The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 154 Chapter 154 I Was a Demon

Chapter 154 Chapter 154

At the moment when she turned into an adult, many memories that did not belong to her flooded into her mind.Those memories let her finally know what race she is, and these are the inherited memories of the race.

From her memory, she learned that the original appearance of her two tails was not a deformity as she had imagined, but a sign unique to her race.The nine-tailed fairy fox is the name of their clan, the six-tailed fox was the sky fox at first, and the others are just spirit foxes. The strength depends mainly on how many tails they have cultivated. The white fox here is also called the snow fox.

The spirit fox was born with spiritual wisdom, and the three-tailed fox can transform into form, while the white fox has only developed spiritual wisdom with three tails, and can transform into form with six tails. Comparing the two, we can see the gap between them, and she is just a girl who has just learned to transform. Three-tailed fox. "Hey, I don't know how long it will take to cultivate into a nine-tailed fairy fox?"

She sighed softly and shook her head, then rubbed her hair, but suddenly found that she had actually touched her fox ear, wrapped a strand of hair and put it in front of her eyes, and found that it was also silver-white, similar to her original hair Basically the same.

"My God, what kind of monster have I become?" When she raised her hand, a water mirror appeared in front of her eyes. This was a simple spell she found from her inherited memory.Although it is easy to learn and seems useless, for her, it is simply miraculous.

Raising my eyes, I saw the person in the mirror, or should I say the demon, dressed in snow-white clothes, with snow-white and soft down on the collar and cuffs, and his feet were stomping on the ground, and all of them seemed nothing special , but the white ears on the top of the head and the three tails behind her show that she is not an ordinary person.

"There are still ears and tails." Shen Mengdie stretched out her hand and rubbed her ears lightly, a puff of numbness spread from her scalp, making her ears tremble unconsciously, and then she stroked her cheeks again. With three tails, a tingling sensation spread from the back to the scalp again, and the hair on the tail exploded uncontrollably.

"It seems that people can't let people touch these two places of me in the future. It's better to restrain them as soon as possible." After hugging her tail, she sighed silently.The clothes on her body were transformed from her fur, so she could control them as she wished. After transforming into a pair of shoes, she began to look at her current appearance.

Although she has always been her own appearance, sometimes there will be a small amount of difference. This difference comes from the inside, and she is like this now.Obviously the face is still the same as before, but now it has an inexplicable strange attraction.As her eyes flashed, a feeling of seduction came out naturally. Although she just looked ahead calmly as before, she inadvertently possessed the ability to confuse the minds of others.

"Now it seems that I can't leave here. According to the hostility of the human race towards the monster race, it is too easy for me to be killed when I go out." She is a little worried about her current appearance, but according to her inheritance memory, When you reach the four tails, you can put away your ears and tail, and then you can prepare to leave.

"It's better to continue practicing and try to leave as soon as possible." She is now getting closer and closer to her goal. According to the data, this is a world where the weak prey on the strong. Only with absolute power can she control the demon clan.The danger outside is not only from humans, but also from other monster races. Some monster races use the demon pills of other monster races to cultivate.

Looking at the center of her eyebrows with the spiritual power that she is not very proficient in, there is indeed a snow-white demon core spinning quietly. She does not understand where the demon core is only hidden in her body, but in the inheritance memory , but told that it must be well protected, and monsters without demon cores will be reduced to ordinary beasts without spiritual intelligence.

Ever since she was able to transform into a human form, she has been using this form to move around. Although her strength is too weak to maintain this form for a long time, she is also very satisfied.After learning the simple little spell, she began to leave the barrier and go outside to check the situation.After her research, this enchantment is still very advanced, and most people have to rely on luck to get in, just like her last time, last time she just entered through the weakest barrier gap by mistake and luck That's all.

When she went out to explore the forest, she was worried that she would get lost in the forest and dared not go too far.She also went to the place where she woke up for the first time, but she didn't find anything abnormal, and when she was exploring, she found that there seemed to be other monsters around. left.

Today, as usual, after collecting some fresh flowers and re-making a huge wreath to wear on top of Cai Cai's head, she greeted it. "Cai Cai, I'm going out."

"Well, sister Xiaohu, come back early." Cai Cai had gotten used to the other party's schedule during this period, so she didn't ask too much.

"Well, then I'm going." Shen Mengdie nodded her head, ran to the place where she came in last time, became a prototype, and got out from a place where the barrier was weak.Outside the barrier, there are trees and lush weeds everywhere. Every time she comes out, she basically transforms into a human form and advances. If she uses the prototype, she will almost be buried by the weeds and cannot see the road ahead.

But today the outside seemed a little uneasy. As soon as she came out, she heard the sound of fighting. Judging from the sound, the other party should be a group of people.After not seeing humans for a long time, she quietly walked over there. After pushing away the weeds in front of her, she saw three men and two women. They were fighting with a black bear. Ordinary people, can ordinary people use spells?Will ordinary people be suspended in mid-air?So she was sure that this was a group of monks who had come to practice.

And the black bear they were besieging was also extraordinary. It actually spewed out clouds of blue flames from its mouth, and when it attacked the opponent, it even ignited the surrounding trees.One of the women in a goose-yellow shirt took out something, and after muttering to herself, a burst of water extinguished the surrounding flames, and at the same time poured the black bear in the middle onto it.

"Brother, be careful." The woman shouted to a young man in white who was charging forward, with panic in her eyes.

"Roar..." Their actions made the black bear completely angry, and rushed forward regardless. At the same time, the attacking flames in its mouth became more violent, and even she who was hiding here could feel the rising temperature around her.

(End of this chapter)

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