The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 152 Chapter 152 I Was a Demon

Chapter 152 Chapter 152 I Was Originally a Demon ([-])

"It hurts so much when you tear the leaves."

When she heard Ye Zi, she suddenly looked at the giant cabbage in front of her, and at the same time did not forget to take a few steps back cautiously.

"Hello, are you here to play with me?" A childish voice came from the giant cabbage in front of her ears, and she scratched the furry fox ears on the top of her head in disbelief, to confirm that it was not her fantasy. listen.

"The cabbage has become a spirit, and it can actually talk."

Just when she was surprised, the other side was not happy, and the other side's giant leaves shook. "You are cabbage, and your whole family is cabbage."

"You're not a cabbage, so what are you?" She was also quite curious about what kind of plant this plant is. Its appearance is similar to ordinary cabbage, and there is no difference.

She circled around the plant in front of her a few times, looking up and down carefully.

"Huh?" She suddenly realized that something was different, but she couldn't tell.

"Hmph, I'm a spiritual plant from the fairy world." It means that you have an extraordinary status and can have a big background, which is different from ordinary plants.

"Oh, what's the difference?" It's still a plant, although the one in front of me seems to have matured, and it's bigger, yes, it just grows bigger, she nodded her head.

"Our family has been living in the fairyland. We are... are..." Meng Mengyin, who was a bit arrogant, suddenly stopped, because it suddenly couldn't remember the name of his family.

"What is it? I don't think you can tell." Shen Mengdie suddenly felt that it would not be so bad to become a fox. The plant in front of him was really funny.

"When I take shape, I will get the inheritance memory of my family. Then I can find a way to find them. Let me tell you..." It seems that because I have been here alone for too long, after meeting a After being barely considered a fellow of the same kind, it began to talk about its future plans incessantly, even forgetting that the other party wanted to eat it just now.

Shen Mengdie didn't listen to the other party's boasting, nor did she pay attention to the words behind. When she heard the word "transformation", she suddenly froze. "Wait a minute, you said avatar?"

"Yeah, by that time, I can leave here."

"Since I'm also a monster, I should be able to transform, right?" She looked at her furry paws and the two tails behind her, and said with some uncertainty.

"I think you're about to take shape, too?"

She couldn't guess what the other person's expression was now, but she could hear the envy from the words. "Avatar?"

"Yeah, haven't you found that you can speak out now?"

"Uh... I was originally..." She paused suddenly when she said this. "Yeah, I'm not a human being anymore." She flicked her tail with some melancholy, and she was still not used to the extra tail.

"I really envy you. Unless our plants can transform, we have to stay here forever."

"According to what you said, aren't you about to transform soon?" She was a little curious about what the so-called transformation was all about, and it seemed even more miraculous for plants to transform into humans, after all, plants don't have flesh and blood.

"I, I'm still very early." The voice said, gradually feeling a little lost.

"How come?" She expressed surprise. Could it be that the transformation method of plants is different from her own? She expressed confusion.

"Didn't you realize that I was talking to you directly in my mind? And we plants are completely different from your beasts."

After being reminded by the other party, she realized that she was used to this way of talking with the system all the time, so when she suddenly encountered this situation, she didn't notice the abnormality at the first time.

"Hey..." After sighing lightly, she understood that she couldn't eat the plant that looked like Chinese cabbage on the opposite side, so she changed the subject and asked, "Do you have a name, I don't know how to call you yet? "

After she finished asking this sentence, she didn't see the answer from the other side for a long time, so she smiled and shook her head. "Since you don't remember what your race is called, let me call you Caicai for now?"

"Hmm...Okay. Then I'll call you Sister Xiaohu?"

She originally wanted to say that she had a name, but after seeing her appearance, she held back the words that were about to blurt out. "Okay, Cai Cai, are you a younger brother or a younger sister?"

"Our plants don't have gender before they change form." It said here, and it didn't think there was any problem. Their plants are like this, so it needs to choose its own gender when it changes form.

"Oh, does Cai Cai know which race I am?" Shen Mengdie feels that she is a novice now, she doesn't know anything, and there is no information about herself in the system, she can only hope that she can get her from Cai Cai. expected answer.

"Ah... I don't know about this either." It has lived here since it became conscious, except for a few inherited memories it received in its ignorance, it knows nothing about it, and it is here for itself. It didn't know how long it had been there. In the past, in order to leave here earlier, it had been practicing hard and often fell into a deep sleep for a long time.And when the leaf was pulled by the opponent just now, it was also sleeping. For plants, sleeping is the best way to cultivate, because plants take much longer time to transform than beasts.

Shen Mengdie could imagine that the other party was reaching out to touch her head, with a confused look on her face, and she couldn't help looking at the other party with gentle eyes.

"Sister Fox, will you leave here?" It has been alone for too long, and in the depths of this forest, except for some animals that have not developed their intelligence, they have never met a companion to get along with.

"I'm going to be here for a while before I leave, and I don't know how to get out." She really doesn't know where she is and where she should go.

"That's great, you stay with me and I will protect you."

Shen Mengdie glanced at Cai Cai whose leaves were shaking constantly, and really didn't know how the other party was going to protect herself, but seeing the other party's good intentions, she didn't refuse any more, so she responded repeatedly. "Okay, you have to protect me."

"No problem." Cai Cai answered her affirmatively, and then shook her leaves to express her happy mood.

"Goo..." Just as she was about to continue talking to the other party, a hungry gurgling sound came from her stomach.She looked up at the sky, and found that the sun had already slanted to the west, and the sky was gradually getting dark.

"Cai Cai, I'll come to you later, I'll fill my stomach first." Shen Mengdie briefly explained to the other party, then slowly turned and walked around.

(End of this chapter)

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