The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 141 Chapter 141 My Master

Chapter 141 Chapter 141 My Master (31)

Being so scorned by others, Yi Longfei was naturally upset. After seeing the person coming, he also guessed that the person should be the devil of a cult, so he waved his sharp sword and pointed at him. "Devil, today is your death day, so you can catch him without a fight."

"Heh..." The leader looked at the person jumping in front of him, chuckled lightly, and caressed his mask leisurely.

"Devil, don't be complacent. Evil demons are heretics, and everyone will be punished." Yi Longfei originally wanted to make his actions appear more upright. Since he was righteous, he saw that the people who came with him were all right. After showing admiration, he continued to speak even more, "Today we will do justice for the heavens and eliminate you, the devil."

"If you want to fight, just fight. Where do you get so much nonsense? Are you self-proclaimed decent people talking so much?" The leader shook the sword in his hand, looked at the person who was getting more and more talkative, with a hang on his face. With a lazy smile, he is in a good mood today, but now he is still thinking about going back early to try on the wedding dress.

"Devil, don't be too arrogant. Brother Yi will lead us to conquer your lair." Ru Xueer relied on her sensitive lightness skills to quickly follow Yi Longfei along the way. After becoming an adult, he yelled directly.

The leader didn't want to waste his time, so he said softly, "If you want to fight, fight." As soon as the words fell, he rushed to Yilong first, and took the saber in his hand out of the scabbard with a swipe. , The dazzling light was projected on the sword body, reflecting a dazzling light.

Yi Longfei was dazzled by the bright light, and then he quickly recovered his senses, gritted his teeth and scolded: "The devil, how dare you play tricks." Then he also raised his sword that was dripping with blood, and quickly went up to it.

The leader's words seemed to drive the other people present, directly breaking the existing calm. The moment he rushed out, the left and right guardians behind him followed closely, one side moved, and the other side naturally fought.

In the chaotic fight, He Zijun, the guardian of the left, used his saber to quickly eliminate the enemies around him, and then drew a sword flower, and quickly wrestled with a person whose martial arts were comparable to his.Yao Meier, the protector on the right, was dressed in red, and she kept swinging her long whip to prevent the enemy from getting close to her. The whip wrapped around the enemy's neck was really bloody and deadly. This scene really matched her appearance. Pretty inconsistent picture.

And around the area where the leader and Yi Longfei were fighting, due to the fighting sword energy, there was already a vacuum, the two jumped up and down, and the sword shadows flew.

"Devil, I underestimated you." Yi Longfei looked at the opposite person with vicious eyes, he was careless, he didn't know that the other person was such a person with strong martial arts, he felt that he was starting to struggle.

When the blade of the Master Hierarch hit his cheek, he who couldn't dodge in time immediately felt a stabbing pain, and his breathing suddenly became chaotic.After quickly taking two steps back, he wiped off the blood with the back of his left hand.

"You only have this ability?" It's not that the leader wanted to satirize the other party, he just expressed his own feelings.Since the enemy was not to be feared, he wanted a quick victory.

"Dangdangdang..." The weapons of the two kept colliding with each other. Anyone who wanted to come to help Yi Longfei could hardly get close to the two of them. When they approached, they would be overflowed by the two fighting. Injured by sword energy.

The leader shifted his body and quickly avoided the long sword that was facing him. The moment the two approached, he stretched out his left hand fiercely, and quickly hit Yi Longfei in the chest.

"Hmm..." Yi Longfei, who was hit by the impact, backed up a few steps again and again, and a fishy and sweet air came to his mouth. "Cough..." He covered his heart, coughed lightly, and spat out the blood foam in his mouth.

Naturally, the leader would not give the other party a chance to rest. With a kick, he rushed towards the other party like lightning, and pointed his sharp saber straight at the other party's heart.

Seeing this, Yi Longfei quickly raised the sword in his hand, and when the tip of the sword collided with the blade, sparks were sparked.

The leader increased the strength in his hands, forcing the opponent to quickly back up, hoping to avoid his attack.

Seeing that his master was in danger, Yi Longfei's subordinates hurried forward to support him.

Seeing this, the leader had no choice but to tap his toes, soar into the air, pointing his sword behind him, with a sweeping movement, the fierce sword aura directly caused the people who came to support to fall back into the air.

"Go..." Seeing that the situation was not going well, Yi Longfei hurriedly backed away.It is absolutely not his style to be planted here today. Keeping the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood. It is definitely not his style.

When the people who fell on the ground heard his words, they quickly evacuated in all directions. At the same time, the people who were brought up by Yi Longfei retreated when they saw the leader, so naturally they also quickly retreated.

Seeing this, the leader stopped chasing. Looking at the fleeing crowd, he narrowed his eyes slightly and examined the strength of this mob.

"Master..." Zuo Guardian He Zijun ordered his subordinates to clean up the rest of the people who wanted to escape from him, and then walked quickly to the leader.

The leader looked at the decent family who fell on the ground and kept wailing, he couldn't help hooking the corners of his mouth, a contemptuous smile flashed in his eyes, and then he explained to Guardian Zuo: "Don't chase after the poor."

"Yes." The Guardian Zuo who received the instructions made a gesture to his subordinates, and then the people who were about to chase to the stone steps quickly returned to clean the battlefield.

Yao Meier also ended the battle at this time, and after flicking the long whip in her hand, she came gracefully to the side of the leader.

"Master, Mei'er has put in a lot of effort today." Yao Meier looked at the man she admired in front of her, with brilliance in her eyes and a charming smile.

"In that case, let's go back to rest early, and leave it to Guardian Zuo to deal with it." The leader turned a blind eye to Yao Meier's behavior of seducing him, and he was in a hurry to go back now, that person was still waiting for him in the room.

"Master..." Yao Meier wanted to say something more, but in the end she only got a gesture from the leader waving her hand to signal her to leave. She gritted her teeth and left angrily.

Although she knew that the leader had brought back a woman and was arranging a marriage recently, she thought that Shen Mengdie, who seemed weak and deceitful, was no match for herself, nor worthy of the god-like man in her heart. Unfortunately, although she herself has been by the leader's side for many years, she still can't win the other's heart.

PS: Cabbage doesn't know how to write fighting scenes, covering his face... Please reward, please vote.

(End of this chapter)

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