The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 155 Chapter 155 I Was a Demon

Chapter 155 Chapter 155

I don't know the reason, but since she was able to transform into a human form, she feels the slight temperature difference very clearly, just like the temperature in the enchantment is lower than the temperature in the forest. Rain, but it has always been like that in the enchantment, and she has never seen rain in the enchantment.

While Shen Mengdie was quietly observing these people, the woman in pink who had been standing quietly at the side suddenly found her. The other person looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, and his demeanor was a little different from others, but she said Not much different.The moment the other party found her, he did not launch an attack, but shouted loudly: "There is a white fox."

As soon as Shen Mengdie heard that she was talking about herself, she hurriedly left her original hiding place, and the other party glanced at the teammate who was fighting with the black bear. Naturally, it was impossible to leave her teammate to chase her.

"It's a pity, I just want a white fox as a pet."

She heard the words of the woman in pink clearly not far away, so after Didi Liu rolled her eyes, she thought of a good way.

After returning to Cai Cai in a hurry, she shook the weeds on her body, and said apologetically, "Cai Cai, I'm going out."

"Oh, remember to come back early." Cai Cai thought that the other party was going out to play again, and at the same time she was a little envious, but she did not forget to remind the other party to come back early to accompany her.

"Cai Cai, I mean, I'm leaving this forest and going to the human land." Shen Mengdie explained patiently. Although she was a little reluctant to part with the other party, she still had her own things to do, besides, she wanted to The person he was looking for was also outside.

"Then when will you come back?" Cai Cai shook her hungry leaves and asked her with some anticipation.

When Shen Mengdie heard the other party's question, it was difficult for her to speak for a moment. After being silent for a while, she sighed and replied: "I don't know either. I will come back to see you when I have a chance."

"Sister Xiaohu, please pay attention to safety, I will wait for you to come back." It knew that it could not keep the other party, so it could only silently bless.

Shen Mengdie looked at the curly leaves of the other party. After such a long time together, she naturally understood that the other party was a little sad, but it was imperative to leave, and if she missed this time, she didn't know when she would have another suitable opportunity. So she had no choice but to say apologetically, "Well, goodbye Cai Cai."

"Goodbye, little fox sister."

"Goodbye, Cai Cai." She said silently in her heart, seemingly free and easy, but she was hiding in her heart, she knew that she might never meet such a pure and kind person or demon again.

After coming out of the enchantment, she looked back at her back, then flicked her tail, and the three tails behind her turned into one tail. This was a disguise made by her using racial skills, and she found that she actually had charm skills , this may be brought by all foxes, she is not very sure.

After realizing that she looked normal now, she came to the hiding place just now. At this time, the battle was over, and those people seemed to be packing up their trophies. The fire-breathing black bear was lying motionless just now. on the ground.

She approached cautiously, and then took the initiative to touch the grass beside her, so that the other party could find her. She had no choice but to do this in order to let these people take her away.

"Swish, swish, swish..." The slight noise of the grass sounded particularly abrupt at this moment. The person who had already let down his vigilance suddenly turned his gaze to the direction of the grass.

"It's that little white fox just now." The woman in pink shouted happily, and was about to run towards her hiding place.

When the leading man in black saw the other party's movements, he turned his gaze to the gently shaking weeds over there, and he clearly saw a touch of white passing by there.

"Help me catch it quickly." The woman in pink saw that the white fox started to escape, and quickly shouted to the people beside her.

Those people had some helpless expressions on their faces, but they still set off to chase the white fox.

Shen Mengdie saw that the other party had already taken the bait, and in order to make her performance more realistic, she naturally would not let the other party catch her easily. She led those people around in the woods, running back and forth, when she felt that the timing was right It was only when she was about to slow down that she was caught by the man rushing forward.

When her mouth was bound and delivered to the woman in pink, she obediently lowered her head motionless, rolled herself into a ball, and buried herself in her furry stomach.

"Miss Yue'er, I'll leave this little thing to you, be careful of it hurting people."

"It's okay, it can't hurt me." The girl Yue'er in pink was the one who wanted to catch the white fox as a pet just now, and the other party was stroking the petite and motionless white fox in her hand at this moment.

"Then let's go back. This trip is still far away from your Qiongye Sect. We have to hurry up." The young man in black who looked like the leader was a big disciple of another small sect. The senior brothers and sisters of the school came out to practice, but they just met Ren Yueer, the granddaughter of the third elder of the Qiongye Sect who came out to practice alone.

If you want to say what kind of sect the Qiongye sect is, I'm afraid I can't finish it for a few days and nights. The Qiongye sect can be said to be one of the largest large sects in Zhongzhou, with many disciples, far from their own small sect.Because they knew how much opportunity Ren Yue'er would bring to him, they decided to escort him back to the Qiongye Sect after discussing it. Naturally, the benefits of them would be indispensable.

If you want to talk about why they need to be escorted by them, it's about the first time they met. They were passing a mountain that day when they met Ren Yue'er who was being hunted down. , several people rescued each other, and then this is the current situation.

If you want to talk about why Ren Yue'er was hunted down, it's because although the Qiongye sect is a big sect, there are always a few people who don't care about life and death, want to kill for money, and only value immediate interests. The precious magic weapon used, suddenly became greedy, and then gave birth to malice.

Shen Mengdie curled up in Ren Yue'er's arms at this time, quietly listening to the conversation of several people, feeling a little confused for a while, confused.Now her plan is half successful, as long as the other party takes her away from here, she can find her goal.

In the next few days, several people have been on their way, and this forest is also surprisingly large. Compared with her imagination, it is many times larger, and it is full of dangers everywhere. The more dangerous the place, the more dangerous it will be. There are great opportunities waiting for everyone. During this period, she also observed the actions of several people, but she couldn't see any difference.

(End of this chapter)

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