The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 167 Chapter 167 I Was a Demon

Chapter 167 Chapter 167
"I know he doesn't like the way I am now, but I want him to accept the real me. Is there something wrong with that?" She couldn't help asking herself in her heart, looking at her feet with lowered eyes stones.

Fairy Youlian looked at the man in front of her with a sad face, trying to persuade him to return. "I knew you were doing it for this beast. How could it be better than me? Why are you so obsessed with it?"

"The one who is obsessed with obsession is you, you should go back." Shen Mengdie couldn't help choking when she heard the woman's words. She finally understood that the woman in front of her was really obsessed with pestering her, but Elder Wenjun didn't want to be with her. The other party spoke to each other, but due to the identity and past of the other woman, there were some words that she didn't want to say, and she couldn't say them.And the other party kept saying that she was a beast, which also made her very upset.

"You bastard, shut up, you don't have the place to talk here." Fairy You Lian gave the man a hard look, looked down at him with a contemptuous smile on the corner of her mouth.


"I'm talking with your master now, you are not qualified to speak." The woman quickly interrupted Shen Mengdie's words, and then calmly looked at Elder Wenjun who was frowning slightly. "Wen Wen, I know you are still brooding over the past, but you shouldn't be fooled by this beast. You and I both know that monsters are always insidious and cunning. I think it just wants to get rid of it. You're just getting benefits here." She belittled Shen Mengdie both inside and out, and in her eyes, a beast is a beast and should not be seen by anyone.

"Don't talk nonsense." Elder Wen Jun was looking at the little white fox that had turned into a human form out of the corner of his eye at the moment. He couldn't face the other person's appearance, he hesitated, and also felt a little anxious.As for Fairy Youlian's words, he didn't want to explain anything.

"Whether I was talking nonsense, you should know in your own mind. I advise you to kill it, or you will regret it sooner or later."

At this time, Shen Mengdie had already stood up by herself. She stood silently behind Elder Wen Jun, and she also wanted to know what kind of attitude the person in front of her had towards her. The other party didn't like her current appearance, but her current The appearance is the closest to the original appearance.

"You don't need to worry, I will take care of my own affairs." Elder Wen Jun lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking. He also had his own considerations for talking to the other party here today. He wanted to clear his mind.

"Wen Wen, are you in love with this beast? How could could you..." The woman's aggressive words brought a little anger to Elder Wenjun's calm eyes.

"You think too much, how could I..." He originally wanted to say how he could fall in love with a beast, but when he glanced at the expectant eyes of the person beside him, he lightly closed his eyes. "She's just a monster, and how could I fall in love with a monster. I know the nature of a monster myself, so I don't need you to remind me."

Shen Mengdie always thought that in the eyes of the other party, even if she was not the one who was placed in her heart, she was at least a pet. Now the words the other party said were like a sharp sword piercing her heart.

"Is that so? No wonder you never let me turn into a human. Is it because you are afraid that I, a monster, will steal your heart?" It's unbelievable, she doesn't understand how it became like this, what's wrong, or she really did something wrong.

Elder Wenjun saw the other party's appearance, and wanted to step forward to hold him back, but reason stopped him, and after closing his eyes, he said in a deep voice, "Yes, monsters and people are originally It's an adversarial relationship."

Shen Mengdie didn't need the other party to say anything more, she understood what the other party's words meant, and after glancing at the sarcastic gaze of the woman who was chatting with her just now, she quickly turned around and ran away.

"I need to be alone and quiet." She said to herself in her heart, but the falling tears and messy steps made her feel like running away.

Elder Wenjun withdrew his gaze, clenched his fist tightly, and turned to look at the smiling woman behind him. "Are you satisfied now?"

"Oh, it's not my fault, you know, I'm helping you."

"Then you can go back now."

"No, I will stay with you." She made up her mind to take advantage of this opportunity to stay by the other party's side. Isn't it said that women chase men's interlayer gauze, and she will try it today.

"In that case, I will not accompany you." After flicking his sleeves, Elder Wen Jun strode towards the direction where the little white fox left just now.He now regrets what he said just now, and now he is going to find the other party back. "She was so dazed, she didn't watch under my nose, what should I do if she was bullied or abducted?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but quicken his pace a lot.

"Yi Wenwen, I won't give up, you just wait to take over."

The woman's shouts reverberated across the valley, but the person she called to had long since disappeared.

After Shen Mengdie ran away from the sight of the two, she turned into a six-tailed sky fox, and ran down the back mountain like an afterimage.

"Da da da……"

A little white fox was squatting alone under a big tree, with tears in his blue eyes falling on the leaves below him. "why……"

She couldn't help asking herself in her heart, but she still couldn't get an answer. In a trance, she felt as if she had returned to her real campus, surrounded by tall trees and fallen leaves everywhere, and she was squatting on the ground , in front of her was her old friend Wu Nan, who was looking at her worriedly.

"Ninny?" She remembered that she was clearly in the back mountain of the Qiongye School, but now she suddenly returned to the school in the real world. For a moment, she looked around her in confusion.

And just when she stood up and was about to touch her friend, the picture in front of her was artificially broken like a mirror.All kinds of pictures floated in front of her eyes. For her who had never seen such a situation before, everything looked so incredible.

"This is..." At that moment when she opened and closed her eyes, she came to her senses again and found that she was still in the original position, and she still looked like a fox. "Strange? What's the situation now?"


"What sound?" She frowned slightly, and quickly looked behind her, a familiar face came into her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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