The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 151 Chapter 151 I Was a Demon

Chapter 151 Chapter 151 I Was Originally a Demon ([-])

'Side task: learn to be a qualified demon. (undone)'

"Okay, now that you have accepted this task, let's start by learning to walk." As a human being who has always walked on two legs, one day he suddenly became an animal walking on four legs. Habit.

Shen Mengdie first stood up tremblingly, then recalled how the cat she had raised before walked, and then started to take steps.

"Left, left, left..." She counted silently in her heart and then began to walk slowly. When she felt that she was getting used to it, she started to speed up, and just after she ran two steps, she fell down on the thick floor again with a plop. on the leaves.

"It's too difficult to walk on four legs." So in the following time, a white furry little guy was practicing walking in an open space, and the rabbit hiding in the woods was gnawing on the food in front of him. Tender Grass, after hearing the sound from here, suddenly closed her ears, looked around cautiously, and after confirming the direction, ran over bouncingly, observing curiously from the side.

She didn't know how long she had practiced, the surroundings were full of tall trees, which blocked the sunlight outside, and only spots of light projected on the ground, so even the passage of time gradually became blurred.

When she was finally able to barely move forward, she noticed the rabbit that was watching her secretly. Just as she was about to step forward, the rabbit disappeared with a whimper, looking at the fast figure , Looking at her furry paws again, she only sighed silently, and continued to walk forward. When she found a small river in front of her, she staggered and ran over.

Sticking her head out, she finally took a vague look at the calm water surface. "It's actually a fox?" Looking at her reflection, she shook her ears, and the shadow in the water also moved her ears.Although she herself liked this kind of furry animal, she was not so happy when she became like this.

The reflection in the water showed no expression from the furry face, but the drooping ears expressed the owner's frustration, and the tail that swung from time to time behind him also dropped to the ground.

Shaking her ears, she dragged her feet and left here slowly. She needed to find a safe place to rest before dark. While walking aimlessly, she suddenly felt that there seemed to be something blocking her. I followed my footsteps, but opened my eyes wide, but found nothing.

"Huh? What?" She walked to the place she touched, and stretched out her hand out of habit. Now it is the furry paw of the front paw. After a light touch, it feels like an invisible layer Like a film, it blocked her way.

She tapped her current paw hard, and could feel a slight depression inward. She didn't know what it was, and she increased her strength. When almost all her body's strength was used on her front paw, she suddenly sink in.

"Ah... what is this?" After rolling a few times, she stood up, shook the leaves on her body, and began to look at this place. "Why is it different from what I saw just now?"

The place she passed just now was full of tall trees. The thick leaves and lush weeds on the ground made sure that there was no human habitation here.But the place where she is now has a beautiful environment, abundant sunshine, low shrubs and blooming flowers everywhere, butterflies dance in it from time to time, and a few bees are working tirelessly to collect nectar.

"It's so strange, there must be a demon when things go wrong. This place is definitely not as simple as I saw." Shen Mengdie carefully observed her surroundings, carefully avoiding all the beautiful flowers, not to say that the more beautiful The more dangerous things are, so she walks lightly and moves forward little by little.

Avoiding the gorgeous plants, carefully observing the surrounding environment, when there is a slight disturbance, she will jump back violently and look over there furiously.

"Hoo hoo..." She felt that she had only walked a short distance, but it felt like a long journey.

When she found a small lake in front of her, she quickened her pace and walked slowly along the small lake. Suddenly, a giant cabbage appeared in front of her eyes. She raised her head, and she He looked at the giant cabbage in surprise. "It mutated, and it grew so big."

For some reason, she looked at this cabbage, smelled the unique fragrance of that plant, and couldn't help but wanted to take a bite. After moving her nose and sniffing the delicious smell, she Walked up slowly.She didn't realize that there were no other plants around except for this strange plant, and there wasn't even a bug in the surrounding area, so it was a little abnormal to be too quiet.

"I really want to eat, I really want to eat..." When she approached, sniffing the more intense fragrance, only this thought was left in her mind, and she rushed forward and took a bite.

"Bah, bah, bah..." She stuck out her tongue. Due to her height, she just bit into the top of the cabbage and ate a mouth full of dirt, but she didn't notice that there was no place where she bit. A little damage, not to mention her teeth marks.

"Why was it out of control just now? It seems that you still have to pay attention to safety." After carefully observing the surroundings, she found that there seemed to be no danger, and then squatted down on the spot with confidence.

"Goo..." She felt suddenly very hungry in her stomach. She hadn't eaten anything since waking up, but stretched out her paws to compare, and she actually only reached the root of the cabbage.But for the sake of her stomach, she stood up slowly, took a few steps back, made a forward movement, and then slammed at a leaf.

"Plop..." After bumping into the leaf, she quickly hugged a giant leaf, and then tried to pull it down. "It's so hard to do, why can't I pull it off."

Just as she was teetering on a big leaf, the giant cabbage suddenly moved.

"Pa..." When she was caught off guard, she was thrown straight on the ground, then rolled twice on the ground, stood up in a little embarrassment, shook her head, and the fox ears on top of her head followed her. The movement swayed left and right.

She watched the giant cabbage vigilantly, and the two furry tails behind her were blown into two fur balls because of the master's nervousness.

"It hurts..."

"Who?" Hearing a cry of pain, she looked around her left and right, not sure if anyone was watching in the dark.

PS: Today is Cabbage's birthday. This is the first birthday I have had at Qidian. I hope there will be a second one, and a third one until a long time later.

(End of this chapter)

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