The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 142 Chapter 142 My Master

Chapter 142 Chapter 142 My Master (32)

Seeing Yao Meier's angry expression, He Zijun, the left guardian who was waiting quietly, didn't know how to persuade him. He always had that person in his heart, but the other party never looked at him. He also knew that he was not as good as the leader.

Just when Zuo Guardian He Zijun sighed silently, Liu Ye, who had rushed over knowing that the battle was over, saw his frowning look, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

The leader lightly raised his wrist, and casually held a sword flower. The blood stains on the sword were quickly removed. Because of being with Shen Mengdie often recently, the clothes on his body are no longer black for many years. Today, he is wearing a moon-white shirt, but there is no blood stain on it during the fight, and the sleeves are fluttering. Like walking out of a painting.

"Master, a woman has been caught."

"Oh?" The leader turned his head and looked over, only to see that the captured woman was Ru Xue'er who had yelled at him just now.

"You are a sinister villain who hides his head and shows his tail. Brother Yi will definitely come to save me. He will lead people to clean up this dirty place of yours." The two men on the left and right grabbed him, their faces full of indignation.

"Presumptuous, you dare to insult the leader, you want to die." The man who grabbed Ru Xueer's left hand tightened his palm suddenly, causing the other person's expression to change instantly due to the pain.

The leader waved his hand to make everyone quiet, then he walked slowly in front of Ru Xueer, looking back and forth on the other person's face.

Ru Xueer raised her head back a little nervously, she already regretted coming up the mountain with her at this moment, she shouldn't have been brought here this time, it was she who worked hard on Yi Longfei for a long time to get this second chance.Among the people from the rivers and lakes who came to encircle and suppress this time, there were only a small number of women who came. In addition, when Yi Longfei led people up the mountain, the other women stayed at the foot of the mountain with the injured others. Now she is the only woman who came up. Now, she is the only woman who has been arrested.

When she thought of the misfortune she was about to encounter in the cult, she immediately shuddered, and her eyes gradually became terrified.Just when she thought that the person opposite was going to deal with her, the leader suddenly turned and left.

Faced with such actions of the leader, the two men who captured Ru Xueer asked: "Master, what do you think we should do with her?" It has been a long time since they caught a woman who came to make trouble without knowing her life or death.

The leader paused before leaving, and ordered without turning around, "Let's close the dungeon together."

Seeing the figure of the leader going away, the man looked at He Zijun, the left protector, with some embarrassment. "this……"

"Just follow the order of the leader." He Zijun no longer paid attention to this matter, and turned to follow the miracle doctor Liu Ye to check on the seriously injured congregation.

"Yes." After the man answered, he started to lead him away from here.

Ru Xueer was uneasy about her future, and looked around in panic.

Shen Mengdie was half-sitting on the teacher's bed, and she was covered with the original bedding of the leader, and she did not find someone to replace it with a new one. Only by smelling the smell of the leader on the bedding, she felt at ease.At this moment, although she wasn't too flustered, she was still worried about what would happen to the other party.

"Why haven't you come back yet? Didn't you say it will be soon?" She frowned in distress, sighed softly, and looked at the door from time to time.

The four servant girls of Qingfengmingyue who were waiting quietly in the room looked at each other a few times, and then they all looked at the worried person. Although they wanted to go forward to persuade them, they didn't know how to bring this up.

Just as Shen Mengdie looked at the door again and again, and then at the gradually darkening sky outside the window, the creaking sound of the door opening suddenly sounded in the room that had been quiet for a long time.Although the sound was very faint, she could still hear it in this quiet room.

The leader didn't even have time to put his saber back into the bedroom, so he came here in a hurry. The moment he opened the door, he saw the person who was about to throw away the quilt and run towards him.

When Shen Mengdie was about to get out of bed, she suddenly felt that the hands she was supporting on the edge of the bed were suddenly empty, and her upper body was about to rush under the bed involuntarily. She could foresee that she was about to fall hard, and she closed her eyes in fright. Eyes closed.

"Huh?" After two seconds, she slowly opened her eyes without feeling any pain, and the person in front of her was hugging her nervously, with a hint of anger.Seeing that the other party's expression was wrong, she cautiously thanked him. "Brother Yi, thank you, can you let me go?"

The leader did not let go of Shen Mengdie's tightly held arms because of Shen Mengdie's words. He saw that the other party was in danger just now, but he directly threw the saber in his hand and galloped to the side of the person in his arms.And the anger in his eyes is naturally not because of the innocent-looking person in his arms, but the maidservants who are here to take care of each other.

He gently put the person back on the bed, like taking care of a porcelain doll, afraid that it would be broken accidentally.

"Brother Yi..." The moment the other party got up, Shen Mengdie quickly grabbed the leader's sleeve and shook his jade arm lightly.

The leader patted the top of her head comfortingly, and then looked sharply at the maidservants who had already stood aside. "That's how you take care of people for me? Huh?"

The four servant girls of Mingyue Qingfeng looked nervously at the eyes of the leader, and then they all knelt down on the ground. "Ask the Lord to punish."

"You..." Before the leader could say anything, Shen Mengdie tugged on his sleeve, interrupting his next words, and he naturally focused on the person who was pulling him.

"Brother Yi, am I okay? Don't punish them." Shen Mengdie felt that her mistakes had nothing to do with others, and she couldn't implicate these maids.

"Forget it, you all go out." Now that she had already pleaded, the leader, out of concern for her face, stopped pursuing the matter, waved his hand, and let the few people back down.

"Thank you, Master, thank you Miss Shen." Everyone understood that if Shen Mengdie hadn't asked for mercy, they would have been punished today, so they sighed silently in their hearts: "Since Miss Shen came here, the leader My temper is getting better and better, and there are more smiles on my face.”

When the sound of the door closing sounded, the leader slowly sat down on the side of the bed, while she nestled herself in the other's arms, and began to check whether there were any injuries on the person's body.

(End of this chapter)

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