The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 156 Chapter 156 I Was a Demon

Chapter 156 Chapter 156 I Was Originally a Demon ([-])

Whenever night came, the team would take out tents and other items from their respective storage spaces for camping. She curiously observed each other's storage items, but she was a little puzzled as she had never touched them.

In the past few days of being cute and obedient, she has been staying with that girl Ren Yue'er. The other party has loosened her grip on her, but she doesn't know where to find a beautiful chain to tie her up.

Although the chain around her neck couldn't do her any harm, and she could easily break free if she wanted to, she always wanted to scratch the chain uncomfortably.

"Ah, we're finally out." Ren Yue'er hugged the white fox in her arms, looked at the bright sunshine in front of her, and sighed with a chuckle.

Shen Mengdie shook her ears, poked her head out quietly, and looked at the world outside the forest.At the same time, a reminder that the side mission was completed came from his mind.

'Side task: learn to be a qualified demon. (completed)'

It wasn't until this moment that she breathed a sigh of relief. During these days of walking in the forest, she finally understood how lucky she was back then.In this place where there are hidden dangers everywhere, if she hadn't stumbled into the enchantment of the secret realm by mistake at the beginning, just because she just arrived and couldn't even walk steadily, she would definitely be caught by the people here. The monsters were dismembered.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and the fluff on her body suddenly exploded with her movements.

When Ren Yue'er was lamenting that she had finally left the dangerous situation, she suddenly noticed something strange in her arms. After realizing that the fox had exploded, she thought that the other party was panicked and uncomfortable because of a new environment, so she raised her hand to caress Touching the other person's head, he comforted him: "Xiaobai, don't be afraid, I will take you away right away."

That's right, when the other party regarded her as a pet, Shen Mengdie was forced to take such a name by the other party. If the other party didn't answer when calling her, the other party would make her hungry.

"Finally came out." The young man in the lead patted his robe, agreed in agreement, then glanced at the tired brothers and sisters beside him, raised his hand, and pointed forward. "There is a big city not far ahead, let's go there and rest for a while before continuing."

They didn't intend to come here at first. The forest behind them is the largest monster forest in Zhongzhou. There are many fierce beasts and monsters living in it, and almost no one has set foot in the middle area.

Although it is very dangerous here, there are many precious spiritual plants and monsters that are not available outside. The greater the danger, the greater the opportunity, so every year countless monks take risks to explore.

Although they did not enter the most central part of the forest during this trip, they found a lot of good things in the middle area. If they go further in, there may be greater gains, but the danger is also great, and They were going to escort people back this time, so they didn't dare to venture forward again.

A group of people headed towards the city full of exhaustion, their nerves were tense all the time in the forest, and now they were finally safe, and finally they couldn't resist the exhaustion that swept over them.Even Ren Yue'er, who had been protected by everyone, looked tired. Although she didn't face the danger directly, she didn't rest well.

So when everyone came to this city, they quickly found an inn and had an early rest.

Shen Mengdie has always maintained the form of a fox, and when everyone began to rest, she started her own activity time.

"Is there something different about this place?" She squatted on the window sill, looking at the scenery outside the window. This was a world that was not nearly the same as before.And the feeling of being an outsider became more and more obvious at this moment, like duckweed, unable to find his own home.

A group of people arrived here at about noon, so after everyone rested, she looked at the street outside, a little unsure whether to leave now.

"Is it appropriate to leave now?" She looked back at the person who was sleeping soundly on the bed, pulled the iron chain around her neck with her claws, and flicked her tail silently.

"It's still because my knowledge is too shallow. I'm afraid that some powerful people will see through my disguise. When I'm in the crowd, I'm afraid it will be a bad luck." She knew that her best destination was to go to the demon world, where she could live in the human world. The territory is too dangerous. "But I still have to go find him."

She didn't know where that keen intuition came from, but she was sure that the man was on human territory.While thinking secretly like this, time passed by, and the people on the bed also woke up.

"Xiaobai." Ren Yue'er sat up, straightened her hair, and was about to look for her new pet.

Helplessness flashed across Shen Mengdie's heart, but she immediately put away her contemplative expression and shook her ears. "Aw..."

"Are you hungry, Xiaobai? I'll take you out to eat now." After taking care of herself, Ren Yueer stepped forward and hugged the little fox gently, and then slowly came to the hall. At the same time, several other People have been waiting in the lobby for a long time.

After a simple dinner, while the sky was still dark, a few people discussed going out for a stroll. After all, this is the time when the night market just started. There are some good things in this city, so everyone wants to go Pick up a leak.

Shen Mengdie turned her agile eyes, and decided to leave quietly while it was dark.

After the few people left the inn together, they went to wander around separately. In this city, generally speaking, it is relatively safe, and no one would not want to make trouble here.The city lord here is a powerful man. Although he doesn't show up very much, there are a group of elites patrolling all the time to protect the peace of this side.

"Girl, here are all good things. Look at this." A middle-aged man picked up a rusty dagger from his booth and handed it to Ren Yue'er. "Look, this is a good thing. I found it from a ruin. Don't look at its ugly appearance, it has a lot of background. Look at the patterns on it..."

"This..." The magic weapon Ren Yue'er has been using is a gift from the elders in the sect. When she saw the rusty dagger, she frowned slightly and shook her head.

The middle-aged man straightened his beard, glanced at the other party's clothes, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, then took out a hosta from his pocket, and handed it carefully to the other party.

"Girl, look at this jade hairpin. It is handed down from my grandfather's generation. It is a rare item that my grandfather obtained in a secret place decades ago. If I didn't see that you sincerely wanted to buy it, I would not be willing to take it away." come out."

(End of this chapter)

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