell into deep thought.

At this time, the foot of the Yuehua Sect mountain was already full of fighting sounds, you come and I go back and forth, as there are only some ordinary congregants at the foot of the mountain, so this group of people who came to encircle and suppress under the leadership of Yi Longfei can basically be said to be Swept here directly.

"Leader Yi, leave this place to us, and you bring your people up quickly."

"Brother Yi, let's go up quickly." Ru Xueer, who followed, glanced at the surrounding situation, and persuaded Yi Longfei.Originally, according to the plan, she shouldn't have appeared here, but in the end, I don't know the reason, but I brought her here together.

When Yi Longfei led a group of people quickly from the stone steps to the mountain gate, what he saw was the people who were waiting solemnly.As soon as the two parties met, they did not start to fight immediately. Instead, after an open space, they were vigilant against each other. When the scene was somewhat stalemate, the crowd slowly gave way.

The leader came to the front, looked at the mob over there, glanced contemptuously, and began to size up the leader of the operation, Yi Longfei.

(End of this chapter)

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