The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 153 Chapter 153 I Was a Demon

Chapter 153 Chapter 153 I Was Originally a Demon ([-])

After observing the environment around her, she confirmed that there was no danger, so she began to look for something to eat.Near the low bushes nearby, she found a lot of fruits. Smelling the sweet fruit fragrance, she couldn't help but smacked her lips, and then decided to eat the fruits. She didn't know whether the fox would eat the fruits, but Now she can only find this.

"Well, the taste is better than I imagined." She smacked her lips, reminiscing about the sweet taste, and she didn't know if it was because of the good environment here, the taste of the fruit was particularly good.

What she didn't know was that the surrounding plants gradually evolved into spiritual plants because of the little spiritual energy overflowing from Cai Cai's cultivation. Good things that are hard to find are usually used for alchemy, and only she can use them as fruits to fill her stomach here.

After filling her stomach, she walked slowly to the lake she saw just now, washed the stains on her paws, and then washed the corners of her mouth with her furry paws.

"Well, it's all right." Through the calm lake, she poked her head out to look at herself, and after confirming that there was no stain, she slowly returned to Cai Cai's side in satisfaction. She really didn't know where to hide to rest here, but Since Cai Cai has never had any problems there, there must be no danger here.

After thinking this through, she squatted lightly beside the giant Caicai. At this time, the afterglow of the sun was pouring on the forest, casting a layer of dreamlike color on everything around her.

"Sister Xiaohu, I'm going to practice." After the last twilight of the sunset fell on the edge of the day, and night came, Cai Cai shook her leaves and explained to Shen Mengdie who was staying by her side.

Shen Mengdie was squatting beside the other party, staring blankly at the sky. After hearing what Cai Cai said, she looked at the other party with some doubts. "Practice?"

"Yeah, now that the moon is out, I have to practice hard and work hard to transform into form as soon as possible."

"Can you tell me how to practice?" She was at a loss for her current situation, and she had to change her form as soon as possible to leave here and find that person.

"It's our instinct, and I don't know how to say it."

"Instinct?" She looked at her furry front paws in a daze, and muttered to herself.

"Yes, we all absorb the essence of the sun and the moon to cultivate."

"Well, thank you." After confirming that the other party couldn't say anything, she began to calm down and looked straight at the bright moon in the sky. In this era of basically no pollution, the sky full of stars set off a round of bright moon , looks so charming.

Gradually, she suddenly had a very strange feeling in her heart. The stars and the bright moon shining on her body gave her an indescribable sense of comfort.

"Could this be cultivation?" She was a little uncertain for a moment. She raised her head and looked at Cai Cai who had not moved beside her. She sighed softly and silently retracted her gaze. to ponder that feeling.

After closing her eyes in a trance, this feeling became more and more obvious. The blood vessels and meridians of the body were filled with a strange force, and she didn't need to control them at all. They would run along a certain route by themselves.

When this comfortable feeling was over, she opened her eyes and found that the sky was bright at the moment, she stood up and trembled naturally, she was too lazy to resist her current physical instinct, and after scratching her ears , she feels that she is really refreshed now, she obviously didn't sleep all night last night, but now she doesn't feel tired at all.

"Cultivation means basking more in the moonlight." Since she couldn't figure it out, she planned to try again tonight, so she temporarily settled down here.There is no danger here, and there are many fruits. Every time she eats these fruits, she feels a warm current running through her body, which makes her almost sigh in comfort.

Tonight, as usual, she was bathed in the bright moonlight, and she didn't know if it was her illusion. The moon is so round today that it illuminates this place like daytime.

Ben was lying quietly beside Cai Cai, continuing her cultivation without moving a muscle. Suddenly, her body moved violently, and her limbs began to twitch uncontrollably. It turned out that the little white fox A layer of hazy white light began to shroud the surroundings, supporting her white down even more eye-catching.

At this moment, the bright moon hanging in the sky seemed to be brighter. Suddenly, a ray of light shot out from the moon. After this ray of light fell on her body, the surrounding white light became even brighter.The little white fox in the middle no longer twitched, but relaxed comfortably, as if asleep.

Cai Cai, who was originally practicing quietly, was awakened by the movement around her. After realizing that it was the little fox sister beside her, she shook her leaves a little excitedly. Although it had never seen everything in front of it, in its limited In his memory, he knew that the other party was transforming now.

And on a mountain peak thousands of miles away, a man who was meditating suddenly opened his calm, ice-filled eyes. "It's time to come." No one knew what he was talking about, after a soft sigh, he silently closed his eyes.

Here, when Shen Mengdie felt that she was cultivating smoothly, the strange force in her body started to scurry around her body uncontrollably, and at the same time, her body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably. When she was panicked and helpless, an external force calmed her current situation, and then she relaxed her body, and she was about to fall asleep in a daze.

Suddenly, a shock woke her up from the daze. She saw with her own eyes that her limbs began to elongate, her furry claws began to transform into human palms, and her hind limbs turned into human legs.

When her feet landed lightly on the ground, she staggered a few steps before stabilizing her body. After getting used to walking on all fours, she suddenly changed back to her original appearance. After walking on her legs for so many years, she quickly stepped on the ground firmly after she didn't react for a while.

After she suddenly realized what was going on with her, she caressed her body excitedly, with an uncontrollable ecstasy on her face. "Finally turned into a human."

"Congratulations, little fox sister." The giant cabbage on the side shook its leaves happily.

"Thank you." Shen Mengdie smiled happily, and then began to check her own situation.

(End of this chapter)

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